

Cloud Computing Based Railway Information Sharing Platform and Key Technologies Research

【作者】 张莉艳

【导师】 刘春煌;

【作者基本信息】 中国铁道科学研究院 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 随着铁路信息化的不断发展,我国铁路信息化建设取得了很大成绩,在运输组织、客货营销和经营管理三大领域,建成了一系列覆盖全路的信息系统。然而,各业务信息系统以其独立的应用为中心,形成了“烟囱型”布局的相互隔离的信息孤岛,信息资源无法共享,整体效益难以发挥,是铁路信息化进一步深入发展的极大障碍,尽快改变这一现状已成为铁路信息化建设目前亟需解决的问题。建立铁路信息共享平台,实现互联互通、信息共享、互动协调、综合应用,已成为大家的共识,也是近年来信息化建设领域中研究的重点之一,采用面向服务的体系架构SOA的信息共享平台研究已取得重要的成果,为应用层面信息共享问题提出了解决方案并得到了实施应用,但由于未涉及底层资源的架构,尚未形成从底至上完整的架构方案。随着云计算理论和技术的发展,对于异域异构信息资源共享、信息综合利用提供了解决方案,国内外相关行业纷纷展开了研究和探索。云计算是一种共享IT基础架构的方法,可以将各种资源连接起来,形成资源池以提供IT服务。基于云计算构建铁路信息共享平台,建立物理资源池、信息共享资源池,以服务的模式提供给信息共享平台云端用户,发挥信息资源综合效益,满足信息共享交换的需求,是铁路信息共享平台建设的一种新技术思路。本文以铁路信息共享需求为背景,对云计算理论和关键技术进行研究,在此基础上提出基于云计算的铁路信息共享平台架构解决方案,重点研究云计算存储技术、云服务技术和云安全技术,从信息共享平台基础信息存储、业务功能服务提供及整体安全方面提出解决思路。本文的主要研究内容和创新成果如下:(1)研究云计算理论及其关键技术,将云计算理论和关键技术用于铁路信息共享平台的研究,根据云服务的部署模式和铁路信息共享需求及特点,提出了采用云计算构建铁路信息共享平台的新思路。(2)提出了基于云计算的铁路信息共享平台总体框架(CRISP),描述了云计算铁路信息共享平台的需求(SFMS需求),逻辑架构、物理架构和支撑体系(SSMC支撑体系),给出了云计算信息共享平台信息存储、资源调度、平台监控和应用服务的解决方案及实施建议。(3)研究云计算信息共享平台存储技术,提出了基于云计算的企业数据中心和云计算共享平台数据存储策略,采用分布式存储技术和非关系数据存储模型,建立共享平台资源存储池;提出了面向对象信息编码方法,实现了基于云计算存储技术的铁路共享信息存储管理。(4)研究云计算信息共享平台服务技术,提出了云计算信息共享平台服务架构,及适用于云计算信息共享平台的服务目录管理和服务检索匹配算法模型。(5)研究云计算信息共享平台安全技术,提出了云计算信息共享平台信息安全模型和立体防护体系,研究了基于统一云计算安全中心的安全防护及相关技术。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of railway information, the railway informationconstruction in China has made great achievements in the three main areas of the transportationorganization, passenger and cargo marketing and business management, and built a number ofinformation systems covering the whole aspects of the railway. However, existing businessinformation systems based on the original information architecture, each take its separateapplication as its center, so forming a "chimney type" layout in whole railway area, thus theexchange of sharing information encountered more obstacles. Makes the exchange of sharinginformation between business systems, improve overall coordination and comprehensive benefitsplay encounter greater obstacles. Change this situation as soon as possible has become an urgentproblem in the construction of railway information. Railway information sharing platform toachieve interoperability, information sharing, interaction and coordination, integrated applicationhas become a consensus, is also one of the key research in the field of information areas in recentyears, the research of service-oriented architecture SOA for information sharing platform has madeimportant achievements, the proposed solutions for application level information sharing and theimplementation of the application, but not involved in the architecture of the underlying resources,has not yet formed the comprehensive framework from the bottom.With the development of cloud computing theory and key technologies, the new solution isproposed for heterogeneous information sharing and comprehensive information utilization, relatedindustries at home and abroad have carried out research and exploration. Cloud computing is a wayof sharing IT infrastructure, which can connect varieties of resources together to form a resourcespool to provide IT services. Based on cloud computing to build the railway information sharingplatform, establish the physical resources pool and sharing resources pool, which provide servicesfor the railway information-sharing platform cloud user, play the comprehensive benefits ofinformation resources to meet the needs of exchange and sharing information, which provide anew way for building railway information sharing platform.The research of the theory and key technologies of cloud computing combined with therailway information sharing needs provide solutions for cloud-based railway information sharingplatform architecture, focus on cloud computing storage technology, cloud services and cloud security technology, provide solutions for common information storage, business functions serviceand the overall security of information sharing platform.The main contents of this article andinnovations are as follows:(1) Study the theory and key technologies of cloud computing, study building cloud-based railwayinformation sharing platform(CRISP), according to the cloud service deploying mode andinformation sharing characters and needs, proposed the new ideas of establishment of the CRISP.(2) Proposed the framework of cloud computing-based railway information sharing platform,described the logical architecture and physical architecture of the CRISP, put forward the schemeof storage, service allocating, monitoring and application in the CRISP, then adviced theimplementation scheme of the CRISP.(3) Study storage technology of the CRISP. Proposed cloud computing-based enterprise data centerand data storage strategy for the CRISP, adopt distributed storage technology and non-SQL datastorage model to form storage resources pool for the CRISP. Proposed the object-orientedinformation encoding method, realized the railway sharing information management in theCRISP.(4)Study services technologies for the CRISP. Proposed cloud-based services framework, servicecatalog management and service matching algorithm model can be used for the CRISP.(5) Study security technologies of the CRISP. Proposed information safety model andthree-dimentional protection system, study on the security protection based on the unified securitycenter and key technologies.

【关键词】 云计算信息共享云服务
【Key words】 cloud computinginformation sharingcloud service

