

On Socialism Core Value System Education of Modern Youth

【作者】 吴宏韬

【导师】 刘和忠;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以马克思主义为指导,以中国共产党核心价值理论产生和发展历史为线索,以青年为研究对象,研究青年社会主义核心价值体系教育问题,重点是当代青年。随着中国社会的快速变革,出现多种思想文化,因此,当代中国青年价值观念多元化现象突出,多元价值的存在引起的价值冲突深刻影响着青年的人生观、世界观和价值观。当代青年中主导价值缺失现象日益凸显。在党的十七大强调“积极探索用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮的有效途径”的前提下,党的十八大再次指出:“要深入开展社会主义核心价值体系学习教育,用社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮、凝聚社会共识。”而青年作为社会发展的中坚力量,对青年进行社会主义核心价值体系教育意义重大。本研究运用调查法、文献法、比较法和归纳法进行研究。通过对青年的调查,运用调查资料,从实际出发,力争做到理论与实际相结合;通过对价值观研究理论的历史和最新进展进行梳理,从个体认识的选择性入手,借鉴政治学、传播学、社会学、心理学和教育学相关理论,建立多维一体的青年社会主义核心价值体系教育新机制;通过比较国内不同历史时期青年价值观教育,比较国外青年价值观教育,借鉴他们的有益经验,提出中国青年社会主义核心价值体系教育的对策思考;通过总结、归纳、分析,将历史与现实的经验和教训进行提升,进行现状描述和对策探讨。本论文研究是立足于我国在价值观教育上存在着的问题而展开的。第一部分研究了社会主义核心价值体系建设对青年思想道德建设的新要求(第一章)。当代中国仍处于以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性发展阶段向人的自由全面发展阶段的过渡。青年是祖国的未来,民族的希望。在社会主义核心价值体系教育中,培养青年具有正确的价值观是个人幸福的基础,是个人成才的价值前提,是新时期教育改革的需要。第二部分研究了国内外在青年思想道德建设中的历史、经验和教训(第二、三章)。首先,对建国以来青年思想道德建设的经验与教训进行总结。其次,研究了中国传统文化中有利于青年社会主义核心价值体系建设的积极要素。最后,研究了世界各国在青年价值体系建设上值得我们借鉴的有益做法。第三部分研究了当代中国青年社会主义核心价值体系教育的基本原则、方法途径和工作体系的建立(第四、五、六章)。尊重教育规律,通过人文关怀、心理疏导等方法加强青年核心价值体系教育,尊重青年的主体地位,引导他们自我教育、自我提高、自我完善,让青年在成长成才过程中理解和认同党的主张,自觉接受社会主义核心价值体系。重视公共传媒,发挥党团组织作用,更重要的是要通过学校和社会合力,形成学校为主要阵地,社会和家庭相配合的全方位青年社会主义核心价值体系的工作体系。第四部分研究了青年社会主义核心价值体系教育的经验提升。对近年来群众性精神文明建设、抗震救灾精神、奥运精神和青年志愿者活动对青年社会主义核心价值体系教育实践经验进行了总结和提升。总之,本研究尊重历史,借鉴多学科相关理论,借鉴国内外有益经验,结合中国发展现实、青年思想实际,全面深入研究了当代青年社会主义核心价值体系教育问题。

【Abstract】 This research use Marxism as a guide, use the history and development of ChinaCommunist Party core value theory as clues, use the youth as object, study on the educationof the socialism core value system of the youth, especially focusing on contemporary youths.With the rapid changes in Chinese society, there emerges a variety of ideas and cultures.Therefore, the phenomenon of pluralism values of contemporary Chinese youth is outstanding.The value conflicts caused by pluralism values have an impact on life, world outlook andvalues of youth. The missing of contemporary youth led-value has become increasinglyprominent. Under the party’s17thcongress stressed that "actively explore effective ways tolead the socialist core value system of social thought," the party’s18thcongress pointed out,"To carry out the socialist core value system of study and education, with the socialist coreValue System of social thought, social cohesion and consensus."As the backbone of societyand social development, youth socialist core value system education is significant.In this study, we do studies with survey, literature, comparative and induction. Throughthe youth survey, using survey data from reality, and strive to achieve a combination of theoryand practice; Through the study of the history and the latest progress of value theory, startingfrom individual selective knowledge, learn the theory of political science, communicationscience, sociology and psychology, we build a new mechanism for the youth socialist corevalue system education; by comparing different historical youth national values education,values education comparative youth abroad, learn from their positive experiences made ChinaMeasures for youth socialist core value system education; through summarize and analyze,we increase the experiences and lessons of the history and reality, we described in the statusquo and countermeasures.This thesis is based on the existence of values education issues in China.The first part of the study is about the new requirements of the construction of thesocialist core value system to the youth ideological and moral construction.(Chapter1).Contemporary China is still in the development stage of the transition from independencepeople based on material towards the human person freedom and comprehensive developmentphase. Youth are the future hope of the nation. In the socialist core value system and fosterconstruction, the training of young individuals with the correct values is the foundation ofhappiness, the premise of personal talent and the need of the new era of education reform.The second part studies the history, experiences and lessons of the youth ideological andmoral construction at home and abroad.(the second and third chapters). First, we summarizedthe experiences and lessons of youth ideological and moral construction since the founding ofChina. Secondly, we study on the positive elements of the Chinese traditional culture which isbenefit to youth socialist core value system construction. Finally, we tried to learninternational beneficial practices to Chinese youth core value system.The third part we studies the basic principles, methodological approach and worksystems of the establishment of contemporary Chinese youth socialist core value systemeducation (IV, V and VI). Respect for the law of education, strengthen the core value system of youth education through humane care, psychological counseling and other methods, thedominant position of respect for young people and guide them to self-education,self-improvement, self-improvement, so that young people understand and agree with theparty’s views on the process of growth and success, consciously accept the socialist core valuesystem. Emphasis on public media, more important to the school and the community togetherthrough the formation school principal positions, working system matched the full range ofsocial and family of young socialist core value system.The fourth part we study on the enhancement of the practical experience of youngsocialist core value system education. Summarize and enhance on spiritual civilizationconstruction, earthquake relief spirit, and the Olympic spirit and youth volunteer activities tothe youth core value system education.In conclusion, this study respecting the history, learn the theory of multi-disciplinary,drawing on the useful experience at home and abroad, combined with the reality of China’sdevelopment and the youth reality, in-depth study of contemporary youth education socialistcore value system education.

【关键词】 青年核心价值体系教育
【Key words】 The youthCore value systemEducate

