

Research on Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of the Grain for Green Project in Hongya County

【作者】 王同顺

【导师】 孙保平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究采用RS和GIS技术手段,结合野外调查、室内实验分析等方法,对洪雅县在2000-2010年期间的土地利用/覆被变化及其驱动力、不同退耕还林地特征进行了分析,通过对退耕还林工程的生态、经济、社会效益的定量分析研究,运用层次分析法对四川省洪雅县退耕还林10年来的综合效益进行了全面、系统的评价。主要研究结果如下:(1)退耕还林工程是引起土地利用/覆被变化的主要因素。通过遥感监测,实施退耕还林后,在2000-2010年期间,林地面积比例呈逐渐增加,耕地面积逐渐减少,植被覆盖度随时间的变化由低植被盖度逐渐向中、高植被盖度转化,土壤侵蚀强度呈逐渐减弱的趋势,其中,林地面积增加了25714.76hm2,水域面积增加了1363.43hm2,城镇居民用地面积增加了227.59hm2,耕地面积减少了16671.38hm2,草地面积减少了11895.88hm2,未利用地面积共减少了1738.53hm2,平均森林覆盖率达到66.9%,增长了17.1%,平均土壤侵蚀模数比退耕还林前减少了4406.95t/km2.a。(2)退耕还林工程实施后产生了巨大的生态效益。不同退耕还林地的土壤理化学性质、水文效应等方面得到不同程度的改善和提高。在2003-2010年期间,退耕还林产生的生态效益总价值达37.80亿元,其中,退耕还林保护水资源价值19.98亿元,保育土壤价值为7.37亿元,固碳制氧总价值6.47亿元,保护生物多样性价值为3.55亿元;净化环境价值为1545.86万元,改善小气候价值为2794.45万元。(3)退耕还林工程对经济效益的提高起到了明显的促进作用。退耕还林实施以来,到2010年退耕还林地累计创造的经济收入为9.81亿元,其中林产业总收入1.81亿元,竹业收入3.53亿元,草业收入4.47亿元,平均产投比为2.37。国内生产总值呈逐年递增的趋势,平均每年增长额为3.76亿元,年均增长率为15.60%,第一产业比重减小,第二、三产业比重增加。退耕还林工程对农业总产值有着促进作用,其中,种植业比重减小,林业、牧业、渔业比重增大。2010年粮食总播种面积为2.23万hm2,粮食产量为13.81万t,比退耕前的1998年分别减少了23.10%和21.09%,但粮食单产由1998年的6.03t/hm2增加到6.19t/hm。畜牧业产值逐年增加,2010年畜牧业产值是1998年的2.2倍,在农业产业结构中所占比例为57.79%。农户总收入和人均纯收入总体上均呈上升趋势,农民人均纯收入比退耕前提高了2.73倍。(4)退耕还林工程对社会效益的贡献在不同方面得到显现。在合理转移劳动力方面,退耕还林有利于劳动力向第二、第三产业转移,2010年从事一、二、三产业生产的劳动力占农村从业人员的比例分别为60.37%、18.35%和21.28%,第二、三产业的人数比退耕前增加了11.1%和8.39%,从事农业生产人数减少19.55%,外出务工人数比退耕前增加了7.81万人。在优化土地利用结构方面,农村土地利用结构发生了一定程度的变化,由较为单一的种植业向多种经营模式转变。在提高居民生活水平方面,城乡居民生活水平明显提高,已经全面进入到小康的发展阶段。(5)随着退耕还林工程的不断深入发展,退耕还林综合效益呈不断增加的趋势,生态、经济和社会效益也逐渐趋于一种平衡协调性发展。到了2010年,综合效益指数为0.62,生态效益指数、经济效益指数和社会效益指数分别为0.65、0.63、0.52,与退耕初期2003年相比,综合效益较涨幅为63.16%,生态、经济和社会效益涨幅分别为91.18%、65.78%和13.04%,生态效益增加速度明显高于经济和社会效益。

【Abstract】 By the techniques of RS and GIS, combined with field investigation, laboratory experiments analysis and other methods, the land use/cover change and its driving forces, different characteristics of Grain for Green Project of Hongya Countyduring2000-2010were analyzed. Through quantitative analyzing method, the ecological, economic and social benefits of Grain for Green Project werestudied. Using the analytic hierarchy process method, the overall efficiency of Grain for Green Project is evaluated comprehensive and systematically in Hongya County of Sichuan Province for this10years. The main results of the study are listed below:(1) Grain for Green Project is a main fact of land use/cover change. Through remote monitoring, after the implementation of Grain for Green Project, during2000-2010, the proportion of forest area was gradually increasing, arable landdecreasing, vegetation cover changing from low to moderate and high, soil erosion weakening gradually.Forest area increased25,714.76hectares, waters area increased1,363.43hectares, township resident land area increased227.59hectares, cultivated land area decreased13,671.38hectares,grassland area decreased11,895.88hectares.and unutilized land area decreased1,738.53hectares.The average forest coverage rate reached66.9%with an increase of17.1%, andthe average soil erosion modulus reduced4406.95t/km2·a.(2) It had enormous ecological benefits after the implementation of Grain for Green Project. Physicochemical properties of the soil, hydrological effects and other aspects of forest land returned from farmland were improved and enhanced at different degrees. Between2003and2010, the Grain for Green Project in Hongya County produced a total eco-efficiency value of3.78billion Yuan, of which the water resources protection value of19.98billion Yuan, soil conservation value of7.37billion Yuan, total carbon sequestration and oxygen production value of6.47billion Yuan, biodiversity protection value of3.55billion Yuan, environment cleaning up value of15.46million Yuan, microclimate improvement value of27.94million Yuan.(3) Grain for Green Project improves the economic efficiency significantly. Since the implementation of the project, the economic income caused by the Grain for Green Project is9.81billion Yuan totally until2010, of which the forest industry181million Yuan, the bamboo industry353million Yuan and the grass industry447million Yuan.The average output-cost ratio is2.37. In the terms of GDP and industrial structure change, the GDP increased gradually, with an average annual growth of376million Yuan and a growth rate of15.60%. The first industry ratio decreased and the secondary and tertiary industries increased proportionately. Grain for Green Project plays a promoting function on agricultural output. Planting proportion decreased, while the proportion of forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased. The total grain sown area is22,300hm2and the grain production is138,100t in2010, which decreased23.10%and21.09%respectively compared with1998before the Grain for Green Project, but the grain production per hectare increased by0.16t/hm2. The animal husbandry output value grows year by year. The animal husbandry output value in2010is2.2times of1998, and the proportion increased to57.79%in the agricultural structure. The total and per capita income shows an overall upward trend. The per capita income of farmers increased2.73times compared with before the Grain for Green Project.(4) Grain for Green Project’s contribution to societybenefits were revealed in various aspects. In the terms of reasonable labor transformation, Grain for Green Project played a beneficial role in the labor transformation to the secondary and tertiary industries. In2010, the workers in the secondary and tertiary industries is increased by11.1%and8.39%than the year before the project, and the workers in agriculture decreased by19.55%, the number of migrant workers increased by78,100. In the terms of land structure optimization, the rural land using structure had undergone some changes from planting to a variety of business models. In the terms of living standard improvement, urban and rural living standards had been markedly improved, and entered into an overall well-off stage of development.(5) With the deepening development of Grain for Green Project, comprehensive benefit shows a rising trend, ecological, economic and social benefits are also leading to a more and more balanced development. By2010, overall efficiency index is0.62; ecological efficiency index, economic index and social index are0.65,0.63and0.52. Compared with2003, the early period of the project, the increase of the comprehensive benefits is63.16%; the increases of the ecological, economic and social efficiency are91.18%,65.78%and13.04%. The increasing speed of eco-efficiency is significantly higher than the economic and social efficiency.


