

Pattern, Dvnamics and Mechanism of Spatial Evolution in Yangtze River Delta

【作者】 毕秀晶

【导师】 宁越敏;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 全球化和信息化的国际环境对企业空间组织以及城市-区域的经济发展发挥着日益深刻的影响,城市-区域的全球联系网络与内部空间组织演变成为上世纪90年代以来国际学术界研究的热议焦点,世界城市/全球城市、世界城市网络、全球城市-区域、多中心巨型城市区域等理论概念不断出,丰富了新时期城市-区域研究的理论体系。但多数理论与实证研究都是基于西方发达国家的经济体制和发展经验,对发展中国家尤其是社会主义制度下的发展中国家的关注相对较少。改革开放以来,全球化、信息化、市场化、分权化以及城市化(五化)分别从外部和内部推动着我国经济社会的全面发展,城市与区域空间组织也相应地发生了巨大变化。但逐渐市场化、分权化以及快速城市化的国内背景使我国城市-区域的发展演化环境有别于西方发达国家城市-区域的发展演化背景,因此我们有必要在现有全球化背景下城市-区域空间演化的理论基础之上结合我国的实际情况,对我国典型城市-区域发展演化的空间特征、过程与机理进行系统分析,以进一步丰富和发展城市-区域空间演化的理论体系。与此同时,系统分析我国城市-区域的发展演化特征、过程与机理也是我国国家战略制定与实施的重要需求。国家十一五计划以来,“城市群战略”多次被写进国家级战略规划之中,强调城市群作为增长极的辐射和带动作用,以促进区域的城市化与一体化进程。地方政府也积极主动的自上而下的推进城市群的形成与发展。因此,城市群的发展是能否在可以预见的时期内发挥其扩散效应、哪些因素影响了城市群的集聚与扩散成为城市群战略制定与实施过程中需着重研究的重要课题之一。基于上述研究背景和研究目的,本论文的研究思路是从国内外城市群相关理论及经验研究的梳理与总结入手,采用“理论演绎—假说提出—数据采集分析—模型模拟验证”的研究思路,以我国发展最为成熟的城市群之一——长三角城市群为研究对象,探讨全球化、信息化以及我国转型时期的背景下,我国城市群区域的空间演化特征、城市群在不同空间尺度集聚扩散过程以及主要的动力机制,为后发的以及正在建设的城市群的发展提供经验借鉴和理论依据。论文有三个核心议题:一是,长三角城市群区域经过几十年的发展,其空间演化特征如何?空间格局、空间联系以及内部的区域差异是如何演变的,是否表现出与国外城市-区域类似的多中心、网络化、均衡化态势?二是,城市群的集聚扩散态势如何,作为增长极的扩散效应是否已经显现?城市群内部的大都市区与城市群在更大的区域空间上是否存在溢出效应?空间溢出是否与空间分工演进具有一定的相关性?三是,我国城市群空间演化的动力机制是什么?政府在这个过程中扮演怎样的角色、发挥什么样的作用?论文共分为八章对上述三个核心议题进行了具体的理论和实证研究,其中前三章为理论演绎与假说提出部分,为后续的实证分析提供理论支撑和分析框架。第四、第五章分别对长三角城市群区域空间演化的特征和过程进行了实证分析。第六、第七章则对长三角城市群区域空间演化的动力机制以及行为主体的作用力进行了理论分析和实证检验。最后一章为全文的总结和展望。第一章是绪论。阐述了论文的研究背景、缘起和研究目标、理论意义和实践意义、研究思路与框架,并介绍了论文主要的数据来源和所用研究方法等。第二章是相关概念的界定和城市群空间演化研究的理论基础。论文首先在梳理城市群概念起源与发展的基础上,对城市群的概念、内涵进行了界定,并与相关概念进行了区别分析。其次进一步明确空间演化的主要研究内容,并在此基础上从传统城市地理学理论、区域发展理论(从佩鲁的增长极理论等区域非均衡理论到新区域主义学说)以及劳动空间分工理论三个视角对城市群演进过程与机理的相关理论进行了回顾。第三章是对全球化与信息化背景下国内外城市群研究新进展的综述。着重关注全球化、信息化背景下城市-区域国际研究的新理论、新视角、新方法以及所发现的新特征。进而在此基础之上,提出论文研究的理论假说,并确定后文的分析框架。第四章与第五章是对长三角城市群区域的空间演化特征、演化规律、集聚扩散过程的实证分析。第四章从多尺度的空间视角出发,首先将长三角城市群区域划分为不同的空间层次,并利用人口普查数据和宏观经济指标,从空间格局、空间联系与空间差异三方面对上世纪90年代以来长三角城市群区域的空间演化特征进行了实证分析,得出长三角城市群区域的空间演化呈现出“多中心化”、“均衡化”、“点-面化”与“网络化”的发展特征趋势特征。第五章则以第四章划分的不同空间尺度的空间层次为基础,首先分析了城市群演化过程中经济要素在不同空间尺度上的集聚与扩散态势,并对大都市区的空间溢出效应进行实证检验。然后,结合人口普查的从业人口数据,进一步从产业的视角出发,实证分析城市群演化过程中的集聚扩散的主要内容。研究证实了大都市的空间溢出效应,发现了制造业空间扩散、生产性服务业进一步集聚产业集聚与扩散特征。第六章与第七章是对长三角城市群空间演化的动力机制分析。第六章从系统论中的自组织与被组织理论出发,探讨了该理论框架下城市群作为一个空间系统的演化过程、通道与关键的行为主体,并构建了基于企业、政府与劳动者三个能动主体与城市群区域空间格局与空间联系演化的关联分析框架。其次,论文在第六章中实证分析了企业区位与再区位决策对城市群空间演化的作用力,检验企业空间组织演变与城市专业化和城市等级体系演变的耦合性。第七章则重点探讨各级政府的相关行为对城市群空间演化的作用。从从宏观和微观两个视角分析了政府政策、规划和投资建设对城市群区域空间演化的影响作用。在宏观层面,利用定性分析方法分别探讨了中央政府和地方政府对城市群区域经济空间格局以及城市联系演变的作用。在微观层面,利用定性和定量相结合的方法通过对开发区(政府力量的集中体现)间的产业分工与联系的分析具体探讨了政府政策、规划和投资建设对企业区位决策的影响、对城市分工与联系的作用以及对城市群区域空间演化的影响作用。在探讨政府对城市群空间演化的直接作用的同时,也充分分析了政府通过对企业、产业的影响进而推动城市群演化的间接作用。第八章为总结和展望。主要对全文进行总结和归纳,提炼出关于长三角城市群空间演化研究中的一些基本结论,并对该领域以后的研究方向提出建议。本文在以下几个方面进行了一些创新尝试:(1)以空间演化为桥梁将区域发展演变与生产空间演化纳入一个分析框架中,从空间格局、空间联系两个方面系统地分析了全球化与信息化时代背景下我国城市群区域的空间演化特征,弥补了以往研究中只注重格局而忽略联系的不足。(2)在具体的分析过程中,注重将不同空间尺度、时间尺度以及宏观与微观分析方法进行结合。从动态化、多尺度、多机制的综合视角对长三角城市群区域的空间演化进行系统分析。值得一提的是,论文在数据指标上采用了基于人口普查中常住人口计算的人均GDP,在具体的研究方法上,引入考虑空间自相关的空间滞后模型,更加客观、准确地模拟了区域发展趋势和影响因素。(3)通过对大都市区在城市群内部“集聚与扩散”的实证分析,实证检验了大都市区的空间溢出效应及其对周边县市经济增长的带动作用。在一定程度上回应了新时代背景下增长极战略的空间效应,进而为城市群战略在区域经济发展中的政策意义提供了理论和实证依据。(4)从区域空间演化的能动者行为出发,以系统论中的自组织与他组织为理论基础,从企业、劳动者和政府三个行为主体的交互作用视角,将由城市群空间演化机制的研究逻辑一致地统一在动态兼容的理论框架体系之中,并实证分析了三个行为主体间的相互作用及其对城市群区域的空间格局和空间联系演化的作用机理。在弥补了以往研究主要关注企业的微观作用机制、缺少政府作用的实证支持等方面的不足的同时,为城市群战略的制定与实施提供经验借鉴。

【Abstract】 Globalization and Informatization have profound influence on both the enterprise’s spatial organization and the urban and regional economy all over the world. From the key words with high frequency in the academic reference, such as "global city","world city","global city-region","polycentric mega city region" and so on, we can see that spatial organization of city/city-regions and its evolution have become hot topics since the last90s. Nevertheless, most theoretical researches and quantitative studies are based on the economic circumstance and development experience of regions in western developed countries. We are still lacking the literature concentrating the spatial patterns and evolutional characteristics of city-regions in socialist developing countries.Since the economic reforms of China in1978, Globalization, Informatization, Marketization, Decentralization, and urbanization have become five main driving forces of economic development in China, which also triggered the dramatic spatial transformation of cities or city-regions. However, giving the particular background of decentralization and the rapid urbanization, which is quite different from the circumstance in western countries, we need to examine the spatial pattern and evolutional process of city-regions in China and explore the mechanisms for the spatial evolution of the city-region. In addition, studying on the spatial pattern, dynamics and mechanisms of city-regions’ evolution in China are also in great need for the national strategies’ drafting and implement. As we know, Urban Agglomerations strategy has been considered as an important national strategy to improve the development of regionalization and regional coordination since the "eleventh national economic and social five-year planning" in2005, and a lot of urban agglomerations’ plannings have been approved, such as Regional Planning of Yangtze River Delta. Therefore, it is a urgent assignment for urban geographers to study the dynamics process of concentration and diffusion of a relative developed urban agglomeration and its mechanisms seems urgent.Based on the research background and objectives, Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration was chosen as our case study area, which has experienced dramatic economic and spatial transformation since the economic reforms in1978. There are three core research questions be answered in this dissertation. First, what’s the spatial pattern of Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration’ evolution? Does the trend of equalization and networking exist? Second, what’s the dynamics process of concentration and diffusion in different scale? Is there any spatial spillover with the development of metropolitans? Third, what are the driving forces for the spatial evolution of Urban Agglomeration in China? And what’s role the government acts as?The dissertation consists of four parts, including8chapters in total. The first part is composed of three chapters, which aims at constructing the analytic framework by reviewing the urban agglomeration relative theories. The second part includes the next2chapters, which examines the spatial pattern and its dynamic process of Yangtze River Delta’s evolution. The third part includes Chapter6and7, which analyses the driving forces of urban agglomeration’s spatial evolution and explores the roles of enterprise and government. Then the last part is about the conclusion and prospect.Chapter1is the introduction. Mainly introduces the research background, objectives, theory and practice meaning, and the analytic framework of the dissertation. In addition, the methodology and dataset are introduced as well.Chapter2and Chapter3are literature review and theory discussion. Chapter2reviews the concept evolutions of "urban agglomeration" and "spatial evolution" and its traditional theory, and then refines the study dimension and content of urban agglomeration in this dissertation. Chapter3mainly focuses on the new progress of city-regions studies in recent years. The growing literature on changing urban systems coincides with the increasing popularity of the urban network concept in contemporary background provide us new perspectives and new methods to analyze the spatial evolution of city-regions. Based on traditional theories and new progresses, we propose our theoretical hypothesizes and refine the analytic framework.Chapter4and Chapter5are quantitative researches about the spatial pattern and dynamics process of Yangtze River Delta’s evolution. From the multi-scale perspective, chapter4analyzed the evolutional characteristics of spatial structure, spatial relations and the regional inequality in Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration. The result shows that networking, equaling, and polycentric are obvious feathers during the Yangtze River Delta’s spatial evolution. In chapter5, we explore the spatial agglomeration and diffusion in different spatial scale, and examine the spatial spillover of the metropolitans. According to the results, we identify the spillover of metropolitans and the contents of agglomeration and diffusion.Chapter6and Chapter7are researches about mechanisms of Urban Agglomeration’s spatial evolution. In chapter6, we first take the urban agglomeration as a spatial system and discuss the system theory, based on which we construct an analytic framework from three main actor’s contribution, enterprise, labor, and government. Then, we investigate the impact of enterprise’s actions on the spatial evolution of Yangtze River delta, including both the spatial structure and the spatial relation. Chapter7is the research about the government’s role in urban agglomeration’s spatial evolution. First, we analyze the government’s actions from macroscopic and microscopic perspective. Second, we explore the effect of actions taken by "Central Government" and "Local Government" using the method of quantitative analysis. Then we examine the effect of government’s planning and preferential policies on the spatial evolution of Yangtze River delta by analyzing the specialization and cooperation among the development zones in urban agglomeration. According to the results, we identify that the government plays a significant role directly in the spatial evolution of urban agglomeration, and also plays an indirect role though the effects on enterprise’s actions.Chapter8is the conclusion and prospect. Here we conclude the theoretical achievements and main findings from the case study of the Yangtze River delta urban agglomeration’s spatial evolution. Furthermore, due to the limit of dataset, some work need to be done in future. Therefore, in the last part of the dissertation, we discusse some relevant issues and the direction in which further study will be carried on.


