

University Education for the Devlopment of Undergraduate’s Innovative Qualities

【作者】 吴淑芳

【导师】 戚业国;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 1996年初,经济合作与发展组织发表的一份题为《以知识为基础的经济》的报告中,提出了“以知识为基础的经济”的概念,在全世界掀起了社会变革的浪潮,进入21世纪昭示知识经济时代的到来。知识经济时代,“创新”作为这一时代的主要特征渗入领域之广和影响程度之深,是人们无法否认的。人类社会发展已进入一个高度“知本”化的知识经济时代,一方面,知识成为经济长期增长的关键因素,另一方面,人才的重要性日益凸显,世界范围内的竞争,主要反映在人的素质的竞争,在人的素质中,创新能力是根本的因素。人的创新素养发展成为当代新课题。这种趋势也影响了大学对人的创新能力培养的关注。在国内大学教育情境下,学生的创新素养发展的实际情况怎样?促进或抑制学生创新素养发展的方面分别有哪些,有待进一步考察和探究。统观国内外对大学生创新能力发展研究的情况,所取得的研究成果值得肯定,但同时也有许多方面的不足,比较突出的有:第一,核心概念的解释缺乏统一性;第二,在大学教育活动的微观层面探讨大学教育内部活动方式对学生创新素养发展影响的产生原因及结果的系统研究比较少,使得人们无法准确推辨和了解大学教育中的哪些方面以怎样的方式对学生的创新素养发展产生影响,影响的程度如何,这些都是有待进一步考察的方面;第三,理论研究与实践研究之间的衔接与互动程度相对较低。一方面,与人的创新能力及其发展相关的理论研究相对丰富、系统,而另一方面,人的创新能力发展的现实性问题相当突出,相关的实践研究成果则相对较少,无法满足解决诸多现实问题的需要,且理论研究与实践研究之间的互动、衔接不够;第四,对大学教育与大学生创新素养发展关系的定量与定性相结合的综合研究不多见;第五,关于大学生创新素养发展的研究在研究方向和研究水平上都是不均衡的,对于有些问题过于关注,研究水平相对成熟,而有些问题在研究界很少受到关注,致使对有关的重要问题的理论和实践探究相对滞后。本研究将以大学教育对人的创新素养发展影响作为研究和考察的目的,以组织、学科、话语作为理论分析视角,考察大学生活以及大学生活中学生的创新素养发展问题,以内在逻辑关系的解读、考量为研究重点,突出社会学研究的理路,旨在揭示在既有的大学育人机制和育人活动中,对人的创新素养发展产生影响的方面、影响结果及存在的现实性问题,在这样的考察基础上对当前的大学教育活动进行反思,并提出合理的改进建议及策略。研究过程中采用了访谈、参与观察、话语内容分析、问卷调查等社会学方法。多方法相结合,调查结果详实有效。研究中,所涉及和讨论的主要论题有:探讨创新及其理论谱系;归纳构成人的创新素养的各因素及其特征表现;分析大学教育与人的创新素养发展关系;从大学发展历史脉络中形成的学科传统、育人传统与文化传统中找寻与人的创新素养发展相关的分析要点;在组织、学科规训和话语的理论框架下解读大学教育;对大学生活进行社会学的考察;参阅历史、借鉴不同学科回应当下大学教育中人的创新素养发展中的问题。每一个论题便是一个分析单元,对每一论题的分析和讨论最终构成本研究的逻辑框架。研究的分析脉络由两个部分连接,一是,从横向结构关系的角度梳理出人的创新素养构成体系,以这一体系为比照,并在组织、学科、话语理论分析框架下论述在学科层面、学校培养层面、学生日常交往层面本研究的考察焦点,对大学教育与人的创新素养发展的关系及影响的结果进行现实考察;二是,从实效性的角度考虑,由指向未来发展目标的将来状态转回到现实问题的解决中,诊断出当前大学人才培养中的症结,为大学教育改革发展以及育人活动中的诸多问题提供可借鉴的现实依据。本研究是由现象考察转向内部关系,由指向未来培养目标转向问题情境的探秘过程,全景式地分析大学教育与人的创新素养发展之间的关系以及存在的现实问题,最终为调和大学教育与人的创新素养发展做出理性回应。基本结论:在大学育人过程中,存在的主要问题有:①学生的主体性未被重视;②既定的思维方式影响了学生创新性素养的有效养成;③学科制度导致通才教育与专业训练的分化;④大学学科制度与学生发展之间存在矛盾。

【Abstract】 In early1996, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development issued a report entitled "the knowledge-based economy", put forward the concept of "knowledge-based economy". The event raised a tide of social change throughout the world. Stepping into the21st century means the arrival of the era of knowledge-driven economy.’Innovation’as the main characteristics of this era is moving into wider field and exerting deeper influence, which are people cannot be denied. The social development is based on the knowledge. One important side, knowledge becomes the key factor in the long-term economic growth, another side, the talent is becoming important more and more. Worldwide competition is admitted as the competition of human quality. Out of the people’s quality, innovation is the fundamental factor. To promote people’s innovative qualities is the contemporary hot topic. This trend also cause most of universities to focus on people’s innovative qualities development. In the national university education real-life context, how about the undergraduates’innovative quality development? What are the promote or inhibit elements respectively for undergraduates’innovative quality development? All of the questions need further investigation and exploration.Having analysed the domestic and foreign research literature on undergraduates’innovative ability development, you will find there are an amount of valuable research achievement, also many prominent shortcomings: first, the core concepts have no unified explaination; Second, the study about the relationship between uninversity education and undergraduates’innovative qualities development on the micro level of university education is so less that people cannot accurately distinguishing and know which aspects of the university education in what way to influence student’s innovative qualities development, the degree of influence, all of these should be explored further; Third, the degree of cohesion and tightness between theory study and practice research is not enough; Fourth, the comprehensive study combining quantitative research means with qualitative research means is rare; Fifth, the research direction and the research level are in uneven result in the relating important problem exploration is relatively backward either on theory or on practice.The purpose of the study is to research the influence results i.e. how the university education affects students’innovative quanlities development. On the perspective of the theory of organization, discipline and discourse, observing and inspecting university life, further more, exploring the internal logical relations within university. Throughout the discussing process, the main line of the research obviously reflects the sociology idea. With the purpose to make clear the main influencing aspects, the results and the existing practical problems in the university education process. On the basis of sociological investigation to examine the current university education, and put forward reasonable suggestions and strategies for improving the quality of university education. The survey methods are including interview, participant observation, network discourse analysis and questionnaire. Using a variety of methods ensure the survey results detailed and effective.The main topics involved in the study include:research on innovation and its theoretical spectrum; point out the constitute factors and performance characteristics of innovative qualities; Analyse the relationship between university education and people’s innovative qualities development; from the academic tradition, university culture tradition formed in development history of university education to find out the discuss points; under the theoretical framework of organization, discipline and discourse to inspect university life through sociological methods; refer to the history and different disciplines to settle the current problems in university education in the process of undergraduates’innovative qualities development. Each topic is a unit. All of these topics connecting together form the logic framework of this study.There are two parts throughout the study analysis:first, from the lateral structural relationship, to comb out the constituting factors of people’s innovative quality, meanwhile to explore the investigation core of university education under the theoretical analysis framework of the organization, the discipline and the discourse system. The innovative quality system and the investigation core of university education are the frame of reference to further discuss the relationship and the influence results between university education and people’s innovative quality development. Second, from the perspective of effectiveness, to diagnose out the crux of the current personnel training in university education. The study is an exploration towards current practical problems existing in undergraduate’s innovative quality development, eventually to afford rational response how to mediate the relationship between university education and undergraduate’s innovative quality development, and to provide the realistic basis can be used for reference for university education reform as well as the problems of the educational activities.The basic conclusions:First, the subjectivity of the students has not been valued. Second, the established way of thinking affects the innovative qualities development effectively. Third, discipline system leads to differentiation between liberal education and professional training. Fourth, there is contradiction between students’development and university discipline system.

  • 【分类号】G642
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】2410

