

A Study on English Translations of Chuci

【作者】 张娴

【导师】 蒋洪新;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 文化人类学整体论是一个重要的学科范畴,其理论要旨在于强调事物的整体意识以及作为文化主体的人的意识,主要包括三方面的核心理念:其一,一种文化的整体特征并不等同于该文化整体中的部分特质简单相加,各种文化现象是一个内部有联系的整体。其二,注重民族文化的传承,关注历史文化是如何传递给下一代或异域群体的。其三,重视具有主体性的人以及人的主体性,人与其承载的各种文化之间的互动关系。借助于文化人类学整体论这一跨学科的思维武器和视角,本研究以《楚辞》中的文化英译为取向,重点探索以下几个问题:《楚辞》英译的历史状况和发展态势如何?各译本在整体上呈现怎样的文化整体面貌和译者主体文化?原作的多学科、多层次的文化整体价值是否得以开采和传达?作品的后续生命是否得到延续?《楚辞》英译研究对中国典籍翻译有怎样启迪作用?全文共分三个部分。第一部分为引言。该部分概述了《楚辞》的主要价值及影响,说明了研究的缘起与意义、内容与思路、方法与创新点。第二部分为研究的主体,共五章。第一章对国内外《楚辞》英译及英译研究进行述评。现有的《楚辞》英译无论在翻译的范围、翻译视角、翻译目的还是翻译方法方面都具有局限性,各译本之间缺乏关联和互动。前人对《楚辞》英译的研究成果多为零星的散论,缺乏较为综合、全面的论证,对翻译中是否突出原文整体文化价值研究非常有限,因而,本章提出用文化人类学整体论这一跨学科的理论来研究《楚辞》中人类文化因素的翻译问题。第二章为理论解读。文化人类学是文化诗学的一种特殊构成,它的整体观、普同观、跨文化比较观等范畴与翻译具有相互阐发的特征。它的首要原理整体论及其衍生的一些理念,如:主位和客位、整体和部分,历史与现实,整合、深描、主体性等与《楚辞》翻译具有普同性,能促使译者在翻译过程中坚持观察视野的整体性,避免对翻译本体的片面认识,这些理论视角对《楚辞》英译研究具有一定解释力。在此基础上,本章对原作的文化整体特征进行分析,并进一步对《楚辞》英译的整体性实现途径进行了初步构想。第三章为《楚辞》译本的整体翻译面貌研究。此章分别对亚瑟·韦利的《九歌—中国古代巫文化研究》、戴维·霍克斯的《楚辞—南方的歌》、林文庆的《离骚》、孙大雨的《英译屈原诗选》等不同时代和文化背景下生成的四个经典译本的整体文化面貌特征、译者的主体文化和翻译视角进行考察,从而产生对译者的文化身份和诠释视角的思考,以及对《楚辞》英译整体模式如何构建的思考。第四章研究《楚辞》中蕴含的人类文化各系统的英译状况,并反思和评价其中的翻译策略。此章通过考察《楚辞》中的表层技术系统、中层社会系统和深层意识系统的文化价值是否被译者准确解读和诠释,认为在翻译中对表层物质技术文化意象所隐蔽的意义有待于进行多层面关照,对中层社会科技文化知识的翻译应在整体上多重融合其历史视域、文化视域和功能视域,对于深层文化意识系统的因素应在翻译中接通中西文化因子在内涵上的相互关联之处,寻找二者的间性。在此基础上,本章进一步指出在翻译中应重视对原作丰富而宝贵的多科价值的开采。第五章探讨本研究对我国典籍翻译理论建设的启迪。本章指出文化整体论视角下的典籍翻译是从文化本体到文化主体人的构建,其实质是文化资源的交流、共享和传承,是翻译主体间对话的平台,提出“互喻型”译者文化是译者的主体文化,以及文化人类学的“向后站”三维整体诠释视角与涵化策略对典籍翻译所起的积极作用。第三部分为结语。该部分对本研究的主要内容及研究所反映的典籍翻译理论和方法的若干问题进行了回顾和思考,并指出研究所存在的不足之处与需要进一步拓展的方向。

【Abstract】 Holism of Cultural Anthropology is an important disciplinary category with its theoretical thrusts emphasizing the holistic awareness of things and that of human as well, as cultural subjects. It mainly includes three key ideas:First, the overall characteristic of a culture is not simply equivalent to the sum of its partial traits for various cultural facts are internally integrated. Second, it concerns the inheritance of national culture and the ways to passing on its history and culture to the next generation and foreign community. Third, it values subjective human, their subjectivity as well as the interactive relationship between human and various cultures they carry.Focusing on the culture of Chuci English translations, this dissertation mainly explores the following questions from the perspective of holism in Cultural Anthropology:What is historical status and future trend of Chuci English translations? What overall cultural outlook does different English translation of Chuci present? Whether has the multi-disciplinary and multi-level cultural value of the source text been explored and transmitted, and its continued life acquired an assurance of survival? What enlightments does the study give to the translations of other Chinese classics?The dissertation consists of three parts. Part One starts with an introductory overview of the significance and impact of Chuci, followed by a description of the purpose, significance, content, approaches and originality of the research. Part Two is the highlight of the study, which comprises five chapters. The first chapter reviews Chuci English translation and its related research both at home and abroad, finding that the exiting English translations of Chuci are limited in terms of the range of texts, translation perspectives, translation purposes and approaches, there has been a lack of necessary correlation and interaction between different translated versions. Previous research findings of English translations are sporadic essays lack of more integrated and comprehensive demonstrations with quite little research into the question whether the translations highlight the overall cultural value of the source text. Therefore, the chapter proposes that holism of Cultural Anthropology, as an interdisciplinary theory, can be employed to study the translation of human cultural factors in Chuci.Chapter Two makes a theoretical interpretation of Cultural Anthropology as a special form of cultural poetics whose core concepts like holism, universalism, cross-cultural comparism, are characterized by mutual elucidation with translation. Its primary principle, holism, and some conceptions derived from it such as emic and etic, history and reality, integration and vicissitudes, thick description, subjectivity, etc. enable translators to keep a holistic horizon and avoid one-sided understanding of translation subject and object because of the mutual interpretation relationship between holism and translation research. Therefore, Chuci translation can rely on the theories to acquire further illustration. The chapter analyzes the holistic cultural features of Chuci, and further depicts a preliminary conception of the approaches to realize the holistic English translations of Chuci. Chapter Three focuses on the overall features of four Chuci English translations. The following four English translation versions generated at different times and cultural backgrounds are explored in terms of their holistic cultural features, translators’host culture:Author Waley’s The Nine Songs:A Study of Shamanism in ancient China, David Hawks’Ch’u Tz’u:the Songs of the South, an Ancient Chinese Anthology, Lim Boon Keng’s The Li Sao, An Elegy on Encountering Sorrows by Chu Yuan, and Sun Dayu’s Selected Poems of Quyuan,which results in a speculation on translators’cultural identity, interpretation perspective, and construction of holistic mode of Chuci translations.Chapter Four examines the cases of translating the human cultural system inherent in Chuci to discover and evaluate its translating strategies. With an inspection about whether the cultural values of its surface technical system, middle-level social system and deep-level ideological system are accurately interpreted by translators, the chapter proposes that a multi-dimensional interpretation is offered for the former, for the intermediate, a holistic multiple fusion of historical, cultural, and functional horizons would be a good option, and for the latter, it is advisable to seek connections between connotations of Chinese and western cultural factors to meet their inter-centrality. On this basis, this chapter further notes that emphasis should be put on the exploration of the rich and precious multi-disciplinary value of the source text.Chapter Five approaches the inspirations that the study offers to the development of classics translation theories. It points out those classics translation from the perspective of culture holism is a refractring from culture ontology of the works to humans, the subject of culture, which in essence means the exchange and sharing of cultural resources, and also a platform for dialogues between translation subjects. Afterwards, the chapter puts forward that configurative culture is the mainstay of translator culture and demonstrates the positive influence of three-dimensional holistic interpretation perspectives of "Stand back" and Cultural acculturation strategy on classics translation.The last part, as a conclusion, reviews the main content of the study and reflects on some issues relevant to the theories and methods of classics translation, points out the inadequacies of the present study and the research orientation for further study.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【下载频次】884

