

Habitat Selection and Diversity Change of Waterbirds Community in Reclaimed Coastal Wetlands in Nanhui Dongtan,Shanghai, China

【作者】 牛俊英

【导师】 王天厚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 生态学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 围垦滩涂造地是缓解经济发展与土地短缺矛盾的一种传统手段。南汇东滩是上海市可持续促淤圈围的重点地域。围垦使众多自然滩涂转变成不同用途人工湿地。本文研究不同类型湿地容纳水鸟群落的差异及水鸟群落对栖息地的生境选择作用,研究结果如下:两年度共记录水鸟95种,隶属于7目15科。鸻形目、雁形目和鹳形目分别占水鸟种类组成的52.64%、20%和16.84%。留鸟3种、夏候鸟15种、冬候鸟35种、旅鸟42种。优势种白骨顶、罗纹鸭和赤膀鸭分别占观察总数量的24.7%、14.6%和10%。国家一级重点保护鸟类东方白鹤,国家二级重点保护鸟类7种。南汇东滩是以鸻形目为主众多旅鸟的中途停歇地,以雁形目为主冬候鸟的重要栖息地。夏季该区域的繁殖鸟类主要是鹭科水鸟。黑脸琵鹭和罗纹鸭在南汇东滩的种群数量大于国际重要湿地1%的标准。城市湖泊湿记录水鸟7目10科40种,雁形目种类最多。散养鱼塘记录水鸟7目15科77种,鸻形目种类最多。抛荒湿地记录水鸟6目11科59种,鸻形目水鸟种类最多。散养鱼塘的鸟类种类最多,抛荒湿地的鸟类种类次之,城市湖泊湿地的鸟类种类最少。散养鱼塘的鸻形目、雁形目和鹳形目鸟类均为三类湿地最多。抛荒湿地主要容纳鸻形目、雁形目和鹳形目的鸟类。城市湖泊湿地主要容纳雁形目和鹳形目鸟类,鸻形目鸟类极少见。样方间总物种组成有差异。进一步比较,样方散养鱼塘1和抛荒湿地2与各样方间总种类组成均有差异。散养鱼塘1和抛荒湿地2的物种多样性最高,样方间鹳形目物种组成有差异。抛荒湿地2鹳形目物种最多。样方间雁形目鸟类组成有显著差异,散养鱼塘1容纳雁形目最多。样方间鸻形目组成有显著差异,鸻形目物种组成的特点是散养鱼塘1>散养鱼塘2>抛荒湿地2。两个城市湖泊湿地的鸻形目很少,而抛荒湿地1的鸻形目最少。6样方间总密度有差异。散养鱼塘1与抛荒湿地1之间总密度有差异。散养鱼塘1的水鸟密度最大,抛荒湿地1的水鸟密度最小。样方间鸊鸆目密度有差异,即抛荒湿地2和湖泊湿地2容纳更多的鹧鹧。雁形目主要分布在抛荒湿地2和城市湖泊湿地l。样方间鸻形目密度有差异,散养鱼塘2鸻形目密度最高。总体来看,散养鱼塘1的水鸟种类和密度高,抛荒鱼塘2次之,抛荒鱼塘1和城市湖泊湿地1的水鸟种类和密度较低。分析两年度水鸟的丰富度,散养鱼塘1的水鸟丰富度最高,散养鱼塘2、抛荒湿地2的水鸟丰富度次之。城市湖泊湿地1的水鸟丰富度最低。即散养鱼塘的鸟类种类最多,每类水鸟数量相对均匀。城市湖泊湿地1的水鸟组成单一,主要为几种雁鸭类占近78%的比例。秋季抛荒湿地2水乌丰富度和均匀度最高,散养鱼塘2、散养鱼塘1次之。城市湖泊湿地2水鸟丰富度最低。抛荒湿地2由众多的鸻形目和鹳形目及雁形目鸟类组成。城市湖泊湿地2约74%数量的水鸟为白骨顶。冬季散养鱼塘1冬季水鸟丰富度最高,由众多的雁形目和鹳形目的鸟类等组成。城市湖泊湿地1与抛荒湿地1由一定的雁形目和鹳形目鸟类组成。城市湖泊湿地2和抛荒湿地2两样方70%多的水鸟数量比例是由白骨顶1种组成,丰富度最低。春季散养鱼塘1水鸟丰富度最高,抛荒湿地2次之。散养鱼塘1有较多的鸻形目和雁形目和鹳形目及鹧鹧和秧鸡水鸟停歇,抛荒湿地2有较多的秧鸡和一定量的鸻形目和鹳形目和鹏鹏。城市湖泊湿地1绝大多数水鸟数量为雁形目和少量鹏鹛,城市湖泊湿地2绝大多数为秧鸡科的鸟类和少量鹏鹧。分析各湿地鸟类群落与生境因子之间的关系,两年度总的鸟类群落分为四个类群。其中第一和第二类群是雁鸭类秧鸡类,这两类群与深水面积、离海堤垂直距离、平均水位、人为干扰显著相关。第四类群和植被面积、浅水位面积和裸露光滩面积呈显著相关。冬季鸟类组成分为四个类群,第一、二类群分别代表城市湖泊湿地1和城市湖泊湿地2鸟类群落。第三类群代表散养鱼塘1和散养鱼塘2的鸟类,与植被盖度和植被面积显著相关。第四类群代表抛荒湿地1和抛荒湿地2鸟类,第四类群与浅水面积和光滩面积呈显著相关。迁徙季鸟类组成可分为四个类群,第一和第二类群分别代表城市湖泊湿地1和城市湖泊湿地2的鸟类群落,与平均水位、深水面积、人为干扰和离海堤距离显著相关。第三类群代表散养鱼塘1和抛荒湿地2的鸟类群落,与浅水位面积和光滩面积和植被面积显著相关。两年度间堤外共记录鸻形目水鸟32种,春季22种,秋季24种。堤内记录鸻形目水鸟45种,其中春季34种,秋季31种。堤内鸻形目种类高于堤外。五样方间春季鸻形目密度差异显著。散养鱼塘1与其余四个样方鸻形目密度均有极显著差异。散养鱼塘1春季的鸻形目密度最高。散养鱼塘2和堤外滩涂2有显著差异。堤外滩涂2鸻形目密度大于散养鱼塘2。抛荒鱼塘2鸻形目密度与堤外两样方均无显著差异。五样方间秋季鸻形目密度差异显著。堤外滩涂1与其余4样方间鸻形目密度均有极显著差异。散养鱼塘2与其余四样方鸻形目密度均有极显著差异。散养鱼塘2秋季的鸻形目密度最小。比较春秋季鸻形目种类和密度差异,春季秋季总体种类无显著差异,总密度有显著差异,散养鱼塘1、堤外滩涂1春季秋季密度有显著差异,散养鱼塘2、抛荒湿地2、堤外滩涂2春季秋季密度无显著差异。春季总密度大于秋季,散养鱼塘1春季密度大于秋季,而堤外滩涂1秋季密度大于春季。本研究记录41种鸻形目水鸟。2005年度记录25种,1985年纪录23种。其中水雉、风头麦鸡等12种鸻形目在前两次研究中没记录到。黑腹滨鹬在3次研究中均为优势种。红颈滨鹬由优势种变为常见种。黑翅长脚鹬由少见种变为优势种。大滨鹬由优势种变为少见种。一些喜淡水鸻鹬类,如普通燕鸻、白腰草鹬、林鹬等种类仅在本次研究中被记录。对比本研究和1985年研究鸻形目的密度可知,该区域容纳鸻形目密度下降约40倍。围垦后堤内湿地容纳的鸻形目种类增加,密度急剧下降。该区域的鸻鹬类推测应是附近鸻形目鸟类觅食扩散至此。依据研究结论,提出以下管理建议:(1)引水渠到抛荒湿地,减少土地早化的影响。割除抛荒湿地的植被。在春季调控水位,营造一定的浅水位和裸露光滩的面积。(2)改变鱼塘的作业方式,以保证冬季有足够水位的水域面积和春季有足够的浅滩面积,鱼塘管理者得到生态补偿。(3)改变城市湖泊湿地的混凝土边界为沙土质,变化水域的水位。(4)建议政府部门转变成农田和工业用地的速度,开发利用方式以大中型水产养殖塘为主。

【Abstract】 Reclamation intertidal area is a traditional way to increase the land for agricultural and residential use, port construction and industrial estate. Nanhui Dongtan is one of the key reclamationsite in Yangtze River Delta due to rapid urbanization and economic growth. After reclamation, some of the natural wetlands turned to artificial wetlands, i.e., urban lake wetlands, extensive fish ponds, and abandoned wetlands. Which types of artificial wetlands will be better for waterbirds, and what are the major environmental factors affecting waterbird community composition? We carried out the study to answer these questions.A total of95species corresponding to15families and7Orders were observed during census counts. It is mainly composed of Charadriiformes, Anseriformes and Ciconiiformes, which accounting for52.64%,20%and16.84%of all species, respectively. Transients (42species) and winter (35species) were dominant taxa, accounting for81%of all95waterbird species. However, residents (3species) and summer migrants (15species) were also observed. Coot Fulica atra, Falcated Duck Anas falcate and Gadwall Anas strepera were dominant species, accountingfor24.7%,14.6%and10%of all individuals recorded, respectively.Two species, Black-faced Spoonbill Platalea minor and Falcated Duck Anas falcata, meet the international conservation criterion of>1%of global population size, indicating that the Nanhui Dongtan was an important wintering site for Black-faced Spoonbill and Falcated Duck.Of the95species recorded in the study area, most species were recorded in the extensive fish ponds (77species;81%of the total), followed by the abandoned wetlands (59species;62%), and least species in the urban lake wetlands (40species;42%). Meanwhile, the most species-rich families were Charadriiformes (in the extensive fish ponds and abandoned wetlands) and Anseriformes(in the urban lake wetlands). Waterbird species numbers and densities exhibited significant differences in the six wetlands. Specifically, waterbird species numbers and their densities in the extensive fish ponds (followed by the’abandoned wetland2’) were higher than other wetlands. Meanwhile, Anseriformes and Charadriiformes were dominated in the extensive fish ponds1(the species numbers of these two families) and2(their densities). Ciconiiformes were dominated in the’abandoned wetland2’indicating by the higher species numbers of Ciconiiformes in the ’abandoned wetland2’than other wetlands.Differences in the abundance and richness of waterbirds in six wetlands were simulated with the dominance species accumulation curve in PRIMER5.0version. Results showed that waterbird abundance and richness were higher in the’extensive fish pond1’(followed by the’extensive fish pond2’and the ’abandoned wetland2’) than other wetlands. The urban lake wetlands could attract few waterbird species indicating by the lower abundance and richness of waterbirds in the’urban lake wetland1’than other wetlands. Waterbird abundance and richness were higher in the ’abandoned wetland2’(followed by the extensive fish pond) than other wetlands in autumn, and were higher in the ’extensive fish pond1’(followed by the’extensive fish pond2’) in winter.Impacts of environmental factors on waterbird community composition in three types of wetlands were analyzed with Non-metric Multi-dimensional Scaling (NMDS) ordination. Resulted represented that community compositionand of Anseriformes were positively correlated with deeper water area, anthropogenic disturbance, distance to the seawall, and mean water level, however, Charadriiformes were positively correlated with shallow water area and bare muddy area.More Charadriiformes species were observed in artificial wetlands. However, Charadriiformes density was higher in the’extensive fish pond1’than those in other natural tidal flats, but their densities in the’natural tidal flat2’was higher than that in the’extensive fish pond2’. Charadriiformes density in the’extensive fish pond1’was higher than those in the natural tidal flats in spring, but the density in the’natural tidal flat1’was higher than those in artificial wetlands in autumn. However, the density in the’natural tidal flat2’was higher than that in the’extensive fish pond2’both in spring and autumn. Habitat preference of Charadriiformes showed seasonal difference: their density was higher in the’extensive fish pond1’in spring than that in autumn, however, the density in the ’natural tidal flat1’was higher in autumn than that in spring.Compared to two provious waterbird records, in our study, more Charadriiformes species were observed in the artificial wetlands, however, their densities sharply decreased. Dunlin was the dominant species in all waterbird surveys, including our study. In the provious surveys, Rufous-necked Stint and Great Knot Calidris tenuirostris were dominant species, and Black-winged Stilt was rare species. However, in our study, their population status changed to common, rare and dominant species, respectively.Recommendations are as follows:1) To re-introduce seawater to the abandoned wetlands and control the water level to maintain an adequate area of shallow water and bare mudflats for shorebirds.2) To dynamically control the water depth in the extensive fish pond, so as to provide stable habitats for wintering ducks and diving birds (deep water) in winter and migrant shorebirds (shallow water and bare mudflats) in spring and autumn.3) Convert concrete banks into natural sandy soils with reed marshes in the lake area for the purpose of increasing habitat diversity required for waterbird roosting;and.4) Slow down the speed of the reclaimed land into farmland and industrial land. Land use plans dealing with reclaimed regions convert more land into paddy fields and ponds and replace dry land areas.


