

Research on Peter Singer’s Idea of Bioethics

【作者】 刘恒山

【导师】 王泽应;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当历史车轮转到二十一世纪时,生命科学、生物技术及医疗技术的发展和应用犹如一把双刃剑:一方面,它实现了人类对自然及其自身组织的控制能力的增长,给人类带来福祉;另一方面,它又同时给人类带来了更多的伦理难题。面对这些亟需解决的生命伦理难题和崭新课题,传统伦理学往往束手无策,使得我们不得不深入思考生命伦理学的现代转向。辛格是国际生命伦理学协会的创始主席,现为美国普林斯顿大学人类价值研究中心生命伦理学讲座教授,被誉为“当代最有影响的在世的哲学家”。辛格的生命伦理思想虽然没有涵盖生命伦理学的整个领域,然而,他却针砭时弊地深入研究了生命伦理学的重点范畴,并清晰地阐明了隐含在我们日常行为中的生命伦理价值,从而为生命伦理学发展开辟了一条新的路径。因此,深入研究辛格的生命伦理思想,可以为我们研究生命伦理学提供全新的思考维度和分析框架。尤其是辛格将动物生命权纳入到其平等考虑利益的原则之中,实实在在地扩展了生命伦理学思考的视野。因此,深入研究辛格的生命伦理思想,对于我们把握西方当代生命伦理学甚至于整个伦理学的发展前沿,创造性地发展中国生命伦理学并推动当代中国伦理学的理论创新,无疑具有深远的意义。伴随着现代文明与现代科技的发展,与人类的命运相关的全球人口爆炸、生物多样性锐减、生态环境恶化、堕胎、安乐死等问题也接踵而至。辛格这位“道德诚实的罕有楷模”,将思想和行为熔为一炉。在长期与各种组织合作,共同致力于在世界范围内保护环境、改善动物生存环境和争取自愿安乐死合法化的实践中,开创了极富实践性的生命伦理学。辛格的生命伦理思想以关怀人类的生存境遇、审视和反思人类的生活世界为目的,从根本上有效地解答了如何解决现代社会这些具有公共性和普遍性的伦理冲突、道德悖论和道德难题的问题。因此,深入研究辛格的生命伦理思想,无论对于整个人类还我个体走出当前的生命迷茫的困境,提高生命质量,实现生命价值都能提供指南和帮助,因而具有重大的现实意义。随着应用伦理学尤其是生命伦理学研究热在我国的兴起,我国学界开始萌发了对彼得·辛格伦理生命思想研究这一新的研究点,但这一研究尚处于起步阶段,现有的相关学术论文不过寥寥几篇。目前,我国学界对彼得·辛格生命伦理思想的研究,不仅在深度上极为肤浅,而且在研究领域上极为狭窄,在研究力度上也极不均衡。这为本课题的研究带来了不少困难与挑战,但也为本课题的研究留下了广阔的研究空间和创新余地。辛格的经历可以说是20世纪晚期英语世界里道德哲学衍变的一个缩影。20世纪60年代以来,元伦理学的式微与应用伦理学的兴起,不仅为辛格实践伦理学提供了理论背景,也为其奠定了坚实的理论基础。几乎同时,生命伦理学(bioethics)在诞生美国,它是伴随着生命科学、生物技术及医疗技术的发展和应用及其所引发的一系列伦理难题而逐步形成和发展起来的,这为辛格实践伦理学的生理伦理视角提供了研究基础与探讨氛围。传统伦理学基于人类中心主义立场将非人动物排斥在我们的道德考量之外的道德现状,以及一些思想敏锐的学者试图将道德共同体边界拓展人类以外的其他动物的伦理探索,为辛格生命伦理思想提供了崭新的理论切入点。辛格第一次富于突破性的成就是《动物解放》一书的出版,该书不但为生命伦理学开启了宽阔的视野,激发了人们对生命伦理学的思考,而且还奠定了辛格日后理论研究的道路和方向,因此标志着辛格生命伦理思想的初步形成。1979年出版的《实践伦理学》一书,通过对偏好功利主义伦理理论、利益的平等考虑原则以及独特的生命观念的论述,较为自洽了解决了诸如堕胎、安乐死等生命伦理学中的热点而又敏感的问题,意味着辛格生命伦理思想日趋成熟。辛格在《生与死的反思:我们传统伦理学的崩溃》这部里程碑式的著作中,用以一种“生命质量”为基础的伦理取代即将退去的以“生命神圣”为基础的道德,标志辛格生命伦理思想的进一步完善。2000年《伦理生活文集》的出版标志着辛格生命伦理思想的系统总结与理论升华。辛格在该书的导言中,提炼出了他关于缓解世界贫困、动物解放和人的生命的神圣性等伦理问题所依据的中心伦理观。古典功利主义、黑尔道德哲学及进化论思想等为辛格生命伦理思想提供了广‘阔而深厚的思想渊源。如果说辛格的哲学是当代版的功利主义,那么古典功利主义无疑就是其源头活水。古典功利主义主要在苦乐原理、功利原则、平等原则、关怀动物生命等四个方面对辛格生命伦理思想产生了强大的冲击和深刻的影响。作为黑尔的嫡传弟子,黑尔的道德哲学则为辛格生命伦理思想提供了直接的理论来源。辛格继承了黑尔关于道德的可普遍化原则、偏好功利主义的伦理立场以及道德思维的层次理论。进化论思想则为辛格生命伦理思想提供了科学的依据。辛格对源于宗教、伦理学和进化论等领域的洞见进行了高度的整合,建构起了其生命伦理思想的理论大厦,为其辛格生命伦理思想夯实了坚实的理论基础。通过合理的怀疑、反复论证和逻辑上的自洽,辛格确立了偏好功利主义的伦理理论、利益的平等考虑原则以及具有变革性的生命观念,从而建立了系统的理论观点,夯实了坚实的理论基础。辛格所确定的偏好功利主义与利益的平等考虑原则具有极强的普适价值,成为了人们行动的指南。辛格最为重要的影响就是重新检视我们生命的伦理基础,实现了生命观念上的最大变革。他批判了传统的生物学意义上的生命分类法,提出了崭新的具有道德意义的生命分类法,将有知觉的众生的利益和偏好作为整个道德价值的基础。他挑战了传统观念中人类生命的神圣性学说,并以生命质量论取而代之。辛格是一位理想主义者,也是一位现实关怀极强的哲学家。他的伦理观极富实践性。他适应时代的需要,试图将上述理论运用于处理一系列重要的有争议的生命伦理问题。辛格生命伦理思想的主要议题虽然并未涵盖生命伦理学的所有领域和议题,但他对有关动物保护、堕胎、安乐死、缓解世界穷困等极其敏感的、实际的生命伦理学问题进行了详细论证,并提出了其独特的看法。他认为,胎儿、婴儿和严重残疾者等虽然能够感知痛苦,但是他们没有能力计划、参与未来,因此在某种情况下,结束他们的生命,从道德上来说是允许的。他也严正地指出,富裕国家的人们如果拒绝援助义务,就意味着让绝对贫穷国家的人口继续遭受绝对贫穷之苦,随之而来的就是营养不良、疾病和死亡的结果。如果说“听任某人死亡与杀死某人之间并没有内在的差异”是正确的,那我们就可以说,富裕国家的人们如果拒绝援助义务就无异于谋杀。辛格因其在生命伦理思想方面鲜明的理论特色与积极的理论贡献,使其成为了当代最有影响的在世的哲学家。理性主义推理思维与强烈的现实关怀是辛格生命伦理思想的两大理论特色。辛格在生命伦理思想方面的理论贡献则主要表现为:第一,实现了生命伦理学的范式转向,即实现了生命伦理学从问题研究方法到理论研究方法的转换;第二,实现了生命伦理学道德图式的重新建构,即从理性上合乎逻辑地赋予了动物以平等的道德地位和道德身份,真真切切地将动物的生命纳入到生命伦理的生命范畴,从而建构了一幅崭新的道德图式。辛格又因其理论的内在矛盾以及敢于直面政治和伦理问题而不拘泥于现行的正统观念,又使他成为一名富有争议的思想家。主要表现为:一是确定伦理标准的任意性;二是“生命本质论”的反人类性;三是“生命质量论”的残缺性;四是克服物种主义上的不彻底性;五是理性与情感之间的矛盾性;六是实践上的不可行性,等等。尽管辛格的生命伦理思想面临着诸多矛盾与争议,但只要我们本着从其贡献中吸取养分、从其争议中获得启迪的初衷,辛格的生命伦理思想无论是对于我们系统建构生命伦理学理论还是解决现实中的生命伦理难题,都具有重大的启迪作用。那就是,我们对生命伦理学的研究、探讨与建构必须坚持生与死的研究主题、必须坚持生命本质论的逻辑起点、必须坚持完整的生命价值观、必须坚持宽泛又合理的道德图式,等等。

【Abstract】 When the wheel of history turn to twenty-first Century, the development and application of life science, biotechnology and medical technology is a double-edged sword:on the one hand, it implements the growth of human’s ability to control nature and their own organization and brings well-being to human; on the other hand, it also brings more ethical problems to human. In the face of the dilemmas and new subjects of bioethics these these need to be solve, traditional ethics tend to be at a loss what to do, so we have to think deeply about the modern turn of bioethics.Singer is the founding chairman of the International Bioethics Association.He is now a professor of Center for human values at Princeton University. He is praised as the most influential contemporary philosopher who is still alive.Though Singer’s thought of bioethics does not cover the whole field of bioethics, however,his howling and deep studies of bioethics focus on key category,and clearly illustrates the value of bioethics being implied in our daily behavior, so as to open up a new path of bioethics’ development. Therefore, deep research of Singer’s thought of bioethics will provide our study on bioethics with a whole new dimension of thinking and an analytical framework. Especially,Singer animal the right to life of the animals among its principle of equal consideration to interests verily extends the horizons of bioethics. Therefore, in-depth study on Singer’s thought of bioethics undoubtedly has a far-reaching significance for us to grasp the Western contemporary bioethics ethics even the entire ethics and to be a creative contribution to the development of Chinese ethics.With the development of modern civilization and modern science and technology, the global population explosion, loss of biodiversity, deterioration of the ecological environment, abortion, euthanasia and other problems come one after another.Singer is a " rare model of moral integrity ".His thought and his behavior is a melting furnace. He created a highly practical bioethics in the long-term cooperation with various organizations, the common practice of commitment to protect environment, in the world scope to improve animal survival environment and for the legalization of voluntary euthanasia.Singer’s thought of bioethics is as for the purpose of caring for the living circumstances of human beings and examining and reflecting on human life for the purpose, which answers basically how to solve these modern society with public and universal ethical conflicts, moral paradox and moral problems.Therefore, in-depth study on Singer’s thought of bioethics undoubtedly has great practical significance both for the entire humanor individual out of the current predicament of life lost and for providing guidance and help for improving the quality of life, realizing the value of life.With the rise of research heat of the applicated ethics especially bioethics in our country, our scholars began to yearn to Singer’s thought of bioethics, but this research is still in its infancy, only a handful of several related papers.At present, China’s academic research on Singer’s thought of bioethics is not only in the extremely shallow depth but also extremely narrow in the field of research.The research efforts are also very uneven. The research on the subject brings many difficulties and challenges but also orientes research projects left a wide scope for research and innovation space. Singer’s experience can be said to be a microcosm of the development of moral philosophy in the late20th century English world. Since the1960’s, the decline of metaethics and the rise of applied ethics, not only provided theoretical background but also laid solid theoretical foundation for Singer’s applied ethics.Almost at the same time, bioethics was born in the United States, it gradually formed and developed with development and application of biotechnology and medical technology and a series of ethical problems, which provided the basis and atmosphere of study for the perspective of research on Singer’s thought of bioethics.The moral status of the traditional ethics that excluded non-human animal from our moral considerations based on anthropocentrism stance,as well as some perceptive scholar tried to expand the boundaries of the moral community to animals other than humans.which provides a new theoretical starting point for Singer’s thought of bioethics.Singer’s breakthrough achievement for the first time is publication of "Animal Liberation".The book not only opened the broad perspective of the bioethics and inspired people to think about bioethics, but also laid the foundation and direction of Singer’s theoretical research in the future.Therefore it marks the initial formation of Singer’s thought of bioethics."Practical Ethics "published in1979self-consistently solved hot and sensitive issue in bioethics such as abortion, euthanasia,based on the discussion on the preference utilitarianism ethical theory, the principle of equal consideration of interests as well as the unique concept of life, which means the maturity of Singer’s thought of bioethics. In Rethinking Life and Death:The Collapse of Our Traditional Values, Peter Singer argues that "the traditional western ethic has collapsed" as we enter "a period of transition in our attitude to the sanctity of life",which marks the further improvement of Singer’s thought of bioethics. The publication of " Writings on an ethical life " in2000marks systematic summary and theoretical sublimation of Singer’s thought of bioethics.Singer extracted the center ethics about alleviating world poverty, animal liberation and the sanctity of human life and other ethical issues in the book’s introduction.The classical utilitarianism and moral philosophy of Hare and the theory of evolution provide broad and profound ideological origins for Singer’s thought of bioethics.If Singer’s philosophy is a contemporary version of utilitarianism, classical utilitarianism is the source of fresh water.The classic utilitarianism had a strong impact and profound influence on Singer’s thought of bioethics mainly in four aspects such as the joy of classical utilitarian principle, the principle of utility, the principle of equality, caring animal life and so on. As the Hare’s own pupils, Hare’s moral philosophy provides direct theoretical source for Singer’s thought of bioethics. The theory of evolution provides a scientific basis for Singer’s thought of bioethics.Singer constructs a theorical building of bioethics based on integration of religion, ethics and the theory of evolution,which solidifies a solid theoretical foundation of Singer’s thought of bioethics. Through reasonable doubt, repeated demonstration and logical self-consistence, Singer establishes the preference utilitarian ethical theories, principles of equal consideration to the interests and revolutionary concept of life, thereby establishing a system of theoretical perspectives and consolidating a solid theoretical basis. Preference utilitarianism and the principle of equal consideration to the interests identified by Singer is with universal values and becomes a guide to action. The most important influence of Singer is the significant change in life concept through re-examining the ethical foundation of our lives.He criticizes the traditional biological taxonomy of life and put forward the new method of life’s classification with moral significance. The moral values is based on the interests and preferences of the sentient being.He challenges the traditional concept of the sanctity of human life and replaces it by a theory of life quality.Singer is an idealist, is also philosopher who concerns for reality. His ethics is practical. He adapted to the needs of the times, trying to use the above theory to deal with a series of important and controversial bioethical issues. The main topic of Singer’s thought of bioethics does not cover all the areas and issues of bioethics, but he demonstrates in detail and presents unique view on protection of animal, abortion, euthanasia, alleviate world poverty and other extremely sensitive bioethical problems. He believes that killing fetuses, infants and severely disabled persons is permissible in moral because they are not capable of program, participating in the future, so in some cases,inspite they can perceive pain.He also solemnly pointed out, people in rich countries if refused aid obligations, means that the absolute poor population of the country continues to suffer from absolute poverty, there is malnutrition, disease and death as a result of. If the said "let sb to death and to kill someone and no intrinsic difference between" is correct, then we can say, people in rich countries if refused to aid obligations is tantamount to murder.He also solemnly pointed out if people in rich countries refuse the obligation of assistance, it means getting people in absolutly poor countries suffer from absolute poverty and malnutrition, disease, and death. If you believe it is correct that " there is no inherent difference between letting someone die and killing someone ", we can think that people in rich countries refusing the obligation of assistance is tantamount to murder.Singer is praised as the most influential contemporary philosopher who is still alive because of distinctive aspects of teoretical fatures and positive contribution to the theory. Rationalism reasoning thinking and strong concern to practice is the two theoretical characteristics of Singer’s thought of bioethics.Singer ideological aspects of the theory contribution mainly as follows:First, he achieves a paradigm shift in bioethics, namely to achieve a bioethical issues from theoretical paradigm to paradigm shift; Second, he achieves bioethical reconstruction of the moral schemata, which endowes logically rational animal with equal moral status and moral identity,and inserts the animal’s life into areas of bioethics, and constructs a new moral schemata.Singer is also a controversial thinker because of inherent contradictions of his theory and theoretical courage to face many contradictions and disputes, as long as we have the spirit to absorb nutrients from their contribution, to get inspiration from the original intention of the dispute, it is of great inspirations whether for our systemal construction bioethical theory or solving real-life ethical dilemmas.That is to say, when we research and discuse and constructe bioethics we must adhere to the theme of life and death, adhere to the essence of life on the logical starting point, insist on the full value of life, uphold the moral and reasonable broad pattern, and so on.


