

Positive Youth Development: Composition、Measurement and the Roles

【作者】 张婵

【导师】 盖笑松;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 青少年积极发展是20世纪90年代以来新兴起的研究主题,这一视角与传统的缺陷假说不同,不再将青少年视为问题、麻烦,而是认为他们具有潜力、优势及天赋。已有研究发现青少年的积极品质与积极的发展结果有正向关系,如学业成就、亲社会行为、能力发展,而与危险行为、情绪问题具有负向关系。而且,积极发展可以促使青少年对自我成长、家庭、社区及社会作出多层面的贡献。然而,目前罕有对中国青少年进行基于本土化积极品质调查。中西方两种文化背景下积极品质的含义是否有所不同?在中国文化的背景下,积极品质对青少年发展的哪些方面具有显著的预测力?以上问题都尚未有研究解决,需要进行进一步的研究。本研究试图通过横向与纵向研究对中国文化背景下青少年积极品质的成分及其作用进行考察。研究1的目的是了解中国文化背景下青少年具备哪些积极品质。首先采用教师提名的方式,选出符合Lerner提出的积极发展特点的青少年755人,然后请教师对755名青少年具备的特点进行描述,最后将得到的1691条描述信息进行语义分析和归纳。结果发现,我国青少年表现出12项积极品质,分别是乐群宜人、独立自主、领导能力、关爱他人、努力坚持、稳重细心、乐观自信、诚实正直、兴趣与好奇心、灵活创新、挑战精神、热爱学习。研究2的目的是在研究1的基础上,对自编青少年积极发展问卷的信效度指标进行考察。结果发现,青少年积极品质合并为8个维度,分别是关爱友善、自我调节、领导能力、积极乐观、诚实正直、兴趣与好奇心、灵活创新、热爱学习。该问卷包含43道题目,内部一致性系数在0.63~0.80之间,因素负荷在0.51~0.80之间,以生活满意度、行为问题为效标考察其关联效度,结果表明积极品质与生活满意度显著正相关,与行为问题显著负相关,因此该问卷信效度符合心理测量学要求,可以作为测量青少年积极发展水平的有效工具。该研究还对积极品质的性别差异及与父母受教育水平的关系进行了考察,结果发现,女生积极品质发展优于男生,父母受教育程度与积极品质有显著正相关。研究3的目的是对青少年积极品质对贡献的预测进行考察。结果发现,青少年积极品质能够预测一年后的贡献水平。其中,领导能力、灵活创新具有显著的预测力。这一结果为贡献是青少年积极发展的结果这一假设提供了直接的依据。研究4的目的是采用横断研究的方式,考察青少年积极品质对学校适应状况的影响。结果发现(1)青少年积极品质总体水平能够影响学校适应的各个指标,积极品质的总分越高,学业成就越高,学校投入越好,孤独感越少。(2)在范围和强度方面,热爱学习对学校适应的各个指标均有较大影响,诚实正直、领导能力、自我调节、积极乐观次之。(3)兴趣与好奇心、自我调节及热爱学习作为情境变量可以显著影响学校适应,具有情境效应。结果表明在学校和班级中建立探索、自律、热爱学习的氛围非常重要。研究5的目的是在研究4的基础上进行为期一年的追踪,考察青少年积极品质对学校适应状况的预测作用。结果发现,(1)在控制了7年级学校投入水平前提下,7年级的积极品质仍然能够显著正向预测8年级的学校投入水平。(2)在控制了7年级的孤独感水平,7年级积极品质仍然能够显著负向预测8年级的孤独感。(3)青少年的积极品质对学业成就既有直接影响,又有间接影响。一方面7年级的兴趣与好奇心、自我调节能够直接预测8年级的学业成就,但是7年级的积极品质的总分对8年级的学业成就无直接影响。另一方面积极品质通过学校投入的中介作用进而影响8年级的学业成就,并且发现中介效应的模型预测力较大,说明积极品质对学业成就的预测主要是通过学校投入这一中介因素发挥作用。这一结果进一步验证了积极品质能够显著预测积极发展结果的假说,并且支持了学校投入在青少年积极发展中的中介作用假说。本研究为青少年积极发展的理论提供了中国背景下的实证研究证据。首先,验证了品格教育、积极品质的培养与成功教育并不是彼此对立的关系,而是能够彼此促进的。再次,验证了积极品质有利于增加幸福感,减少孤独感,是青少年生活幸福的基础。最后,还验证了积极品质分数越高,意味着青少年未来越有可能为自己、他人、社会作出自己的贡献。这是对Lerner的青少年积极发展理论的全面的验证。更为重要的是,本研究还扩展了青少年积极发展理论。前人研究认为,积极品质直接对学业成就产生影响,然而本研究发现,在一个较长的时间段,积极品质对学业成就既有直接影响,也有间接影响,间接影响主要通过青少年的努力投入实现。

【Abstract】 The new vision associated with the positive youth development (PYD) has emergedsince the early1990s. The PYD perspective has stood in contrasts to traditional deficitperspectives about human behavior and development, especially in regard to the study ofadolescent development. Youths are viewed as resources to be developed, and not asproblems to be managed for society. The perspective draw a universal attention amongresearchers and social practitioners and a lot of research has been conducted on relationbetween the content and outcomes of positive traits and developing resources. Strengths orcharacters were positively linked to outcomes like school success, pro-social behavior, andcompetence, and negatively related to behavioral and emotional problems of youthdevelopment programs reported. Moreover, positive development should lead a youth personto make multifaceted contributions-to self, family, community, and civil society. In short,PYD benefits both individual development and the welfare of social context that support thedevelopment of all individuals.For Research1, it surveyed from bottom to top the positive traits that the youths possessunder Chinese cultural background with the method of the teacher nomination and openquestionnaire. Results indicated that general Chinese adolescents have12categories ofpositive traits, namely Agreeableness, Autonomy, Leadership, Caring, Perseverance,Prudence, Optimism and self-confidence, Integrity, Interest and Curiosity, Creativity, Braveryand Love of learning. It shows that there are some similarities between the5C model and thepositive traits of youths with Chinese background, but the latter also have some specialties.For Research2, Combined with the result of Research1, it edited the questionnaire ofPYD and tested its reliability and validity index. Results indicated that the level of PYD ismeasured by8dimensions which include43subjects and has good reliability and validityindex. Therefore, the questionnaire can be an effective tool for measuring PYD.For Research3, it adopted the portrait method of research to test the relation betweenPYD and contribution. Results indicated that PYD can predict the adolescents’ contributionlevel in one year, among which the prediction on Leadership and Creativity is outstanding.The result provides the basis for the hypothesis that contribution is positive development.For Research4, it tested, from a positive point of view, how the PYD level would affectthe condition of school adjustment. Results indicated that (1) the general level of PYD couldinfluence every index of school adjustment;(2) in terms of scale and strength, Love oflearning, among other traits, has much more influence on all the index of school adjustment,followed by Integrity, Leadership, Self-adjustment and Optimism;(3) as circumstanced variables, Interest and Curiosity, Self-adjustment and Love of learning have circumstancedeffect and could have an outstanding effect on school adjustment. So it is very important tocreate an atmosphere of exploration, autonomy and love of learning in classes and schools.Based on Research4, Research5further traced the condition of school adjustmentamong adolescents and tried to study the prediction effect that PYD has on school adjustment.Results indicated that the level of PYD were able to remarkably and positively predict theschool engagement and negatively predict the loneliness in one year. The influence that thelevel of PYD has on school success is complicated. On one side, Interest and curiosity andSelf-adjustment are able to predict school success in one year directly; on the other side, PYDaffects school success via mediation of school engagement. And the predictive power ofmediation model is strong, which means the prediction of school success by PYD worksmainly through the mediation effects of school engagement. The result further verifies thehypothesis of PYD affecting the outcomes of positive development and supports thehypothesis of the mediation effects of school engagement.


