

Computer Aided Landscape Planning and Design Strategy

【作者】 包瑞清

【导师】 赵鸣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 研究论文根据研究的次序分为两个部分,第一部分主要研究当前计算机辅助规划设计三个方面的内容:以参数模型构建的方式主导设计过程,作为过程的空间分析以及基于计算机模拟的生态环境分析技术报告,并根据各自领域的发展情况分别阐述辅助规划设计的基本流程。在模型构建部分阐述使用Python语言以及节点可视化编程语言Grasshopper构建参数化模型的方法,同时阐述如何从生态分析、结构分析、动力学以及地理信息系统协同规划设计;作为过程的空间分析主要是从目前地理信息系统辅助规划设计的角度出发,论述如何借助地理信息系统从数据的角度出发,系统的辅助规划整个流程的方法,包括场地现状信息数据录入与基本分析,如何在基础数据之上进行各类统计分析以及服务区、网络结构分析和专题图叠合方法,提出了系统借助于地理信息系统辅助规划的方式;在以对建筑环境生态模拟控制与优化设计的过程中,根据目前计算机在生态分析领域所能够达到分析的程度,从气象数据分析、热环境、风环境、水环境、光环境等方面提出基于计算机模拟的生态环境分析技术报告,形成对于场地前期分析、过程分析以及设计后分析比较的一般生态分析内容。基于目前计算机辅助风景园林规划所能够实现的方面,很难将三个方面作为一个统一的系统处理,但是同为辅助规划设计的内容,三者之间互相嵌合、互相影响,因此提出复合的计算机辅助设计策略,将三个方面能够辅助规划设计的内容梳理成表,任何项目可以首先根据分析表选择适合的分析项目,再根据分析内容和项目情况搭建辅助规划设计的流程。基于对目前计算机辅助风景园林规划设计内容的梳理,在第二部分提出基于编程的逻辑构建过程设计研究的方法。将编程的方法带入到规划设计领域,并以逻辑构建的过程阐述如何创造性地改变传统设计过程的方法,提出设计技术解决的途径,定义基于编程的逻辑构建过程设计研究的概念和内容,阐述编程、参数化以及与设计之间的关系,编程是参数化的实质,参数化是编程辅助设计应用的一个分支,设计参数化的目的往往是构建由参数控制形态的有机体,而基于编程的逻辑构建过程包括参数化的方法,包括各类设计过程中能够借助于编程解决的问题,从更广阔的角度阐述设计方法的变革;根据基于编程的逻辑构建过程设计方法,从形式模块逻辑构建阐述改善道路设计、置石设计、种植设计以及地形设计过程的体验,系统论述智能化自然地形衍化的方法,借助于由设计者编写的程序创造一套适合于不同设计者本人设计过程的方法;并进一步探讨基于逻辑构建过程古建筑营造方式的研究,如何从传统静态的研究方式转变为动态的研究方法,从清《工程做法》斗口制参数关系的设定,到斗拱模型关系的构建以及依据举折之制建立的截面和最后的建筑整体木构架,从编程的角度构建古建筑构件的关系,并把这种关系作为数据处理的核心更加有利于不同形制古建筑的研究;基于编程的逻辑构建过程是一套设计研究的方法,不是某一专门领域的产物,因此古建筑的研究只是其可以发挥作用的一个方面,同时也以逻辑构建的过程探索未知的形态领域,阐述工业机器人逆向形式探索的程序编写方法,以及基于其它学科研究系统在规划设计领域的应用探索,例如动力学作为逻辑构建过程形式研究的一种途径和折叠的程序;并进一步阐述动态的数据关联,解决风景园林规划区域尺度变化幅度大的条件下,如何借助于地理信息数据分析的方法,基于数据层面将区域规划分析与地块设计进行整合。论文研究的核心是基于编程的逻辑构建过程,第一部分是第二部分研究的基础,不管是纯粹的参数化、地理信息系统分析,还是生态分析技术,任何具有计算机数据属性的内容,都可以作为编程的基础数据,那么不管是设计几何还是设计分析都可以从基于编程的逻辑构建过程探索新的设计过程的方法。

【Abstract】 According to the research sequences, This dissertation is divided into two parts. In the first part, three aspects are mainly studied in the current computer aided planning and design, which includes the design process oriented by the construction method of parameter model; the spatial analysis as the process and the technical report of the ecological environment analysis based on computer simulation; separately described the basic flows for the aided planning and design on the basis of the development status of each field. In the part of model construction, we not only discuss the methods to construct the parameterized model with the application of Python Language and the node visualized programming language of Grasshopper, but also illustrate how to realize a synergetic planning and design from the perspectives of ecological analysis, structural analysis, dynamics and GIS (geographic information system). And in terms of the process of spatial analysis, we start mainly from the current GIS aided planning to discuss how to utilize the GIS to have a systematic and aided planning on the overall process from the perspective of data and such a method includes information&data input and the basic analysis on the current site situation. Also we have discussed how to have a wide variety of statistical analysis based on the basic data and have a structural analysis on the different service areas and networks and apply the superposition methods for the thematic maps to suggest a systematic method with the support of GIS aided planning. And during the whole process of ecological simulation control and optimized design of the architectural environment, we issue the technical analysis report on the ecological environment based on the computer simulation from the aspects including meteorological data analysis, thermal environment, wind environment and luminous environment etc. on the basis of the current level that today’s computers might reach in the field of ecological analysis to form the general ecological analysis, which includes the preliminary analysis of the site, the procedure analysis and the after-design analytic comparison. Based on what might be achieved at present with the computer aided landscape architecture planning, it’s very hard to process all these three aspects as a unified system. However as the content of the aided planning and design, all of these three aspects can fit with each other and act upon each other. In view of this, we might suggest a compound computer aided design strategy, which will sort out all these three aspects that might aid the planning and design into a table so that for any project, people might choose the appropriate analysis item from the analysis table at the very start and then construct the flow for aided planning and design based on the content to be analyzed and the project.Based on the sorting out of the content that is included in the current computer aided landscape planning and design, in the second part of the paper we suggest the approaches to study the design of the programming-based logic construction process. With this method, programming is introduced into the field of planning and design. Meanwhile based on the logic construction process, we illustrate how to convert creatively the methods adopted in the traditional design process and propose the solution for design technique. Also we define the various concepts and contents in the design research of the programming-based logic construction process to discuss the relations between programming, parameterization and design. Actually programming is the essence of parameterization, while parameterization is a branch for the application of programming aided design. Design parameterization is always used to construct the organism with forms controlled by parameters, while the programming-based logic construction process includes the methods for parameterization, which have covered the various problems that might be solved by programming during the design processes. Therefore we could illustrate the reform on design methods from a broader perspective. Based on the deign method of programming-based logic construction process, we have described the experiences in improving road design, design of stone arrangement, planting design and topographical design from the logic construction of formal module so as to discuss systematically the approaches to derive intelligently the natural landforms. With the support of the programs written by the designer, a new approach suitable to different designers in their own design processes can be developed. Also we have discussed further the various researches on the construction methods of the ancient architecture based on logic construction process and explored how to transform the traditional static study to a dynamic study. And from the definition of the parameter relationship in Doukou modular system described in "Engineering Practices" of Qing Dynasty to the construction of relations in bracket model, even to the cross section that has been established based on the height of roof truss and the overall timber frame of the final building, we have set up the relations between the components on the ancient buildings from the perspective of programming. Actually they have contributed to the researches on the ancient buildings in different structures when such relations have been considered as the core for data process. Frankly, instead of as a product of a certain specialized field, the programming-based logic construction process is actually a research approach that has been designed. Therefore to study the ancient architecture is actually one of the aspects that it might play its role. Meanwhile, the logic construction process has been utilized to explore some unknown morphology domain. Actually we have discussed the programming method explored in the reverse way of the industrial robot and the application of those research systems that are based on the other disciplines in the planning and design. For example, we choose dynamics as the way to study the forms of logic construction process. Furthermore we have elaborated the correlation between the dynamic data to solve the problems on how to utilize the method of GI data analysis to integrate the regional planning&analysis and the design of land parcel on the data level under the condition that the scale of the landscape planning area has been changed significantly.The core of this dissertation is the programming-based logic construction process. However the first part should be the foundation for the second part. No matter if it’s the pure parameterization, the GIS analysis or the ecological analysis technology, as long as it’s with the computer data attributes, all of them could act as the basic data for programming. Therefore no matter if it’s to design geometry or analysis, it would be applicable to explore a new method for design process from the programming-based logic construction process.


