

Chinese Ancient Novels in Vietnam

【作者】 黎亭卿

【导师】 谭帆;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 越南属于汉文化影响的地区,所以中越两国的社会文化有很多相同之处。中国和越南是友好的邻邦,具有密切及悠久的历史关系。因此,两国文学之间的交流渊源甚早。越南接受了中国文学史上的优秀成果来丰富发展自己国家的文学,其中也接受了中国古代小说的影响。前辈学者对于中国文化文学和中国古代小说对越南文化文学的影响的研究已取得丰硕的成果。但至今关于中国古代小说特别是《三国演义》、《水浒传》与《西游记》三部小说如何流传到越南,越南如何接受这些作品以及其如何影响越南文学的创作与批评还没得以充分系统化地研究。本论文《中国古代小说在越南——以<三国演义>、<水浒传>、<西游记>为中心》,划分为四部分:第一章,中世纪至今越南中国古代小说研究、批评概况。梳理中国古代小说在越南接受、批评的过程。力图说明越南研究界是如何接受、评价中国古代小说的。第二章,阐述中国古代小说在越南流传与翻译情况,并详细考察《三国演义》、《水浒传》与《西游记》三部中国古代小说代表作在越南的流传与翻译过程。第三章,详细分析《三国演义》、《水浒传》与《西游记》传入越南至今对越南文学创作的具体影响。第四章,详细及具体地分析《三国演义》、《水浒传》与《西游记》等三部小说在越南从中代到19世纪末以前,20世纪初到1945年及1945年至今三阶段的研究与批评情况。希望通过这样的论述,能够清晰的展现中国古代小说在越南的接受、传播和研究的过程。特别是中国古代小说的代表作:《三国演义》、《水浒传》与《西游记》。在论文中笔者把个案的分析和中越小说创作的比较研究相结合,以便提高结论的可靠性和系统性,试图从中得出深刻而新颖的见解。

【Abstract】 Vietnam is located in the area affected by Chinese culture, therefore, there have been some culture and society similarities between them. Moreover, Vietnam and China are neighbours so they have had long and intimate relationship history. Consequently, the literary exchange relation between these two countries took place long time ago. During that long period, Vietnam adopted many Chinese literature achievements to enrich for Vietnamese literature itself, including adopting Chinese ancient novel achievements. There have been many research which focused on searching and valuing the role of Chinese culture and literature in general, Chinese ancient novels in particular on Vietnamese culture and literature. However, up to now the issue of how Chinese ancient novels in general, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West in particular was spread to and adopted in Vietnam and how they influenced the composing and commenting Vietnamese literature still have not researched specifically and systematically, proportional with profound influences that they created.Doing the research with the topic Chinese ancient novels in Vietnam-focusing on Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West, Ⅰ wanted to research some specific issues and they were discussed in four chapters,In Chapter One, I talked about the researching and commenting Chinese ancient novels in Vietnam from the past up to now. The purpose of this chapter is to give a genaral picture of the researching and commenting Chinese ancient novels in Vietnam. With that picture, readers can understand how Vietnamese researchers adopted and valued this kind of special work.In Chapter Two, apart from a brief presenting about spreading and translating situation of Chinese ancient novels in Vietnam, I focused on exploring the spreading and translating situation of the three typical Chinese ancient novels:Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West. In Chapter Three, Ⅰ researched and analysed carefully the specific influences that Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West brought to many Vietnamese literature work from the time these three novels imported into Vietnam up to now.In the last chapter, Chapter Four, Ⅰ analysed in detail the researching and commenting situation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West in Vietnam in three periods:from the ending of ⅩⅨ century backward, from the beginning of XX century to1945, and from1945up to now.Presenting the thesis with four chapters like this, Ⅰ focused on doing a research about the spreading and reception of Chinese ancient novels in Vietnam, focusing on three typical novels:Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Water Margin and Journey to the West. These three novels were analysed separately to reach specific and deep analysis, however, they were also put in comparing, relating with Chinese ancient novels to reach the systematic and meaningful conclusions.

  • 【分类号】I106.4-03
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】819

