

Study on EMU Maintenance in the Internet of Things and Its Key Technologies

【作者】 孙鹏

【导师】 史天运;

【作者基本信息】 中国铁道科学研究院 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 高质量、高效率的运用维护是保障高速列车运营安全及服务质量的重要基础。动车组是高新技术集成体,技术含量高,运用、维修方式与既有机车、车辆存在较大差异,其特点是高度的专业化、程序化、集约化和社会化。对于运用维护的生产组织、技术管理、安全质量控制等工作提出了更高的要求,本文依托于铁路重大工程项目“动车组管理信息系统”开展关于物联网管理技术的研究。动车组维修物联网是既有维修信息系统中信息在自动感知与关联应用方面的提升完善,利用物联网技术实现动车组运用维护体系中动车组、配件、人员、设备的智能化识别、定位、跟踪、监控和管理服务。物联网的泛在感知与可视化能力,及其高度强调“信息空间”与“物理过程”融合的特征,为妥善解决传统信息系统一系列固有问题提出新的解决思路。利用RFID、传感器等物联网技术实现信息感知,通过数据集成对业务对象的属性、位置和状态信息进行整合;研究动车组维修物联网设计方法;构建综合集成的动车组维修物联网总体架构;集中突破各项系统关键技术;寻找合适的物联网技术应用场合,优化既有业务流程,深化设计应用功能;形成基于物联网的创新型应用实践。论文主要工作包括:(1)总结物联网的基本概念和发展现状,选择具有参考价值的物联网典型应用,通过应用模式分析得出经验和启示。总结物联网技术在动车组维修中的初步应用成果,分析当前维修信息系统存在的问题,提出动车组维修对物联网的需求,以及动车组维修物联网的研究目标、研究内容和技术路线。(2)通过对动车组维修业务需求的深入分析,依据业务特征把应用场景划分为“维修现场高端综合应用”、“行车安全监控与状态修”两个部分,指出物联网技术在其中的应用思路与实现难点。(3)给出物联网系统的一般设计原则,参考技术接受模型(TAM),归纳出影响物联网技术被用户接受的采纳因素,研究物联网技术方案定性和定量的评价决策方法,结合以上方法提出规范严谨的动车组维修物联网设计流程。(4)遵循动车组维修物联网的设计流程,借鉴有影响力的物联网架构参考模型,提出动车组维修物联网的总体架构,并定义各种功能组件及其相互关系。(5)总结物联网硬件设备选型与设计的重要参考因素,设计实现动车组维修物联网的前端感知系统,提出关于配件识别、人员识别、动车组识别、检修装备识别监测、动车组运行状态感知、以及室内生产对象定位的完整技术方案。(6)研究动车组维修物联网所涉及的关键技术,包括○1数据质量控制:提出“硬件级-中间件级-应用级”层次化的RFID数据质量控制机制,基于设备冗余性和应用上下文设计相应的数据清洗策略,通过仿真进行方法有效性验证,并给出设备的布局优化建议;○2高层业务信息提取:提出以事件为中心的RFID数据处理架构,基于Petri网理论研究RFID复杂事件的检测技术,通过发现在线数据流的关联性关系,实现实时的高层业务信息提取;○3海量数据存储处理:提出关于动车组运行及故障信息的海量数据存储管理策略,以及针对超大规模数据集的高性能处理技术;○4信息安全和隐私保护:对物联网新技术应用所带来的信息安全隐患进行深入研究,提出动车组维修物联网的安全框架。(7)针对“维修现场高端综合应用”和“行车安全监控与状态修”两种应用场景,分别提出信息综合集成方案、业务流程优化和应用功能深化方案;设计了支持高端综合服务的应用系统。

【Abstract】 High-quality high-efficiencyMaintenance&Operationguaranteesthe operatingsafety and service quality of high-speed trains. EMU (Electric Multiple Units) is atightlyintegrated bodywith high technical content, itsmaintenance&operation fashionof aremuch different from that of legacy railway rolling-stocks, which is characterizedby specialization, routinization, intensiveness as well as socialization.Therefore, higherrequirement are put forward on the production management, technicaladministration, safety and quality control. This paper is based on amajor railwayengineering project-EMU Management Information System, with an emphasis on theinformation management approaches inInternet of things (IoT).The EMU maintenance in IoT is an upgrading and perfection in terms of automaticinformation sensing and associated utilization;in which intelligent services such asidentification, location, tracking, and management are achieved owing toabundantinformation originated from trains, parts, staff and device in the EMUoperation&maintenance domain.Ubiquitous sensing and reality visualization of IoT, aswell as its emphasis on theconbination of information space and physical process,offers appropriate soluationsfor a series of inherent problems in present informationsystems.Implementing information sensing with IoT technologies like RFID,sensor,.etc,theproperties, location, and status of business objects are integratedtogether; studying the design method of EMU maintenance in IoT; estabilishingcorresponding comprehensive integrated general framework; overcome necessary keytechnologies; seeking appropriate application scenarios, optimizing legacy businessprocess, deepening application function; eventually forming an innovative practicebased on the IoT.The primary works of this paper are as followed:(1) Summarizing basic concept and current development of IoT, chosingtypical IoT applications with referenced value, experience and enligntenment wereattained during application pattern analysis. Summing up the initial results of IoT inEMU maintenance, analyzing existed problems in current maintenance information system; the requirements of IoT, research objectives, main content, and technicalapproaches were proposed.(2) After thorough analysis of EMU maintenance business, the applied scenarioswere divided into two parts: High-end Integrated Application in MaintenanceWorkshop, and Traffic Safety Monitoring and Repair Based on Condition, pointing outthe application and realization difficulties.(3) Presenting the general design principals of IoT system; moreover, referringtechnical acceptance model (TAM), user acceptance factors with respect of IoTtechnologies were concluded; qualitative and quantitativeproject decision methodsfor IoT technical solution were studied, on which a rigorous design flow was presented.(4) Complying with the design flow of EMU maintenance in IoT, and referringinfluential IoT reference Architectures, the general framework of EMU maintenance inIoT,as well as its functional components and relationship, was proposed.(5) Summarizingimportant factors of IoT hardware selection and design, realizingthe front-end sensing systems in EMU maintenance; complete technical solutions,which consist of part identification, staff identification, train identification,maintenance equipment identification, EMU running state sensing, as well as indoorproductive objects location, were presented.(6) Studying key technologies involved in the IoT system for EMU maintenance.○1Data Quality Control: a layered “hardware-middleware-application” data qualitycontrol mechanism was proposed, in which some data cleaning algorithms weredesigned. Performing evaluation through simulation, in which a number of devicelayout suggestions were acquired.○2High-level Business Information Extraction: anevent-driven RFID data processing framework was proposed, in which the complexevent processing method was studied to discovery potential relationship in on-linedata flow and realize high-level business information extraction.○3Massive DataStorage&Processing: The massive EMU operation and failure data storage method, aswell as intensive data processing technologies were presented.○4InformationSafety&Privacy Protection: With respect to the new hidden trouble owing to theadoption of IoT technologies, a security framework of EMU maintenance in IoT waspresented. (7) With respect to the two application scenarios, i.e. High-end IntegratedApplication in Maintenance Workshop, and Traffic Safety Monitoring and Repair Basedon Condition, technical solutions of information integration, business flowoptimization, and deepened applied functions were proposed respectively; anddesigning application system which support high-end comprehensive services.

  • 【分类号】U266;U279
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1183
  • 攻读期成果

