

The Study on the Theoretical Mechanism of Anaerobic Exercise Capacity and Training Practice

【作者】 刘俊一

【导师】 张强;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 无氧运动能力研究是运动训练学研究中的一项重要内容和一个新兴研究领域,目前学术界对无氧运动能力的认识还停留在笼统整体的认知层面上,对无氧运动能力的认识与应用不能完全满足竞技运动实践的需求,为了对无氧运动能力理论与实践的重新审视,为了从微观层面、应用层面深刻的认识和探索无氧运动能力的理论与应用机制以及其在竞技运动实践中的应用特征和本质特征等相关问题,本研究在倡导训练理论重新回归生物学和教育学属性的基础上,综合运用理论研究与实证分析相结合、抽象研究与具体分析相结合、定性研究与定量分析相结合、微观研究与宏观分析相结合的方法,通过对国外35篇学术文献、国内255篇学术文献、国外8篇学位论文、国内32篇学位论文、国内外58部学术专著以及对国内40名运动训练理论和实践领域专家的问卷调查,结合对国内5名运动训练理论与实践专家的访谈,对无氧运动能力的理论机制与实践应用等问题进行了全面、系统的探讨。在此基础上,以短道速度滑冰项目为研究实例,以10名优秀女子短道速度滑冰运动员为研究对象,针对性的进行了相关的实验研究,验证了本文所研究的无氧运动能力的理论机制、类型体系、应用特征等相关问题的科学性。主要研究结论如下:第一,无氧运动能力是人体基本运动能力之一,是以机体无氧代谢供能系统为主体供能系统,主要反映机体骨骼肌在不同运动阶段短时快速激烈运动的一种运动能力。无氧运动能力在运动训练实践中体现了以下内涵:(1)是机体运动时的运动能力之一;(2)主要反映机体运动时短时快速激烈的运动能力;(3)主要以无氧代谢供能系统为主体供能系统;(4)一般会表现在竞技运动的不同阶段;(5)在运动实践中具有不同的类型。第二,依据生物学和运动训练学基础、根据专家问卷结果,本研究认为可以将无氧运动能力划分为:神经性无氧运动能力、原发性无氧运动能力、保持性无氧运动能力、持续性无氧运动能力和间断性无氧运动能力五种类型。第三,在竞技运动实践过程中,运动机体无氧运动能力的变化与表现规律主要有以下几点:(1)机体无氧运动能力是以无氧代谢供能系统为主导性作用的;(2)运动机体的无氧运动能力是其运动能力的重要组成部分,其是运动员短时间、高强度运动主要能力的体现;(3)运动机体无氧运动能力的主体性供能系统由ATP、ATP-CP和无氧糖酵解三大供能系统主要组成;(4)运动机体无氧运动能力的变化主要受到遗传、环境和运动训练三个方面因素的影响;(5)依据无氧运动能力的供能特征以及实践特征,无氧运动能力具有不同的类型,每种类型的无氧运动能力都具有其独特的特征和表现规律;(6)运动训练可以使运动机体的无氧运动能力产生明显的改变;(7)外部施加的运动负荷可以引起运动机体生理和心理系统产生积极的或消极的应激反应,与此相对应的机体无氧运动能力将得到提高或者下降;(8)竞技运动实践中机体的无氧运动能力是不断变化的;(9)在特定的比赛环境中,通过适宜的准备,竞技运动机体可以高度动员其生理和心理系统,充分发挥和表现出其自身和在训练中已经获得的无氧运动能力;(10)运动机体的无氧运动能力可以间歇的重复动员和利用,但是需要在必要的条件下进行调整和恢复。第四,不同类型的无氧运动能力有其自身的基本特征和实践意义,不同类型的无氧运动能力有其自身在竞技运动实践中的训练特征,包括其主导的运动项目或技术动作、其自身的训练内容和特点、其自身的训练方法和手段、其自身训练的基本要求。第五,不同类型的无氧运动能力有不同的测量、诊断与评价方法。第六,通过10名优秀女子短道速滑运动员不同类型无氧运动能力的测试结果与数理统计分析表明:短道速滑运动员不同类型的无氧运动能力表现出不同的水平层次,不同类型的无氧运动能力之间表现出不同的关系。短道速滑运动员的神经性无氧运动能力与原发性无氧运动能力之间的存在正相关关系;神经性无氧运动能力与保持性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;神经性无氧运动能力与持续性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;神经性无氧运动能力与间断性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;原发性无氧运动能力与保持性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;原发性无氧运动能力与持续性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;原发性无氧运动能力与间断性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;保持性无氧运动能力与持续性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系;保持性无氧运动能力与间断性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系,持续性无氧运动能力与间断性无氧运动能力之间没有相关关系。第七,不同类型的无氧运动能力之间存在着横向和纵向的动态关系,正确的认识和处理好不同类型无氧运动能力之间的关系才能在竞技运动实践中有的放矢,才能在本质上提高运动机体全面的无氧运动能力。第八,不同类型无氧运动能力与有氧运动能力之间存在着共性的关联,同时每一种类型的无氧运动能力与有氧运动能力之间又分别存在着个性的关联。

【Abstract】 The study on the anaerobic exercise capacity is an important content of the AthleticTraining Research and a new research field, academic anaerobic capacity also stay in thegeneral level of overall cognitive understanding, the understanding and application ofanaerobic exercise capacity can not meet the needs of competitive sports practice In order tore-examine the theory and practice of anaerobic exercise capacity and to explore themechanisms of anaerobic exercise capacity theory and its application characteristics incompetitive sports practice and the essential characteristics and other issues, the study from adeep understanding of the micro-level, application level and the advocacy training theory tore-return to the properties of the foundation of biology and pedagogy on the integrated use ofa combination of theoretical research and empirical analysis, abstract research and analysis,a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, microscopic study and macro analysiscombined method. Through35foreign academic literature, the255domestic academicliterature,8foreign papers,32domestic papers,58domestic and foreign academicmonographs as well as experts in15sports training theory and practice fields twicequestionnaire survey, combined with interviews of the5sports training theory and practiceexperts, and a comprehensive system of theoretical mechanisms and practical applications ofanaerobic exercise capacity. On this basis, short track speed skating for research instance, asthe research object10outstanding women ’s short track speed skater, targeted experimentalstudies verify explore anaerobic capacity theoretical mechanisms, essential characteristics,methods, applications, and other related issues.The main conclusions are as follows:Firstly, anaerobic exercise capacity is one of the body ’s basic athletic ability, based onthe energy supply system of anaerobic metabolism of the body as the main energy supplysystem, mainly reflecting the athletic ability of the body muscles at different stages ofmovement short-term rapid intense exercise. Anaerobic exercise capacity in sports trainingpractice reflects the following connotations:(1) It is one of the body movement exercisecapacity;(2) It mainly reflects short-term quick intense athletic ability of body movement;(3)It mainly use the energy supply system of anaerobic metabolism as the main energy supplysystem;(4) It will show the different stages in the competitive sport;(5) there are differenttypes in the sports practice.Secondly, in accordance with the appropriate classification standard, this study suggeststhat there are five types of intermittent anaerobic exercise capacity, including anaerobiccapacity can be divided into: neurological anaerobic exercise capacity, primary anaerobic capacity, maintenance anaerobic capacity, constant anaerobic capacity.Thirdly, in the process of competitive sports practice, changes in the performance andthe movement law of the body anaerobic exercise capacity are mainly as follows:(1) thebody anaerobic capacity dominant role in the energy supply system of anaerobic metabolism;(2) the aerobic capacity of body movement is an important part of their athletic ability, whichis the main manifestation of the high-intensity exercise ability in a short time;(3) The mainlyenergy supply system of the body anaerobic exercise capacity is composed of three majorenergy supply system by the ATP, ATP-CP and anaerobic glycolysis;(4) the change of theathletic body anaerobic exercise capacity is infected by three factors:inheritance, environmentand exercise training;(5) in according with the performance characteristics and practicecharacteristics of anaerobic exercise capacity, there are different types of anaerobic exercise,anaerobic exercise capacity of each type has its own unique characteristics and theperformance of the law;(6) sports training can make anaerobic exercise produce significantchanges in the movement of the body;(7) the movement of an externally applied load cancause movement of the body’s physiological and psychological systems to produce positive ornegative stress reactions, and this corresponds to the body anaerobic capacity will beincreased or decreased;(8) the anaerobic exercise capacity of competitive sports body ischanging;(9) in the specific environment of the game, through the appropriate preparation,competitive sports body can highly mobilize its physiological and psychological systems,give full play and the performance of its own anaerobic capacity during the received training;(10) Sports anaerobic exercise capacity of the body can be intermittently repeated mobilizedand utilized, but need to adjust and restore under the necessary conditions.Fourthly, the different types of anaerobic exercise capacity has its own basiccharacteristics and practical significance, different types of anaerobic exercise capacity havetheir own training features in competitive sports practice, including its leading sports oraction, the training content and features, the training methods and means and the basicrequirements of their own training.Fifthly, the different types of anaerobic exercise capacity have their own measurementand evaluation methods.Sixthly, through10elite female short track speed skating athletes of different types ofanaerobic capacity test and Mathematical Statistics analysis, which showed that: short trackspeed skaters have different types of anaerobic exercise capacity, and it shows different levelsof hierarchy, the different types of aerobic exercise capacity has different relationshipbetween each other. There is a positive correlation between nerve anaerobic capacity and theprimary anaerobic exercise capacity of short track speed skating athletes; there is nocorrelation between neurological anaerobic exercise capacity and retentive anaerobic exercise capacity; there is no correlation between neurological aerobic exercise capacity and persistentanaerobic capacity; there is no related correlation between neurological anaerobic exercisecapacity and intermittent anaerobic exercise capacity; there is no correlation between theprimary anaerobic capacity and retentive anaerobic exercise capacity; There is no relatedcorrelation between the primary anaerobic capacity and persistent anaerobic exercise capacity;there is no correlation between the primary anaerobic capacity and intermittent anaerobicexercise capacity; there is no correlation between the retentive anaerobic exercise capacityand sustained aerobic exercise capacity; there is no correlation between the retainer anaerobiccapacity and the intermittent anaerobic exercise capacity; there is no correlation between thepersistent anaerobic capacity and intermittent anaerobic exercise capacity.Seventhly, there is a vertical, horizontal dynamic relationship among different types ofanaerobic exercise capacity. We should correctly understand and deal with the relationshipamong the different types of anaerobic exercise capacity in competitive sports practice inorder to improving ability in essence comprehensive sports body anaerobic capacity.Eighthly, there is a common association among different types of anaerobic exercisecapacity and aerobic exercise capacity, and each type of anaerobic exercise capacity andaerobic capacity has respectively association of personality between each other.


