

The Study on Financial Support to the Rural Economic Development of Heilongjiang Province

【作者】 孙勇智

【导师】 孙启明;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 黑龙江是农业大省。农业总人口达1889.8万人,占全省49.2%。全省所有的市县区都涉农,最大城市哈尔滨所辖区县的全部农业人口也超过了城市人口。农民要进城、农业要产业化、农村要城镇化是不可逆转的历史潮流,金融支持涉农区域的经济发展是其义不容辞的历史责任。从最基层的三农(农村、农业、农民。下同)做起,培育新的城市群离不开金融的支持和金融创新,而中国金融领域的改革与创新相对滞后,金融工具不足,尤其是对三农的支持不足,有目共睹。黑龙江省经济在全国属于相对落后的省份,金融发展和金融服务也低于全国平均水平,其金融组织结构不尽合理,银行垄断性高,非银行金融机构的发展相对滞后,金融资产的形成过分依赖银行贷款,直接融资比重偏小,对三农的支持也一直力度不大,因此,为使黑龙江金融发展与三农经济发展相匹配,本文运用区域经济与区域金融等理论,研究黑龙江在总体城市经济发展的背景下涉农经济发展的金融支持以及相关方面的问题,并收集黑龙江省各层次城市经济发展与金融支持方面的数据资料进行实证研究,基于黑龙江省的各层次城镇经济发展现实基础上,探索构建黑龙江省金融支持促进涉农区域经济发展的路径和模式。本文试图在黑龙江充分借助农垦系统经营、管理优势,实施“银垦合作,携手共赢”发展模式的基础上,破解我国四大国有银行现阶段农贷发展难题。初步探索个人涉农贷款发展模式,以“益农贷”品牌为主体,积极拓展“农场种植贷”、“农房贷”、“农机贷”,继续探索“林农贷”、“农户贷”、“收购贷”等农业子产品。以金融支持三农社会最基层的微观主体---农民入手,来促进三农微型企业的成长,进而推进三农社会的城镇化的进程。

【Abstract】 Heilongjiang is a major agricultural province with a total agricultural populationof18,898,000people, accounting for49.2%of the province’s population. All its citiesand counties have developed agriculture. All the agricultural population of countiesunder the jurisdiction of Harbin, the largest city in the province, is larger than that ofthe city. Farmers’ entering cities, agriculture industrialization, and rural urbanizationis an irreversible historical trend. In addition, financial support for economicdevelopment in agriculture regions is an obligatory responsibility.To start from the most basic Three Rural (rural economy, rural development andrural demography), and cultivate new city groups cannot do without the financialsupport and financial innovation. However, the reform and innovation of China’sfinancial field has relatively lagged, in lack of financial tools, and especially the lackof the support for Three Rural is obvious.The economy of Heilongjiang Province in the country is relatively backward,with its financial development and services also being lower than the national averagelevel, its financial structure being unreasonable, the bank still being monopoly, thedevelopment of non-banking financial institutions relative lagging, the formation offinancial assets relying on bank loans too excessively, the proportion of directfinancing being too small, the strength of support for agriculture being small.Therefore, to make the Heilongjiang financial development and rural economicdevelopment match, this essay, based on theories on regional economy and finance,studies financial support for Heilongjiang’s agricultural economic development underthe background of the overall economic development and related issues. Also, on thebasis of reality of economic development, this essay has collected all levels of urbaneconomic development and financial support data in Heilongjiang province forempirical research, in order to explore the construction of the path and pattern offinancial support to promote the regional economic development in Heilongjiangprovince. This essay attempts to crack of the hard nut of China’s four majorstate-owned banks about rural loans, on the basis of full advantage of farmingcultivation system management, and the implementation of the "bank farm basedcooperation, win-win" mode of development. Furthermore, it preliminarily exploresagriculture-related loans to individual development pattern, with "agricultural credit" brand as the main body, actively expands "farm loan","housing loan","agriculturalcredit","purchase loans" and other agricultural products. Starting with the financialsupport of rural social basic micro subject-farmers, we can promote the rural microenterprises, and promote the rural social urbanization.

【关键词】 黑龙江涉农区域涉农贷款金融支持
【Key words】 HeilongjiangRural areasRural loansFinancial support

