

The Historical Situation of Young Teachers’Academic and Life

【作者】 李宜江

【导师】 丁钢;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 近十年来,大学青年教师越来越受到广泛关注,学术界从不同学科视角、聚焦不同问题领域、运用不同研究方法纷纷对大学青年教师展开研究。现有大学青年教师的研究在呈现良好研究态势的同时,也存在以下局限:一是研究的时空:静态有余,动态不足,缺乏历史感;二是研究的问题领域:维度有余,立体不足,缺乏联系感;三是研究的方法:定量有余,质性不足,缺乏生活感。为了研究的方便,将新中国成立以来大学青年教师划分为三代人。具体说来,第一代大学青年教师是1966年“文化大革命”前形成的一代,他们中多数是新中国成立以后读的大学,主要出生于20世纪30-40年代;第二代大学青年教师是经历上山下乡、在“文化大革命”中成长的一代,他们中多数是恢复高考后读的大学,主要出生于20世纪50-60年代;第三代大学青年教师是迎来改革开放的新生一代,他们中多数是伴随着市场经济大潮读的大学,主要出生于20世纪70-80年代。本文以时间为“线”、S大学空间场域为“点”,宏观社会背景为“面”,“点”、“线”、“面”相结合,编制访谈提纲,选择文学、历史学、哲学、教育学、数学、物理学、化学、生物学、心理学、教育技术学等不同学科背景的三代青年教师作为研究对象,采用教育叙事、口述史等研究方法,从教育、生活、学术等多种维度,考察新中国成立以来三代大学青年教师在不同历史时期学术与生活的境遇。第一代大学青年教师是“同质”的一代,学术与生活常受困扰。在上大学期间,他们的学习就不断受到政治运动的冲击。在大学工作以后,学术活动在政治干扰中缓慢前行,经历了刻骨铭心的助教工作,在政治控制中科研“无意识”,由于职称晋升工作非制度化、不确定性,他们在青年时对讲师职称非常向往,有相当一部分青年教师当了十多年助教。在生活方面,他们的生活境遇二十年间未曾本质改变,表现为拿了20年“一个”工资,住了20年“一间”房子,看了20年“一样”电影。第二代大学青年教师是“奋进”的一代,表现出对学术与生活的渴求。第二代大学青年教师多数在1977年恢复高考以后上大学,倍加珍惜来之不易的学习机会,如饥似渴的学习。在大学工作以后,他们的学术之花迎来了开放的春天。从担任助教那天起,就开始训练基本功站稳讲台,成为讲师以后教学成了生活的主线,科学研究开始有了量化评价标准,职称晋升不再是遥不可及,而是可以通过努力逐步实现。他们经历了“脑体倒挂”的岁月,并从容地度过了20世纪80年代的清苦日子,在物质贫乏的年代也可以简单快乐地生活,进入90年代以后,他们的生活开始逐渐好转,物质待遇不断提高。1977、1978级大学生出身的大学青年教师成为第二代青年教师中的特殊群体,他们年龄差异巨大、社会阅历丰富,求知欲望强烈、学习格外刻苦,心态积极向上、敢于拼搏进取,作为一个在特殊历史时期产生的特殊群体,他们的经历和道路不可复制,其经验和精神却可以传承。第三代大学青年教师是“纠结”的一代,学术与生活面临选择的困惑。五彩斑斓的大学生活也给第三代青年教师日后的学术与生活带来了选择的烦恼。他们在学术上面临前所未有的压力,在第一代青年教师记忆中刻骨铭心的助教,到了第三代青年教师时已行将成为历史。当第三代青年教师的教学遭遇科研那只“看得见的手”时,青年教师开始有了不同选择,或是重科研,或是委屈教学,或者寻求良心的平衡。当科研考核渐趋量化的时候,科研评价就成了悬在他们头上的“双刃剑”,如何在积极与消极方面获得平衡又是一个纠结的问题。职称晋升的竞争到了第三代青年教师时日见激烈,职称晋升“想说爱你并不容易”。第三代青年教师有别于前面两代青年教师学术方面压力的一个重要特征是学位提升方面的压力空前绝后。第三代青年教师的生活待遇在客观上不断提高,但由于多种原因,他们幸福感却在不断下降。对于学术与生活他们面临从未有过的选择与平衡。新中国成立以来,三代大学青年教师在不同历史时期,有着不同的学术与生活境遇。扫描三代青年教师走过的学术与生活历程,发现曾经同样年轻的他们,在客观历史与主观经验交互作用下却有着不同历史境遇;虽然处在不同历史境遇中,却有着渴求知识传播知识的共同坚守;面临不同时空有着多样选择,却都是追求沉浸于日常教学与科研的“安心”人生。

【Abstract】 Over the past decade, the University Young Teachers are increasingly attracted widespread attention, and academia from different disciplinary perspectives, focus on different problem areas, the use of different research methods have young teachers in university research. Existing University research of young teachers at the same time showed good research trend, there are also the following limitations:First study of time and space:static more than, less dynamic, the lack of a sense of history; research problem areas:the dimension is more than, less than three-dimensional. the lack of sense of connection; Third, the research methods:quantitative more than qualitative, lack of sense of life.Ease of study, since the founding of New China, young teachers in university is divided into three generations. Specifically, the first generation of young teachers in university is a generation before the " Cultural Revolution " of1966, the majority of them in the university in the founding of New China, mainly born in the1930s and1940s; second generation of young teachers in university experienced mountains and the countryside, the generation growing up in the "Cultural Revolution", most of them after the reopening of the university, mainly born in the1950s and1960s; third generation of young teachers in university freshmen to usher in reform and opening up generation, the majority of them along with the tide of the market economy, the university, mainly born in the1970s and1980s.This paper takes time as the "line", S University space field as "point", the macroscopic social background for "face","point","line","noodles" combination, prepare the interview outline, literature, history, philosophy, education, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, educational technology from different disciplinary backgrounds such as a three generation of young teachers as the research object, using the research methods of educational narrative, oral history, from education, life, academic and other dimensions, study since the founding of new China three generations of young university teachers in the academic and life in different historical periods of the situation.The first generation of young university teachers "homogeneous" generation, academic and life of their highly similar.In the University, their learning has been the impact of political movements.In university work, academic activities before the slow in political interference, experienced an imprint is engraved on my heart., in the political control of scientific research "unconscious", as the title promotion work of non-institutionalized, uncertainty, in their youth to the lecturer titles very yearning, a considerable part of the young teachers as10years ta.In the life, not the nature of their living situation twenty years changed, took20years to "a" wage, lived for20years-"a house, see"20years "as" movie.The second generation of young university teachers "Endeavour" generation, academic and life they accompanied by reform and opening-up renaissance.The second generation of young university teachers mostly in the resumption of college entrance examination in1977the University, they cherish this be not easily won the opportunity to learn, be like hunger and thirst to learn.In university work later, their academic flower ushered in the opening up of the spring.From the teaching assistants of the day, began training basic skills in their new life, become a lecturer teaching has become the life line, scientific research has begun to quantify the evaluation standard, title promotion is no longer unreachable, but can be achieved through the efforts of progressive.They experienced "cerebral body is hanged" years, and calmly through the nineteen eighties rough, in the poor material can also be simple and happy life, after entering90age, their lives begin to improve gradually, material benefits continue to improve.Young university teachers1977,1978grade students who become a special group of young teachers in second generations, their differences in age are great, rich social experience, a strong desire for knowledge, learning very hard, positive and progressive attitude, dare to struggle ahead, as a special group in the special historical period, their experience and the road can not be replication, its experience and spirit can inherit.The third generation of young university teachers "entangled" generation, academic and life they faced with how to choose.The colorful university life but also to the third academic and life in the future generation of young teachers bring choose the troubles.They are faced with hitherto unknown pressure in learning, memory imprint is engraved on my heart. In the first generation of young teachers in teaching, to have to become the third generation of young teachers of history.When the third generation of young teachers’ teaching experience and,research the "visible hand", young teachers began to have different choices, or scientific research, teaching or wronged, or seek the balance of conscience. When the scientific assessment is quantified, scientific research evaluation was hanging over their head,"double-edged sword" in the positive and negative aspects of balance is a tangled problem.Promotion of competition in the third generation of young teachers become more intense when, get promotion difficult.The third generation of young teachers have an important characteristic different from pressure in front of two generation of young teachers is that they enhance the academic aspects of the pressure in the degree of unprecedented and unrepeatable.Treatment of third generations of young teachers to constantly improve the objective, but due to various reasons, their happiness is on the decline.They never had the face of choice and balance academic and life.Since the founding of new China, the three generation of young university teachers in the different historical period, have different academic and life circumstances. Academic and life history of three generation of young teachers through scanning, found to have the same young they, in the interaction of objective history and subjective experience have different historical circumstances; although in different historical circumstances, have a desire to spread knowledge of common knowledge; facing different space-time has a variety of options, they are the pursuit of immersed in daily teaching and scientific research of the "peace of mind" life.

【关键词】 大学青年教师学术生活历史境遇
【Key words】 UniversityYoung TeachersAcademicLifeHistorical situation

