

On the Role and Quality of Teachers in Open and Distance Learning

【作者】 翁朱华

【导师】 钟启泉;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 比较教育学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着我国教育事业的迅速发展,作为现代教育系统重要组成部分的远程教育,在过去相对很短的历史时期内获得了长足的发展,而且在进入21世纪的最近十多年间,在构建全民终身教育体系的宏伟蓝图的指引之下,开启了从传统远程教育向现代远程教育转变的历史新篇章。中国远程教育的发展起步很晚,在实现跨越式发展的同时也遭遇到了规模与质量、外延与内涵之间的矛盾。这其中,我国远程教育教师队伍不适应远程教育的发展需要,又是核心矛盾之一。本论文的核心研究问题是:现代远程教育的发展对教师提出了怎样的角色要求,中国远程教育教师有什么样的现实基础应对这些角色要求,又如何能在未来更好地适应这些要求?本论文希望基于历史比较和国际比较的视角,考察中外远程教育历史发展以及远程教育内在特殊性对教师角色的规定性要求,再结合对我国远程教育教师角色与素养现状的调查分析,以更好地理解和认识远程教育教师面临的挑战,进而为我们探讨教师应对这些挑战所要担当的角色和具备的素养,以及如何增进这些素养提供参考。本研究采用的研究方法有比较法、文献法、个案研究法、问卷调查法和访谈法。(1)通过基于文献梳理的国际比较,考察国内外远程教育的历史演进特点和远程教育内在特殊性对教师角色提出的规定性要求。(2)基于国内外远程教育领域的专家访谈,考察远程教育未来发展趋势以及有待解决的重大问题,以此明晰远程教育未来发展路向对教师的角色期待。(3)通过梳理近年中外远程教育理论界有关教师角色和素养的研究成果,归纳出远程教育教师角色和素养分析框架。然后,基于这个“理想框架”,开展问卷调查和教师访谈,分析我国目前远程教育教师在现实中所担当的角色如何发挥职能、专业素养是何状态,与理想的角色和素养要求还存在哪些距离。(4)以实证调查的数据为基础,通过对国外远程教育机构典型案例的分析,比较国内外远程教育教师素养提升途径的成效,尝试揭示我国远程教育教师发展应该努力的方向。无论从时间维度还是空间维度看,远程教育的发展和教师角色适应的惯性和缓慢性之间的矛盾始终存在。远程教育教师角色定位和适应受到诸多因素的共同影响,其中,远程教育对象的特殊性和教学过程的特殊性对教师角色的影响最为直接和深刻。远程教育对象的特殊性主要体现为“开放性”,它在相当程度上决定了远程教育机构的培养目标与教育内容的特点;远程教育教学过程的特殊性,主要体现为“远程性”,它相当程度地决定了远程教育中的教学结构和师生交互方式。正是远程教育在其发展过程中所表现出来的“开放性”和依托信息技术而实现的教学“远程性”,改变了传统的基于集体的面授教育中以教为中心模式下的师生关系,远程教育教师角色也在渐趋分化的基础上走向清晰。当现代高等教育的追求逐渐转化为促进学习者的终身学习、多元化学习和个性化学习时,远程教育教师就必须在课程目标的确立、学习材料的选择、教学过程的组织和师生交互中,做出不同于传统做法的变革,承担新的角色。本文基于中外远程教育界有影响的58位学者的书面访谈和我国11位远程教育专家的会议座谈,揭示出远程教育未来发展要求远程教育教师的角色转换最核心的部分应该包括:教师从知识权威变为具有共享意识的知识资本的重新配置者和优质教育资源的推送者,从知识的灌输者变为个性化学习顾问和教学交互的促进者。这些角色期望,毕竟主要是基于远程教育发展愿景的理想。我国远程教育教师在承担这样的角色转换方面,究竟具有什么样的现实基础,还有待获得实证的数据予以说明。在综合历史演进和未来发展趋势分析的基础上,论文进一步梳理了远程教育界近年对教师角色和素养的讨论,并归纳了指向未来的远程教育教师角色模型。这个角色模型包括以课程开发为核心的教师角色、以教学交互为核心的教师角色、支持性与发展性角色;并以此角色模型为基础形成了包括专业知识、专业技能、支持性素养和专业情意四个维度20项的教师素养分析框架。在此基础上,本文运用自编问卷和访谈,以上海开放大学为个案,以该机构全体专任教师为调查对象,进行了关于远程教育教师角色和素养状态的调查研究。调查发现,以责任心为代表的情意素养既是教师认为最重要的素养,也是他们最为满意的素养,而这一状况在很大程度上其实反映了我国开放远程教育在实践中的艰难;教师需求最为迫切的素养集中于与网络教育密切相关的技能素养领域;学科知识既是远程教育教师最为满意的素养之一,同时又时教师认为最需要加强的素养之一,这种态度,反映了远程教育教师身份认同面临的困境。总体而言,我国远程教育教师在适应和担当面向未来的教师角色方面,还存在着比较明显的差距。如何提升远程教育教师的素养以更好地适应新型角色,对我国远程教育的发展而言意义重大。如何提高教师素养,或远程教育教师发展问题,已经成为中外远程教育界面临的重大课题。本文通过比较我国远程教育教师素养提升途径和国外三所大学——英国开放大学、美国马里兰大学和澳大利亚TAFE不同的教师发展模式,从中获得一些重要启示:基于校本的培训系统的建设远程教育教师发展的大方向,而其中,在线模式是未来的一个普遍趋势;教师发展应该在一种系统观念下组织实施,而不是单一地针对“技术发展”或“个人发展”而实施;针对和围绕具体实践问题或情境开展教师发展活动,更有可能确保实效。最后,论文在更为一般的层面上对远程教育的性质及未来发展方向、远程教学的专业性、远程教育中教师的角色和素养及其未来可能面临的挑战和机遇等问题进行了反思和讨论,并结合实证研究的结果,就我国远程教育师资队伍建设和构建我国远程教育教师发展系统提出了建议。我国关注远程教育教师问题,在时间上相对较晚,相关研究的数量相对较少;而在国际比较的视野下,结合实证数据进行分析,并基于远程教育的具体实践特征提出建议的,又相对更少。本研究不敢说能填补空白,但确是选取中国具有代表性的远程教育系统的全体专任教师为样本,在一个相对完整的历史背景和概念框架之下开展的实证研究,其研究结果和结论可以较好地反映出我国远程教育教师发展的现状及未来可能发展路向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of education in China, distance education, as an important part of the education system, has gained dramatically development during a comparatively short period. Not only have we accumulated numerous practical experiences in the running of distance education, but at the very beginning of the second decade of the21st century, with the vision of constructing a system of life-long education for all, we have successfully kicked off the transformation of traditional distance education to a new form of open and distance education.In the process of the rapid development of distance education, problems concerning its theory, practice and policy also stand out for serious consideration and dealing with. One of them is the faculty development in distance education. Although there have been tons of researches and discussion about teacher professional development in the educational literatures during the past several decades, most of these topics focus on the professional development of school teachers, with few if any interests in university teachers. There are even less researches on the faculty development in distance education institutions, such as TV universities.This study aims to explore the role and quality of teachers of distance education institutions based on historical and theoretical analysis of the trend of distance education development and empirical data collected from a typical Chinese open university. The main research questions of this study include:(1) what are the features of professionalism and developmental trend of distance instruction, especially compared with that of teaching in traditional universities, and what are the implications of the features of professionalism and developmental trend to the requirements of role and quality of tutors in distance education institutions;(2) what do teachers (tutors) from distance education institutions actually think are important for their professional practice, and how would they evaluate their actual performance on items such as’professional knowledge’,’professional skills’, and ’professional attitudes and values’according to some widely used theoretical frameworks in educational literatures; and (3) what kind of faculty development in distance education institutions can be expected in the future, based on the empirical data of the status quo of the teaching force, and taking the change of open and distance education in the following decades into account. Since the role, function, system, and running of distance education vary a lot at different stages of the historical development of higher education, it is necessary to make out a map of history as a framework of analyzing the professionalism of distance teaching. Chapter2is mainly focused on this topic. While the origination and development of distance education are reviewed on a scope of worldwide, historical review of the development of distance education in China is especially made as the context of related discussion. The features of distance education, for example, the’openness’of its learners and thus objectives and curriculum, the ’distance’of teacher-student interaction, are also discussed in this chapter, with focus on their impact of the role of teachers from distance education institutions.In Chapter3, the trend of distance and open learning is also explored, mainly based on written interviews of58renowned scholars in distance education worldwide and a group interview of11Chinese scholars. Based on the vision of future open and distance learning, this chapter also discussed the requirements of role and quality of tutors in distance education institutions.Numerous papers concerning teacher professional development have been published during the past several decades, discussing the change of the role of teacher in modern education (especially in the context of continuous educational reform), the challenges teachers face while the society and the education system are undergoing rapid and severe change, and what kind of professional development should teachers (faculty members or tutors) pursue to remain updated with the development of the profession. Selected papers are reviewed in Chapter4and a framework for understanding and analyzing the teacher’s role and elements of professional expertise is formulated based on literature review, which is treated as the knowledge base for further empirical study, including the design of the questionnaire and questions used in interviews.Chapter5is organized around the exposition and interpretation of data gained from questionnaire survey, semi-structured interviews, and a case study. A questionnaire is designed based on the framework mentioned earlier and a survey of516teachers from Shanghai Open University is conducted.6teachers, including administrators, curriculum designers, and lecturing teachers, are interviewed. One case of a district branch school of Shanghai Open University is analyzed as supplementary to the analysis of data gained via questionnaire survey and interview. The status quo of teaching profession in distance education institution is analyzed based on self-reports of teachers. Special emphasis is put on what elements of professional expertise do teachers think they want most eagerly or urgently to improve, what elements of professional expertise do they think they are already good at, and what problems they are facing now during their daily professional activities. Comparisons between or among sex, age, education background, subjects, and position and title are also made to illustrate the status of professional demands and development more clearly. Different measures of faculty development and their actual effects on teachers’professional performance are also discussed in this chapter.After the presentation and analysis of the status quo of the teaching professional and the effectiveness of the measures of faculty members in distance education institutions, three typical faculty development models, which are respectively implied in the Open University of UK, the University of Maryland, and TAFE of Australia are introduced and analyzed in Chapter6, as an instructive reference for the construction of effective faculty development ways in China.In the last chapter, the possible feature of distance education in the future is discussed, and based on this analysis, challenges that teachers in distance education institutions may encounter in future are outlined. Suggestions for faculty development in distance education institutions are given at the last part.

  • 【分类号】G434;G451
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】4057

