

A Historical Analysis of Mormon Afro-American Priests in U.S.A.

【作者】 曲艳丽

【导师】 董小川;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 世界史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 19世纪40年代末至20世纪70年代末,摩门教会实行长达130年之久的黑人牧师禁令终于在民权运动的尾声划上句号。本文以史实为横线、以时间为纵线,纵横交错依次展开,对有关于黑人牧师禁令产生的背景、内容及其影响做一系统、全面的阐述。通过不同历史时期,禁令对黑人信徒的不同影响,阐述摩门教会对黑人教徒的宗教皈依、歧视和整合政策。进而探索黑人教徒是如何调整其黑人文化与教会文化、种族身份认同与教徒身份认同的关系以及摩门教会文化与美国文化的关系。除引言和结论部分,全文共分四章。第一章,在论述摩门教会经典对黑人歧视态度的基础上,详细阐述教会成立初期,创始人小约瑟夫·史密斯对奴隶制、黑人教徒、黑人牧师的态度与看法。运用统计图表的方式微观了解早期教会奴隶主教徒、黑人教徒、黑人牧师状况,分析形成这种教徒分布状况的原因及其影响。第二章,系统全面地分析黑人牧师禁令的缘起及其影响。黑人牧师禁令的形成是摩门教会内部因素与外部因素双方共同作用的结果。教会领导人对黑人的偏见、摩门教独特的教义还有黑人教徒本身以及当时的黑人奴隶制和歧视黑人的社会现实等因素合力作用的结果。第三章,在回顾禁令废除前20年,即20世纪50年代,黑人在美国社会、黑人教徒在摩门教会地位问题的基础上,讨论黑人牧师禁令废除的可行性、迫切性,并实证分析,黑人牧师禁令的废除为教会未来发展及海外传教事业所带来的的巨大变化。第四章,综合前文,将摩门教会黑人牧师禁令与教会黑人牧师、黑人教徒问题联系起来,探查黑人社会地位与宗教地位的关系,种族权利与宗教权利的统一。在实证分析的基础上,畅想摩门教会未来的发展动态及黑人牧师所面临的问题。

【Abstract】 During the period from the end of1840s down to the end of1970s, the Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints abandoned the-130-year priesthood ban which denied worthyblack males offices within the priesthood at the end of the Civil Rights Movement. Thisdissertation sets forth the background, content and influence of black priesthood denialsystematically and comprehensively with time as the horizontal line and historical events asthe vertical line. Through different effects on black believers at the different historical period,this article expounds the conversion, discrimination and integration policy of LDS Church.Furthermore, this article also helps us to explore how black believers adapt their black cultureto Mormon culture. Besides introduction and conclusion, there are four chapters in this article.Chapter one gives a minute description of Joseph Smith’s, the founder of LDS Church,views on Slavery, black believers and black priests on the basis of Mormon scriptures’prejudices against blacks. This chapter uses statistical diagram as a method ofmicro-understanding Mormon slave owners, black believers and black priests and analyzingthe reasons and effects.Chapter two elaborates the origins and consequences of Black priesthood denial are theconsequence of internal and external factors of Mormon Church. The LDS Church leaders’discrimination against black people, the peculiar doctrines, the humble origins of blackbelieves, together with Slavery and social reality of racial discrimination against blacks worktogether to form the ban.Chapter three reviews the social status and church status of blacks in the early1950slong before the black priesthood denial was repealed and discusses the viability and urgencyof abolishment of black priesthood prohibition. Moreover, in this chapter the author make fulluse of empirical analysis to illustrate great changes have taken place in Mormon Church andits overseas missionary after the church lifted the ban.Chapter four sums up the above, Combines the black priesthood ban with Mormon blackpriests and Mormon black believers to probe the relationship between black social status andblack religious status, and the unification of racial rights with religious rights. Based onempirical analysis, this chapter imagines the development of Mormon Church and theproblems the black priests may be faced.


