

The Effect of Economic Region Competition on China’s Economic Development

【作者】 常永智

【导师】 丁四保;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 在当前的历史阶段上,“产权区域”及其在中国作为“行政-经济区”存在和发展是必然的。社会主义市场经济体制在中国的实行,导致产权区域体系的长期存在。“行政区域”是客观的,“产权区域”是从主权国家到国家内部的各级行政区,“产权区域”也是客观的,本文关于区域问题都是讨论“产权区域”。论文从我国的产权区域制度出发,主要研究了我国特有的“行政——经济区”即产权区域的形成和发展,并定义了有关“产权区域”的一个相对宽泛的内涵,以便于探讨产权区域制度背景下,中国的经济区域关系,即在这样的产权区域制度背景下,导致我国的经济区域发展不均衡的影响因素,发达区域想办法保持优势,落后地区则想尽办法赶超发达区域,区域利益冲突的矛盾凸显,区域竞争不可避免。近些年来各地区争当“综合改革配套实验区”;沿海各地的改革开放与内陆沿边、沿江地区争取优惠政策、推进体制改革和扩大对外开放,各地竞相改善地区的投资环境;各地努力增强区域创新能力,等等。区域竞争在一定程度上促进经济体制改革与推动我国国民经济的整体协调发展。区域竞争对整个国民经济发展既有正效应也有负效应,然而,本文将外部性问题的研究集中在“外部节约”角度,外部节约正是本文研究区域竞争对经济发展具有推动作用的有力理论依据。也就是说,在区域经济协调发展中只有合理的区域竞争才会起到外部节约作用,提升整个社会的经济实力。区域竞争通常表现为核心地之间的竞争,即区域竞争的主体是区域中的核心地,因此,分析区域竞争对国民经济发展的推动作用,则可以通过分析经济核心地对国民经济发展的带动作用得以体现。本论文共分为七部分:第一部分即本文的绪论,简要总结了研究背景、研究意义、研究思路,提出了本文的可能的创新点;第二部分对相关文献进行综述;第三部分开始介绍作为区域竞争一个理论依据的外部节约相关理论,该理论是外部性理论的部分内容,并通过空间扩散及乘数效应等分析了外部节约的作用机制。通过对外部节约相关理论的研究,为后文进一步研究区域竞争提供最有利的理论支撑。第四部分重点分析产权区域,该部分内容系统分析了产权区域的形成和发展,以及产权区域制度背景下,经济区域发展不均衡状态。通过该部分的深入分析,可以明确提出产权区域的存在是中国区域竞争不可避免的基础。第五部分中主要介绍经济区域竞争及其在经济发展中的推动作用;第六部分内容中则进一步分析区域竞争如何促进中国经济发展,并且通过经济核心地的竞争来充分体现;第七部分为本文的结论,提出了本文的基本结论、创新点及研究不足。通过对本文进行深入研究得到的基本结论主要包括:一,本文从区域制度方面探讨中国区域发展机制,解释了中国强大的经济区域系统产生和存在的必然性及其辉煌的发展效果;二,提出了中国产权区域的基本理论,论述了其内在的发展机制和其外在的发展影响;三,提出了合理的区域竞争对社会经济发展具有推动作用;四,提出地理扩散是中国区域制度和区域发展的一个看得见的基本方式,并以核心城市的发展带动为例,说明积极外部性与消极外部性这一对矛盾的解决预示着制度改进,即用积极外部性克服消极外部性,从而实现区域关系协调发展。创新之处在于:第一,明确提出了外部节约与区域竞争的相互关系,提出合理的经济区域竞争能够促进中国经济的发展;第二,深入探讨了产权区域和区域竞争的关系,并且经济区域竞争存在的基础是中国特有的产权区域制度,产权区域的存在必然导致区域竞争;第三,经济区域竞争实质即是经济区域核心地的竞争。

【Abstract】 In the current historical stage,the existence and development of " China’sproperty region " is inevitable, as the administrative-economic region, and theregional system will exist permanently in China due to socialist market economy. Inreal life, property region is a sovereign state or an administrative region within thecountry, it’s objective because of the administrative region objective existence, theregional issues discussed in this paper are based on the “property region”.This article makes a special research on China’s administrative regional economyon the basis of the regional property right institution that is the relatively broaddefinition, the formation and development of China’s property region. The purpose iseasy to investigate the relationships among China’s economic regions, and find outwhat’s the influence factors that lead to China’s regional economy unevendevelopment, lead to conflicts of regional interest region competition.In recent years, the competition of various regions is becoming fiercer, competingfor the national synthetically reform testing district, striving for the preferential policy,promoting systematic reform and further opening to the outside, improving theinvestment environment of region, enhancing regional innovation ability, and so on.Regional competition has promoted the economic system reform and the overallharmonious development of the national economy to some extent.The effects of the regional competition to economic development are usuallybilateral-positive and negative. In this paper analyzing emphasis is external savingabout externality problem. External saving is analyzed from the angle of positiveeffect of regional competition.In the paper analysis focuses on drive impacts on all of the national economicdevelopment from economic central region’ external drive effect, which is the strongtheoretical foundation of regional competition has promoting effect on economicdevelopment. In other words, only reasonable regional competition will promote thecoordinated development of regional economies, strength the economic power ofwhole society. Regional competition is usually characterized by competition amongthe regional cores, this is to say, the cores are the subject of regional competition, sospecific regional problem is analyzed from the angle of regional externality and theexistence of external saving is demonstrated.This paper is divided into seven parts: the first part is a brief introduction of thispaper, which summaries the background, significance, and research thought, proposespossible innovations; the second part reviews the related literature; the third partintroduces the external saving related theories as a theoretical basis for the regionalcompetition, including space diffusion theory and multiplier effect theory. Part IVfocuses on the analysis of the property region, it’s considered that the existence of property region is the necessary basis of regional competition by an in-depthanalysis.Part v describes some general regional competition theories, just as gradienttransfer theory, diamond theory; Part VI has a further analysis on the positive effect ofregional competition on China’s economic development, and fully embodied byeconomic core competition; The last part presents the basic conclusions, innovationsand defect of this paper.The basic conclusions: First, the paper explored China’s regional developmentmechanism from the regional regimes for explaining the inevitability of produces andthe presence of China’s powerful economic regions system and its brilliantdevelopment effectiveness; Second, the paper proposed basic theory of China’sregional property rights, discussed the development of its internal mechanisms andthe external influence; Third, the proposed rational regional competition with a role inpromoting social and economic development;Fourth,the paper proposed geographicspread is a basic form of visible for China’s regional system and the regionaldevelopment, and solving the contradiction of positive externalities and negativeexternalities indicated system improvements, Namely, overcoming the negativeexternality with a positive externality for achieving coordinated development ofregional relations.Innovation lies in: First, clearly put forward the positive externalities and regionalcompetition outside the relationship; Second, through in-depth study of the ownershiprelationship between property region and regional competition, the paper proposedthat the rational economic regional competition can promote China’s economicdevelopment, and economic regions competition is based on the existence of China’sregional system of property rights, property rights will inevitably lead to the existenceof regional competition; Third, the economic substance of regional competition that iscore to the competitive economic region.


