

An Ecological Study on the Development of University Talents in China

【作者】 龙梦晴

【导师】 张楚廷;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 高等教育学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 大学的发展与人才的成长本是生态的“自然”过程。然而,当前我国大学人才成长中存在着诸多问题。这些问题在教育学、管理学范围内未能得到很好地解释和解决,需要转换思维方式,从不同学科的视角进行分析研究。生态学能科学、合理地解释这些现象和问题:我国大学人才成长中的诸多问题,实际上就是大学人才生态系统出现了生态危机,这种生态危机是各种限制因子综合作用的结果,突出地表现为人才生态主体结构失调,人才生态环境日益失控,人才生态系统功能失效,严重影响了大学的人才培养、科学研究、社会服务和文化传承与创新,必须树立科学的人才生态观,采取有力措施,进行生态拯救。本研究从大学人才管理的视角,借用生态学的原理和方法,基于“人与生态和谐发展”的价值取向,对我国大学人才成长问题进行了生态学分析。研究从“人才”自身出发,结合当前大学人才工作现状,将人才成长与生态和谐联系起来,始终围绕“大学”这个特殊的人才生态系统,从“主体、环境与系统”三个层次,重点分析大学人才个体、种群和群落的特殊性,生态环境对人才成长的作用和影响以及生态系统的结构、功能和运行,采用实证研究的方法得出当前大学人才生态系统存在的问题并阐明原因,寻求问题的解决办法。大学是一个特殊的人才生态系统。除具有一般系统共同的生态特征以外,还有其个性特点:一是所有工作以“人才”为中心。关注人才的生命(自然生命、学术生命和精神生命),重视人才的发展(自然发展、全面发展、个性发展和整体发展);二是具有开放性。大学与社会时刻进行着物质循环、能量流动和信息传递。大学中的人才还通过“食物链”与系统中的其他人才个体、种群与群落之间有着多种复杂关系,并进行着多种形式的人才流动、知识流动和信息传递;三是可以调控。人才个体的内生态系统是一个生命系统,能进行自我调节。人才生态主体与环境共同组成了一个人工的外生态系统,可以人为地进行调控。因此,本研究在分析大学人才生态系统时,建构了科学的人才生态观,不但关注人才,更重视生态,并以人本性、整体性、关联性、动态性、平衡性和应用性为原则,围绕“主体与环境、遗传与变异、平衡与失衡、共生与竞争”等视角进行研究。大学中的人才具有高知识性,高智能性和高创造性的特点。为了追寻最佳生态位,人才常以个体、种群和群落的形式存在于生态系统之中,扮演着教师、学科专家、管理者、普通员工等多种不同角色,需要具备相应的素质,有其特殊的生态需求,并在系统中共同维护着竞争共生、协同进化等多种种间关系。由于各种“限制因子”的综合作用,大学人才生态主体不同程度地出现了结构失调,影响了人才个体和群体作用的发挥,应通过结构的不断调整来进行优化,以体现整体效应。大学人才生态环境是一个多维的环境。空间上可将其划分为校外环境和校内环境。本研究主要从物质环境、制度环境、文化环境、学术环境和管理环境等校内环境的角度,论述大学人才与环境的互动关系。即环境影响人才,人才改变环境。本研究对具有代表性的某省五所大学的人才校内生态环境进行了问卷调查,结果表明:大学人才生态环境日益失控,人才对其生存发展的校内生态环境是不满意的。应进行人工调控,探求特殊的生态环境,以体现温室效应。大学人才生态主体与生态环境共同构成了大学人才生态系统。在这个生态系统中,以知识为核心构成的多条人才生态链,组成了错综复杂的人才知识网,各种营养级在此运行着人才流动、知识流动和信息传递等生态系统功能。由于大学人才生态主体结构失调,人才生态环境日益失控,人才生态系统功能也逐渐失效,需要进行修复,以体现“态”“势”效应。

【Abstract】 The development of university and its talents should be a "natural" and ecological process. However, at present there exist many problems of talent development in our universities,which haven’t been well dealt with in education science and management, and need an analytical investigation from different aspects and in different ways of thinking. Ecology can account for the phenomenon and problem scientifically and reasonably:the problems in talent development in our universities are actually the ecological crisis in ecological system of the university talents, which is the result of combined action of various restriction factors. The main structure of talent ecosystem has become imbalanced, the ecological environment has been increasingly out of control and the function of talent ecosystem has lost efficacy, which have a strong impact on the talent cultivation, scientific research, social work and culture inheritance and innovation of unversities. Therefore, we must establish scientific ecologic outlook on talents, take powerful measures and conduct ecological rescue.From the persoective of university talent management, borrowing the ecological principles and methods, basing the value of "the harmonious development of human and ecology, the research ecologically analyses then problems of talent development of our universities. From "human talent"itself, the dissertation studies the current status of talent work, relates the talent development to ecological harmony, and centers on "universities"----the special talent ecosystem. Moreover, from the three levels of "main body, environment and system", the dissertation focuses on the particularity of individual talent, population and community, the effect and impact on talent development that ecological environment has as well as the structure, function and operation of ecosystem. The research finds out the problems in talent ecosystem, clarifies the reasons and seek the solutions.University is a special talent ecosystem. Not only does it have the same ecological characteristics as the general system, it has its own individualities as follows. The first is all work is focused on "human talents". It pays close attention to the life of talent (the natural life, academic life and spiritual life) and attaches importance to the development of talents (natural development, development in an all-around way, personality development and integrated development). The second is its openness.Universities and society have a circulation of materials, energy flow and information transfer to each other.The university talents have complicated relations with other talent individuals, population and community through the "food chain" and conduct various forms of talent flows, knowledge flows and information flows. The third is that it can be controlled. The inner ecosystem of every individual talent is a life system, which can have self-regulation. While the main body of talent ecosystem and its environment constitute an artificial external ecosystem, which can be regulated artificially. Therefore, analysing the talent ecosystem, the dissertation constructs scientific ecologic outlook on talents, not only focusing on talents, but also valuing ecology, and basing on the principles of human nature, integrity, relevance, balance, and applicability, the research studies the relationship of main body and environment, heredity and heteromorphosis, balance and imbalance, mutualistic symbiosis and competition.The talents in universities are more nowledgable, intelligent and creative. To persue the best ecological niche, individual talents exist in the ecosystem in the form of ndividual, population and cummunity, playing the part of teachers, subject specialists, administrators, general staff and so on, equipped with corresponding qualities, having its special ecological requirements, and maintain the various relationship between competition and mutualistic symbiosis, coevolution in the system. Due to different "restricted factors", structural imbalance arises in the ecological main body of universities, influencing the functioning of individual talents and population, which should be optimized by adjusting the structures to have an overall effect.The ecosystem of university talents is a multidimensional environment. In space, it can be divided into out-of-school environment and campus environment. From the perspective of material environment, institutional environment, cultural environment, academic environment and management environment, the study discusses the interrelationship between talents and environment, that is, environment influences talents and vise versa. The study did a questionnaire survey to the campus environment of five universities in a province, the result of which indicates that the ecological environment of university talents has increasingly been out of control, and the talents are unsatisfied with their campus environment, and the environment should be regulated so that special ecological environment is persued to have a green-house effect.The main body of talents and ecological environment constitute university ecological system. In the system, various ecological chains focusing on knowledge form the complicated talent network, where different trophic levels function as talent flow, knowledge flow, and information tranfer. Due to the imbalance of ecological major structure and the increasingly uncontrolable talent ecological environment, the function of ecological system has gradually lost its efficacy and needs to be renovated, to have its effect of "position" and "power".

【关键词】 大学人才成长生态
【Key words】 universitytalentdevelopmentecological

