

The Political Mobilization of Modern Japanese Press(1868-1945)

【作者】 安平

【导师】 周颂伦;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 专门史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 作为政治动员的强大武器,近代日本报界被政府严厉管控,在整个国家和社会层面逐渐形成了“总体战体制”,不断强化国家和民众的“命运共同体”意识——既参与“佐幕”与“勤王”之争,也大力宣传自由和民权;既反对军部独裁、争取宪政民主,也积极宣传对外扩张,服从“国益”,不遗余力地鼓动“万众一心”,充当战争帮凶。本论文依托日本传媒史、日本政治史和新闻学、传播学理论,利用日文原始文献档案、借鉴国内外先行研究成果,以“政治动员”为线索,系统梳理了1868—1945年间日本报界与政治的互动关系,特别是深入研究了在政治强力干预和控制下逐渐形成的近代日本报界“总体战体制”和甲午战争、日俄战争、侵华战争中的宣传战实践,以及中江兆民、福泽谕吉和德富苏峰等舆论领袖的思想传播、传媒影响力,并分析了近代日本报界的战争责任和历史认识问题,通过客观、公正地分析与评价,为近代日本报界的发生、发展勾勒出一幅既符合历史事实,又具清晰脉络的“贯战史”画卷。本论文主要通过对明治维新时期、自由民权运动时期、大正民主运动时期和甲午战争时期、日俄战争时期、侵华战争时期等六个时期的日本报界与政治互动关系研究,试图阐述以下问题:一是在明治大正时期,即日本政治和社会走向近代化过程中,报界与政府既相互扶持、共同促进,也相互斗争、控制与反控制,这种既对抗又联合的关系,正是在社会剧烈变动时期近代报界发展的必经阶段。总体来说,明治初期的报界在推动日本政治和社会走向近代化的过程中发挥了政治动员的积极作用。二是当政府为推行侵略扩张国策,不断加强舆论控制后,报界无力对抗,终于放弃做政党和民众维持宪政民主、“参与政争的有力武器”,而是“转向”沦为政府对内控制舆论、对外实施扩张政策的政治动员工具——通过狂热的宣传行动、细致的战胜报道、虚假的欺骗宣传,甚至直接组织战争动员活动,最大限度地支持了侵略战争及其长期化。三是对于近代日本历史上的侵略战争,日本报界负有不可推卸的战争责任;由于战后不彻底的民主化改造,战后报界也不同程度地继承了战前和战时的国家民族观念。时至今日,日本报界的“政治动员”仍未停止。在“总体战”研究范式下,以“贯战史”的方法论探讨近代日本报界与政治动员的历史,可知其“漫长的战后”仍在继续中。

【Abstract】 As the powerful weapon of political mobilization, modern Japanese press was closelymonitored by the government, thus creating an awareness of Total War on national and sociallevel, strengthening the sense of Community of Fate between the nation and the people. Theconsequence of this is that, on the one hand, the press played a key role in the promotion ofliberty, civil rights and constitutional democracy and in the opposition of military dictatorshipin Japan; on the other hand, it also involved itself in the struggle between the support of theking and the support of the shogunate, the active propaganda of external expansion, serving asthe accomplice to a series of aggressive wars.Based on relevant theories and studies in Japanese media history, Japanese politicalhistory, Journalism and Communication, also with the use of Japanese original archives, thedissertation explores the interactive relation between the Japanese press and politics between1868and1945with “political mobilization” as the central clue, especially the formation ofthe Total War System under the political intervention and monitoring, and its applicationduring the First Sino-Japanese War, Japan-Russian War, the Second Sino-Japanese War, aswell as the propagation and the influence of the thoughts of such preeminent thinkers asChomin Nakae, Fukujawa Ukichi and Tokutomi Soho. The dissertation intends to provide afull picture of the development and function of modern Japanese press by way of an objectiveand just analysis of its war responsibility and reflections on the history.The dissertation focuses on the interaction between politics and the press in thefollowing six stages: the Meiji Period, the Democratic Civil Period, the Taishou Period, theFirst Sino-Japanese War Period, the Japan-Russian War Period, and the Second Sino-JapaneseWar Period to elaborate on such questions:I. During the Meiji and Taishou Periods, namely, the period in which Japan wasadvancing toward modernization, the relation between the government and the presswas quite complicated. On the one hand, they cooperated for their common goal; onthe other hand, they struggled against each other for the reason of imposed control,which was an inevitable stage for the advance of modern press in a society undergoingdramatic changes. Overall, the press in Early Meiji Period played a part of politicalmobilization in the process of political and social mobilization.II. After the Japanese government adopted a foreign policy of aggression, it commencedto impose a stricter control over the press, which eventually resulted in the shift of thefocus of the press. The press gave up the role as a defender of constitutionaldemocracy, a powerful weapon of political conflict, but became a politicalmobilization tool by which the government could control the public opinionsdomestically, and practiced aggressive policy abroad by way of war propaganda,detailed war coverage, deceptive report, even direct involvement in war mobilization,which helped to support the aggressive wars to the largest extent and their prolongingprocess.III. The Japanese press bore unshrinkable responsibility for the war in modern Japan’shistory. Due to the incomplete democratization after the war, the press also inheritedthe ideas before and after the war on nation and state to different degrees. Till today, the political mobilization by the Japanese press is still prevailing.Under the paradigm of Total War, with the method of Trans-war history, the discussionon the history of Japanese press and political mobilization proves that the complex relationcontinues even after a long after-war period.

【关键词】 报界政治动员总体战战争责任
【Key words】 The PressPolitical MobilizationTotal WarWar Responsibility

