

Research on Sustainable Development of Tourism in Ethnic Village Based on the Cultural Capital Theory

【作者】 刘孝蓉

【导师】 李江风;

【作者基本信息】 中国地质大学 , 资源产业经济, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 人类正在步入崭新的文化经济时代,文化生产力将成为未来世界竞争的重要手段。文化经济是对知识经济内涵的扩展和深化,文化对于当代社会经济产生了巨大影响,文化消费日渐发展,文化经济化与经济文化化逐渐成为社会发展的趋向。近年来,民族地区旅游发展迅猛。以民族文化为主要吸引物,以民族乡村风光为依托的民族村寨旅游受到越来越多游客的喜爱与认同。民族村寨是少数民族群体聚居的地方,在旅游开发中,原始、古朴、传统的民族村寨,一瞬间开放为跨文化交流的前沿阵地,在推动地方经济发展的同时,对地方文化、环境造成负面影响,包括文化生态失衡,利益相关者冲突、社区内部不和谐、自然环境遭到破坏等问题,旅游村寨可持续发展问题受到严峻挑战。文化资本理论最早由法国社会学家布迪厄提出,在教育学、社会学领域得到广泛运用,近年来,西方学者越来越倾向于研究文化资本的经济增长功能,探讨文化资本与个人发展的关系,研究文化产品与文化产业,以及文化体制、制度对企业、国家乃至全球经济的影响。由于文化资本理论具有强大的分析功能与较完整的分析框架,对文化资源的资本转化,文化生产与再生产,文化资本的循环、周转、积累、市场运作均有涉及,能够为民族文化的生产、运营、发展、保护提供独特的分析视角和理论构架。目前我国民族村寨旅游可持续开发的研究中,定量化研究较少,没有从文化资本角度对民族旅游村寨进行研究的前例,而现有文化资本方面的研究也少见主要关注小尺度,小范围,非主流文化的少数民族文化资本的研究,这正是本文开展民族旅游村寨文化资本研究的依据。本论文基于这样的认识:民族文化旅游景区不断上演的利益纷争和群体性事件根本原因是旅游吸引物价值及其归属不明确,导致的旅游收益分配不公,只有从经济上实现旅游吸引物价值认可,并通过法律保障民族村寨社区与村民的财产权利,才能从根本上解决景区各利益相关者无限重复博弈所导致的“共输”问题。民族旅游村寨不能以牺牲环境效益和社会效益为代价而单纯谋求经济效益,现有民族村寨的开发方式普遍以短期经济利益为主,长此以往,民族村寨旅游发展的文化根基将被掏空,民族文化将会失去原生的土壤,文化的重构赋予文化新的意义,传统的异质性的民族的特色的文化将会逐步消失,外来各利益相关的掘金者在获得自身短期利益满足以后将会撤退,而对于世代生活在民族村寨的村民将面对面目全非的地方文化,四分五裂的价值观体系而无所适从,因此在民族村寨旅游开发之初,就必须以民族村寨的长远可持续发展为前提,充分考虑社区长远的和谐与稳定。本文研究的目的是希望通过对现有民族旅游村寨不可持续现状的分析,寻找不可持续问题背后的深层次原因,探寻民族旅游村寨可持续发展的根本对策。为此,本文首先分析了民族旅游村寨目前的现实困境和相关理论的局限,提出了民族文化资本化解决问题的思路,其次,通过对民族文化合适价值评估方法的寻找,结合产权理论在民族旅游村寨的运用,为文化资本化提供了方法思路与理论架构,在此基础上,寻找民族旅游村寨文化资本化的实现路径。为了验证方法的可行性,本文选取了贵州典型的民族旅游村寨代表景区--西江千户苗寨作为实证研究,为西江千户苗寨基于文化资本化实现的可持续发展路径进行了探讨。全文共分三个部分共八章对民族旅游村寨的文化资本进行研究。第一章对研究理论背景与现实背景进行分析,探讨了文化资本化研究的意义,界定了主要研究内容及结构安排,并分析了论文的创新之处。第二章针对论文的关键词,进行了理论综述。分析了文化资本与文化资本化的缘起、研究方向、研究进展,梳理了民族旅游村寨的研究现状与理论缺陷,并对旅游可持续发展的研究现状与进展进行了述评。在此基础上,对论文的理论基础进行了简要介绍,包括产权理论、价值理论、利益相关者理论、社区参与理论、社区增权理论。第三章主要探讨民族旅游村寨文化资本实现与可持续发展的关联。论文首先分析了现有民族村寨旅游发展的四种典型性开发模式,分别是政府主导的开发模式,企业主导的开发模式,村民主导的开发模式与NGO主导的开发模式。在以上四种开发模式中,存在着一些普遍问题。文章通过深入分析,发现这些问题的症结解决路径统一指向两个方向,一个是利益分配机制的建立,一个是开发能力的培养。而这两个问题可以在文化资本视角下统一到同一个框架下。现有对这两个问题的理论研究主要集中于利益相关者理论与社区参与理论。利益相关者理论为剖析景区内部存在的问题提供了有力工具,主要提出了利益相关者共同治理模式与多中心治理模式,但不足以解决民族村寨文化发展的问题。而社区参与及其社区增权理论为旅游景区参与式开发与内部增权提供了理想的思路,但是两个理论本身更多的停留在理论层面,同时由于我国旅游景区老百姓普遍被动参与的现状与我国民主制度现有的缺陷,两者不能从根本上解决村民参与能力建设与利益分享的公正机制缺失问题。在此基础上,本文提出了利用文化资本及其转化理论解决民族旅游村寨问题的思路。为了证明笔者的逻辑,本文建立了民族旅游村寨可持续发展目标体系,并通过分析民族村寨旅游开发中各利益相关者利益诉求,将两者建立关联,分析得出只有民族村寨村民的利益诉求与民族旅游村寨的可持续发展目标最为契合,因此,保障村民的利益诉求,即是保障民族旅游村寨的可持续发展。而保障村民的利益诉求,第一步须要实现民族文化的资本化。第四章主要探讨民族旅游村寨文化资本化实现的前提--村寨旅游资源总体经济价值评估。论文首先根据现有对民族文化分类体系的研究,结合民族旅游村寨资源构成状况,将民族旅游村寨文化分为物质文化与非物质文化两大体系,并将物质文化分为建筑文化、服饰文化、饮食文化、医药文化、农业文化五类,将非物质文化分为节庆文化、歌舞文化,语言文化、宗教文化、生态文化、礼仪文化、工艺文化七类。由于民族村寨本身是自身文化与当地环境互动的结果,周边的自然生境是经文化改造的生境,已成为文化的一部分。同时,游客在对民族村寨旅游目的地进行选择时,常常是基于对民族村寨旅游吸引物的整体认知而形成旅游欲望,在旅游体验中,也是对村寨整个文化生态系统的感知与体验。因此论文将民族村寨文化看成一个文化生态系统,不区分民族旅游村寨的不同资源要素,也不对文化子系统进行细分,统一对民族村寨文化资源的总体价值进行评估。文章认为民族旅游村寨文化价值评估有利于提高利益各方对文化价值的认知,促进民族村寨旅游资源有效配置,为村民分配文化收益提供标准,利于对村寨旅游开发中的成本-收益进行核算。结合现有对文化价值与旅游资源价值评估方法的优劣势分析,本文选用个人旅行费用法(ITCM, Individual Travel Cost Method)评估民族旅游村寨游憩价值,选用意愿价值法(CVM, Contingent Valuation Method)评估其非使用价值,两者加总构成民族旅游村寨文化总经济价值。第五章,探讨民族旅游村寨文化资本实现的基础--产权界定。本章通过对旅游资源产权功能的分析,认为产权可以从对主客体的激励角度提高村民对旅游开发的支持度与满意度,从根本上解决民族村寨旅游目的地利益分配不公而导致的社区矛盾,减少民族村寨旅游开发的公地悲剧与负外部性问题,实现民族村寨文化资源的有效配置与合理利用,从根本上保障村民利益,实现民族村寨文化良性传承和对自然环境的保护。而民族村寨现有产权缺失,产权界定不清,产权运营“政企不分”,景区利益相关者交易成本高,导致村寨旅游资源浪费与破坏。分析认为民族村寨旅游资源的所有权主体是村寨集体,产权客体应该包括现有自然与人文方面通过劳动付出所构成的自然景观与文化景观以及民族文化本身。集体应该享有民族村寨旅游资源的占有权、使用权、收益权、处置权。集体有权对民族村寨旅游开发方式、发展途径、资本引进、门票价格,景区内食住行游购娱相关服务产品的设立与收益享有决定权,并有权对景区的所有权、经营权实行转让、变更、撤销的权利。现有政府推进的开发模式侵犯了集体的权利,剥夺了集体的主体地位,应严格遵守扶持村寨的职责,还权与民,单独实行管理职能,而集体需要建立村内监督机制,保障村民内部利益的分配,帮助村民真正分享产权带来的收益。第六章主要探讨民族旅游村寨文化资本实现的具体路径。论文首先分析了民族旅游村寨文化的资本属性,认为民族旅游村寨文化具有价值性、收益性,能够积累和产生增殖,具备实现资本转化的潜能。借鉴现有学者对文化资本的划分,并结合民族旅游村寨的实际,本文将民族文化资本分为实体文化资本与虚体文化资本,并认为实体文化资本的实现需要通过文化资源的产品化,文化产品的市场化,文化市场化运营与管理三个步骤来实现,而虚体文化资本需要通过身体化形态与体制化形态文化资本的提升加以实现。第七章是对西江干户苗寨文化资本转化的实证研究,文章首先分析了西江千户苗寨的文化旅游资源的构成状况,探查了其旅游发展的历程,并利用6年来的观测对比找出了西江千户苗寨旅游开发中存在的问题,认为西江千户苗寨存在环境破坏、文化变异、过度商业化及景区矛盾冲突的问题。论文紧接着通过对西江千户苗寨旅游开发核心利益相关者利益诉求的描述性统计,分析了各方的利益诉求,在此基础上利用ITCM方法评估了西江千户苗寨的游憩价值,利用CVM方法评估了景区非使用价值,得出西江千户苗寨旅游经济总价值为21.8亿元。通过对西江千户苗寨现有产权现状的分析,论文认为应该将西江千户苗寨旅游资源产权主体界定为村寨集体,将现有无主产权自然景观权、文化景观权及民族文化产权界定为村寨集体的产权客体,保障村寨集体行使旅游资源所有权主对旅游开发决策的权利,实现三权分离。最后本文提出西江千户苗寨文化资本转化路径,包括创新文化产品开发,提升文化产品市场竞争力,培养村民文化生产能力,推动民族地区文化制度建设。第八章对全文的研究内容进行总结,在分析存在不足的基础上,对今后的研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Mankind is entering a new era of cultural economy; the competition in the future will be culture competition. Culture economy is the extension and deepening of connotation of the knowledge economy. With the development of culture consumption, culture has the great impact on modern social economic, and culture economics and economic civilization gradually become the trend of social development.In recent years, tourism is flourishing in ethnic areas. The tourism based on ethnic rural scenery, and of which main attraction is ethnic culture, is well recognized and loved by more and more tourists. Ethnic village is a place where ethnic minority groups live. With the development of tourism, the original, primitive, traditional villages become forefront of intercultural communication instantly, which will promote economic development. However, at the same time, it may cause a negative impact on local culture, environment, cultural and ecological imbalances, which include culture ecological imbalance, Stakeholder conflict, the disharmony of internal community and destruction of natural environment. The sustainable development of ethnicCultural Capital Theory, which was first proposed by The French sociologist Bourdieu, has been widely used in Pedagogy and Sociology. In recent years, western scholars increasing study on cultural economic function of cultural capital, relationship between cultural capital and personal development, cultural products and cultural industries and the impact on enterprise, area and nation of which cultural system cause. Cultural Capital Theory, because of its powerful analysis function and the complete analysis framework, and its relation to circulation, turnaround, accumulation of cultural capital, is able to provide unique analytical insight and theoretical framework for ethnic culture.At present, study on sustainable tourism of ethnic village contains less quantitative research, and there is no precedent of research on ethnic villages with the "Culture capital theory" perspective. The paper based on this understanding, conflicts of interest and the ethnic cultural tourism scenic spot has been played out mass incidents root cause is the value and tourist attractions are not clear, lead to the tourism income inequality, only realize the tourist attractions from the economic value, and through the legal safeguard ethnic village community and the villagers’ rights to property, in order to fundamentally solve the scenic area as a result of various stakeholders infinite repeated game "lose-lose" problem.Villages of ethnic tourism cannot be at the expense of environmental benefits for the economic benefits and social benefits at the expense of simple, existing ways of the development of the ethnic villages of common short-term economic interest is given priority to, in the long term, the culture of the ethnic village tourism development foundations will be hollowed, ethnic culture will lose its native soil, reconstructing culture new meaning of culture, traditional heterogeneity of the national characteristics of culture will gradually disappear, foreign various stakeholders of the nuggets will retreat after get to meet their own short-term interests, but for generations live in ethnic village villagers will face recognition of local culture, the value of the fragmented system and uncertain, so at the beginning of the ethnic villages of tourism development, it must be on the premise of ethnic villages of long-term sustainable development, give full consideration to the harmony and stability of the community in the long run.The purpose of this study is to find the profound reasons behind the unsustainable problem, which analyzing unsustainable status quo of the tourism in ethnic Village, and to explore the fundamental countermeasures for the sustainable development of the tourism in ethnic villages. For this reason, this article analyzes the realistic predicament of the national tourist villages and the limitations of existing theories at first, and then puts forward the idea to solve the national culture capitalization. Secondly, through finding suitable assessment methods of national culture, the article provides the methods and the theoretical framework for the cultural capitalization combining with the using of theory of property rights in the national tour of the village. Based on this, the article also looks for the realization of culture capitalization path of the tourism in ethnic village. In order to verify the feasibility, this article selects the typical representative of the villages of ethnic tourism scenic area called Xi jiang miao village in Guizhou city as empirical study to discuss the implementation of sustainable development path of the culture capitalization of the Xijiang miao village. The Paper is divided into three parts consisted of nine chapters to study the cultural capital of tourism in ethnic village.Chapter Ⅰ analyzes the theoretical and practical background of the research, discusses the significance of cultural capitalization, defines the main research content and structural arrangements, and analyzes the difficulties and innovation of the paper.Chapter Ⅱ carries on the theoretical review according to the keywords in the thesis, and respectively analyzes the cultural capital theory and the origin of cultural capital theory, research direction and research progress of capitalization, research status and theoretical defects of ethnic village tourism, the sustainable development of tourism research progress both at home and abroad. On this basis, the present situations of the study on three aspects have carried on the brief review. Lastly, all the above, carries on the brief introduction for the four most relevant theories which mainly used for this article, including property rights theory, value theory, stakeholder theory, theory of community participation.Chapter Ⅲ mainly discusses the necessity of research on the cultural capitalization of the tourism in ethnic village.The article first analyzes four typical development patterns for the development of current ethnic village tourism, namely government-led development model, community-led development model, the villagers-led development model and NGO-led development model, in the above four kinds of development mode, generally there are some problems. In this paper, based on the thoroughly analysis, we have found out that the development problem of ethnic village tourism unified point to two directions, one is the establishment of the interest distribution mechanism, the other one is the development ability, and this two problems, can be unified to the same framework under the perspective of cultural capital. Existing theoretical research on these two issues focused on stakeholder theory and community participation theory. Stakeholder theory provides a powerful tool for the analysis of the problems that exist within the area, and mainly puts forward the stakeholders co-governance mode and polycentric governance mode, which is not enough to solve the problem of cultural development of ethnics village. Community participation theory and community empowerment theory provide an ideal thought for the scenic spots participatory development and the internal empowerment. However, the two theories themselves are more at the theoretical level, and due to current situation that common people generally passive participation in traveling scenic area and deficiencies of the existing democratic system in our country, so they cannot fundamentally solve the issues that the villagers who participated in capacity building and benefit sharing mechanism are lack of justice. On this basis, this paper puts forward cultural capital theory which is possible to solve the problem of tourism in ethnic village. In order to prove the author’s logic, this paper establishes the sustainable development target system of tourism in ethnic village, and by analyzing the interested demands of stakeholders in the development of ethnics village tourism, associates them and concludes that only the interested demands of the villagers in ethnics village fits most with the sustainable development goals of tourism in ethnic village, therefore, protecting the interest demands of villagers is equal to the protection of sustainable development of ethnics village tourism.Chapter IV focuses on the overall value assessment of cultural resources in tourism in ethnic villages. Firstly, based on the existing classification of national culture, the culture of these ethnic villages is divided into two systems, which is material culture and non-material culture, combining with the constitution of resources in ethnic tourism villages. The material culture is divided into architectural culture, clothing culture, food culture, medicine culture, and agricultural culture. The non-material culture is divided into festival culture, dance culture, language culture, religion cultural, ecological culture, etiquette culture, and craft culture. Since the ethnic village itself is the outcome of interaction between its own culture and the local environment, the surroundings which is modified by the culture have become part of the culture. Meanwhile, when selecting destinations, tourists are often attracted by the overall cognitive of ethnic villages. This visit will be not only a travel for tourists, but also perception and experience on the whole culture village ecosystem. Therefore, this thesis takes ethnic villages culture as a cultural and ecological system, which does not distinguish between different ethnic tourism village resource elements, nor subdivide cultural subsystems. It unifies the overall value assessment of cultural resources in tourism in ethnic villages. This article thinks that this assessment will improve the awareness of all parties on the value of the culture and promote the effective allocation of tourism in ethnic villages, providing standards for the villagers on allocation of cultural benefits. It will do the accounting on cost and revenue in the development of tourism. Combining with the existing analysis on cultural values and assessment methods of tourism resources value, this paper chooses Individual Travel Cost Method(ITCM) to assess the recreational value of ethnic tourism villages, selecting Contingent Valuation Method(CVM) to assess its non-use values. Both of them constitute the sum total of economic value of culture in ethnic villages.Chapter V discusses the definition of property rights which is the foundation/basis to implement the cultural capital theory of tourism in ethnic village. Analyzing the function of tourism resources ownership, this chapter maintains that property rights can improve the support degree and satisfaction towards tourism development of villagers from the perspective of incentives for subjects and objects, it can also give the fundamental solution to community conflicts caused by unfair distribution of benefits of the ethnic villages tourist destination, reduce the tragedy of the commons and the negative externalities during the development of ethnic village tourism, achieve the efficient allocation and rational utilization of cultural resources in ethnic villages, fulfill the benign heritage of ethnic villages cultural and the protection of natural environment. There is a waste of resources and destruction of village tourism, resulting from the lack of ethnic villages existing property rights, the ill-definition of property rights, a mixture of government administration and enterprise management in property rights operation, the high transaction costs between stakeholders of the scenic spot. By analyzing, it is believed that village collective is the main ownership of ethnic village tourism resources, and the property right object include the natural and-cultural landscape value attached on existing natural objects, as well as the he existing tourism resources. Collective should enjoy the rights of possession, use, usufruct, disposition of ethnic village tourism resources. Collective should enjoy decision-making power both on development methods, development approach, capital introduction, ticket prices of ethnic village tourism, and on the establishment and benefits of products and services of food, housing, travel and entertainment in scenic spots. Meanwhile, they can transfer, change, and withdraw the ownership and management right of the scenic spot. Existing development model promoted by government violates collective rights, deprives dominant position of collective. The government should strictly observe responsibilities to support village, delegate rights back to people, and implement management functions alone. At the same time, the village collective needs to build internal oversight mechanism to protect the allocation of the villagers internal interests and to help the villagers realize the benefits produced by property rights.Chapter VI mainly discusses the specific path how to achieve cultural capital in ethnic tourism villages. First of all, it is believed that ethnic tourism village culture has value and profitability, would accumulate and produce appreciation, is potential for capital conversion, by analyzing the capital property of tourism culture in ethnic village. Based on existing division of cultural capital drawn by others scholars, combined with the actual conditions of tourism in ethnic village, this article divided national cultural capital into tangible cultural capital and incorporeal cultural capital. Tangible cultural capital can be achieved by three steps, productization of cultural resources, marketization of cultural products and market-oriented operations and management of cultural market, while incorporeal cultural capital needs to be realized by improving the embodied forms and institutionalized forms of cultural capital.Chapter VII is an empirical research into cultural capital transformation of the Xijiang Miao Village. Firstly, the article analyzes the constitution of cultural tourism resources in Xijiang Miao Village, explores its tourism development course, identifies the problems during its tourism development course using six years of observation data. Results show that there exist several problems, such as environmental damage, cultural variation, excessive commercialization and scenic spot contradictions and conflicts. In addition, by using the descriptive statistics method, the article describes and analyzes the interests demand of four core stakeholders. Based on600questionnaires of visitors in Xijiang Miao Village, the article uses ITCM methods to assess recreational value of Xijiang Miao Village, and uses CVM methods to assess non-use values of the area, result shows that the total value of its tourism economy is21.8billion yuan. According to the status analysis of existing property rights, the article holds that property right subject of tourism resources in Xijiang Miao Village should be the ethnic village collective. Moreover, the existing ownerless property, such as the natural landscape right, cultural landscape right and ethnic cultural right should be defined as the object property right of the ethnic village collective, in this way, the main decision-making rights for tourism development of the ethnic village collective can be protected, and the three property rights can be divided. At last, the article put forwards cultural capital conversion path of Xijiang Miao Village, including how to develop innovative cultural products, lift market competitiveness of cultural products, provide some trains for villagers to improve its cultural production ability and promote national regional cultural system construction.In Chapter Ⅷ, deficiencies of the research are summarized and the future research directions are discussed.


