

Historical Survey of W County Compulsory Education Funds from the Perspective of Educational Equity from the Year of1978to2011

【作者】 崔青松

【导师】 金林祥;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以教育公平为视角,对研究个案——W县改革开放30多年的义务教育经费进行历史考察,微观呈现我国农村义务教育经费的历史变迁。本研究基于大量一手档案资料和口述访谈,一方面从历史纵向以专题史的形式,对改革开放后30多年W县义务教育经费体制、义务教育经费来源投入、义务教育经费支出与办学状况的演变进行了专题研究;另一方面从横向进行了城乡对比,对W县与同市B区及近邻天津市的义务教育经费进行比较。从而全面、立体、细致地呈现了改革开放以来农村义务教育经费的发展演变。在研究中综合运用了教育经济学、教育社会学、教育史学与统计学等多学科的理论和方法,在教育公平视阈下,审视改革开放30多年来W县义务教育经费的历史特点与存在问题,提出了改善我国农村义务教育经费公平的对策。本研究主要形成了如下新观点:第一,本研究发现,在新机制“省级统筹”下,W县与同市B区的义务教育经费差距在缩小,而与相邻天津市的差距在扩大。因此,在充分肯定新机制的积极作用的同时,我们必须看到,为了缩小义务教育城乡差距,需尽快将“省级统筹”上升为“中央统筹”。第二,为实现城乡义务教育公平,明确县级政府教育财政投入主要用于义务教育。第三,通过对W县新机制前后各初中学校考入W县一中人数对比发现,乡镇农村初中学校考入县一中的人数比重在减少,而县“重点”初中学校考入县一中的人数比重在增加。这一现象告诉我们,在推进义务教育办学条件均衡发展的同时,还必须关注教育效果,达到高质量的均衡发展,为农村学生提供获得学业成功机会均等的受教育条件。城乡义务教育差距是历史问题,也是现实问题。农村义务教育普及基本完成后,如何推进我国农村义务教育公平,缩小城乡差距,实现城乡教育均衡发展,成为一个迫切的社会问题和教育问题。建立中央统筹、城乡一体化的义务教育公共财政机制,加大中央和地方公共教育财政投入。如此,才能推进中国义务教育的公平发展。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of educational equity, this thesis conducts the historical research on the case-the funds of compulsory education in W County during over30years after reform and opening up, represents microcosmically the historical changes of the funds of compulsory education in rural areas of China. On the basis of a large number of first-hand data files and oral interviews, this paper, on the one hand, conducts a special study on the funding system of compulsory education, the investment funds for compulsory education system, the origin and evolution of the compulsory education expenditure and its running status during over30years after reform and opening up from the historical to history form in W County; on the other hand, it analyses the funds of compulsory education between urban and rural areas from horizontal view, comparing W County with its same district as well as its neighbor city Tianjin.Therefore, it represents comprehensively, three-dimensionally and detailed the evolution of rural compulsory education funds after reform and opening up.Comprehensively used multi-disciplinary theories and methods including economics of education, educational sociology, educational history,statistics and others, the research examines the historical characteristics and problems of compulsory education funds in W County during over30years after reform and opening up, proposes the countermeasures to improve rural compulsory education funds from educational equity perspective.This paper forms new ideas as the following:First, this study shows that the gap of funds for compulsory education between and Area B in the same city is narrowing,but it is expanding between W County and its neighboring city Tianjin under the new mechanism of "provincial co-ordination".Therefore, while affirming the positive role of the new mechanism, we should understand that it is necessary to enhance the management of the main from provincial level to central planning as soon as possible in order to narrow the gap between urban and rural compulsory education.Second, in order to achieve compulsory education fairness between urban and rural areas, it must be clear that education funding for compulsory education from county governments is mainly used for compulsory education.Third, by comparing the number of students who were admitted to No.l school in W county before and after the new mechanism, the number admitted from township middle schools in rural areas is decreasing, but the number admitted from county "key" junior school is increasing. This phenomenon tells us that, in the process of promoting the balanced development of compulsory school conditions, we must also focus on education effect, that is, try to keep the balanced development of high quality, to provide students with educational conditions for their academic success and equal opportunity.The educational gap between urban and rural compulsory education is a historical issue as well as a practical problems. And it has become an urgent social and educational problem on how to promote the equity of rural compulsory education, educe urban-rural gap and achieve balanced development of urban and rural education after the basic completion of compulsory education in rural areas. In order to improve the situation of rural compulsory education and achieve equitable development of compulsory education in china, it is needed to establish a public finance mechanism characterized with central co-ordination and the integration of urban and rural areas, and increase the investment in public education from central and local finance.

【关键词】 农村义务教育经费教育公平
【Key words】 rural compulsory educationfundseducational equity

