

The Research on Rescue Operation in1900

【作者】 冯志阳

【导师】 周武;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 历史社会学, 2012, 博士

【摘要】 光绪庚子辛丑年间,先是义和团短暂地占据京津地区,后是八国联军对于京城将近一年的占领与统治(对天津的战时统治更是长达两年)。由于变起仓猝,东南各省官绅商民在京津者,大部分来不及出逃而置身于北方混乱秩序的险境之中。与此同时,远在上海的部分东南绅商起而呼吁,号召东南各省官绅商民合力救援被困于京津地区的东南人士这是一次规模庞大的救援行动。当时的朝廷重臣与疆吏领袖,如李鸿章、奕劻、张之洞、刘坤一、袁世凯等均参与其中。救援行动中最重要的两个救援组织救济善会与东南济急善会(前身是济急善局)可以说是直接秉承时任全权大臣李鸿章的意旨而设立。盛宣怀作为东南济急善会的主要负责人,以李鸿章的名义向“各省督抚河漕提镇藩臬运道”发电呼吁“设法劝助各省同志”,并得到各省督抚的积极响应。这一事实表明,庚子救援的动员规模事实上是超越了东南各省的范围,直接面向全国。从救援效果来看,仅救济善会“由直北渡回南者计七千余人”,而将被难官商士民救援回南不过是庚子救援行动的成果之一。随着京城秩序的逐渐恢复,许多京官并不愿意渡海回南,因此在朝廷俸禄尚无法指望的庚子秋冬之季,留守京城的京官们主要依靠东南济急善会通过各种方式筹汇至京的款项度日,据李鸿章奏稿言,东南济急善会“先后汇款至五十余万两”。此外,救济善会与东南济急善会还在京津地区开办平粜局、施衣“数万套”、“掩埋白骨几万千”、“米面医药不计其数”。本文主要通过《申报》、《中外日报》、《新闻报》等报刊资料,与陆树藩的《救济日记》及相当于救济善会征信录的《救济文牍》,同时还有盛宣怀档案资料选辑之七《义和团运动》和上海图书馆所藏“盛档”之未刊部分,对庚子救援行动的缘起、组织、过程、结果以及影响等进行了详细叙述与探讨,比较完整地呈现了庚子救援行动的全貌。在此基础上,本文认为庚子年南北对立的形成与19世纪中外贸易的南北差异有重大关系。以丝茶为主的出口格局使得从对外贸易中获利的主要是东南各省,因为丝茶产区主要集中于东南。近代化的西洋器物如轮船、电报等进一步加剧了南北之间的利益分化,东南因而更容易接受西洋器物与文明,北省反之。久而久之,南与北,新与旧,俨然对立。进一步探讨,可以发现庚子救援虽然是以“东南官绅商民合力筹办”的形象面世,但本质上仍是以乡谊为基础的救援行动,李鸿章称之为“造端于各人各家亲友之相赈,扩充为同省同旗官民之普济”。庚子救援让以往潜而不彰的“省籍”意识浮出水面,成为清末新政时期“省界”意识勃发的前奏,而正是“省界”意识深刻影响了新政时期的社会和政局,并最终改变了历史。

【Abstract】 In1900-1901, first the Boxers occupied shortly the Beijing-Tianjin Area, then the Allied Expeditionary Force occupied and ruled Beijing for nearly one year, while the wartime rule in Tianjin lasting for two years. Because the incidents happened in a hurry, most of the officials, gentry, merchants and commoners, who were natives of the provinces in Southeast China and in Beijing and Tianjin at that time, did not manage to escape out so as to be involved in the plight of disorder in North China. Meanwhile far in Shanghai, some gentry-merchants, as their natives, began to appeal, calling the officials, gentry, merchants and commoners as natives to co-operate for rescuing these people in danger from the siege in the Beijing-Tianjin Area.This is a large scale of rescue operation. The important court ministers and provincial officials as leaders, such as Li Hongzhang, Aisin Gioro Yikuang, Zhang Zhidong, Liu Kunyi, Yuan Shikai, participated. The most important two rescue organizations in the action——jiuji shanhui (Relief Benevolent Society) and dongnan jiji shanhui (Southeast China’s Urgency Relief Benevolent Society, formerly jiji shanju, i.e. Urgency Relief Benevolent Office)——were established by directly obeying the mind of Li as the high commissioner with full power at that time. As the main person in charge, Sheng Xuanhuai telegrammed, in the name of Li,"all provinces’Governors-General, Governors, Directors-General of the Grand Canal, Director-General of Grain Transport, Provincial Military Commanders, Regional Commanders, Provincial Administration Commissions, Provincial Surveillance Commissions, Paymasters", calling on "managing to rescue provincial natives", and got active responses from the latter. Such a fact proves that the motivation scale of the rescue operation in1900factually transcended the range of provinces in Southeast China, but directly faced the whole China. As for the effect of the operation, jiuji shanhui alone "rescued more than7thousand people from North Zhili back to South by sea" as only one of the achievements. With the gradual recovery of order in Beijing, many officials in Beijing were not glad to go home so that, in the fall and winter of1900when the salaries from Qing Court could not be counted on, they made a living by mainly depending on the remittance collected and transferred by dongnan jiji shanhui through all kinds of ways. According to Li’s memorials to the throne, dongnan jiji shanhui "has transferred more than5hundred thousand taels in all". Moreover, jiuji shanhui and dongnan jiji shanhui set up pingtiaoju (office of selling grain at fair prices) in Beijing-Tianjin Area, donated "tens of thousands of clothes","buried tens of thousands of corpses", and doled out "countless rice, flour and medicine".Mainly based on Shen Pao, Universal Gazette, and Hsinwen Pao, along With jiuji riji (Relief Diary) by Lu Shufan and jiuji wendu (Official Documents of Relief) as the credit record of jiuji shanhui, along with Boxer Movement as the seventh selected edition of Sheng Xuanhuai’s file data and the unpublished part of Sheng Xuanhuai’s file data stored in Shanghai Library, this dissertation stated and researched in detail the origin, organization, process, result and influence of the1900rescue operation so as to demonstrate its panorama comparatively completely.Based on above, this dissertation declares that the formation of opposition between South and North in China in1900had an important relationship with the difference between them in foreign trade of the19th century. The export pattern, mainly silk and tea, enabled the provinces in Southeast China to be the main benefactor from the foreign export as the main production area of silk and tea. The modern artifacts from the West, such as steamer and telegram, further aggravated the benefit division between South and North China. Southeast China was more inclined to accept the artifacts and civilization from the West, while North China on the contrary. In the course of time, South and North, New and Old, obviously rivaled. Further research will find that, while the1900rescue operation appeared in the form of "the co-operation of the officials, gentry, merchants and commoners from the provinces of Southeast China", it essentially was a rescue operation based on native friendship, which Li called "starting from the mutual reliefs of relatives and friends among respective persons and families, expanding to the universal reliefs among officials and commoners from the same provinces and banners". The1900rescue operation surfaced the formerly unobvious "province origin", which was the prelude of "province nativist" realization that would thrive in the New Policies Era of Late Qing. It was exactly province nativist realization that deeply influenced the society and political situation in the New Policies Era, and finally changed modern Chinese history.

  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【下载频次】228

