

The First Generation of Leaders of the Chinese Communist Party Thoughts of Urban-rural Relations

【作者】 赵天娥

【导师】 阎治才;

【作者基本信息】 东北师范大学 , 中国近现代史基本问题研究, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 城乡关系问题,是中国共产党从成立之时起就面临着的一个必须正确认识和处理的重要问题。中国共产党第一代领导人在领导中国革命和建设的过程中,对城乡关系问题作了一系列的论述,提出了他们在城乡关系问题上的思想。中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想,既有正确的思想,也有错误的思想。考察中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想的历史,分清他们的城乡关系思想中的是非,总结这一问题上的历史经验和历史教训,对于在今天正确认识和处理城乡关系,统筹城乡发展,是有其现实意义的。对于中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想,本文分为四章进行了考察和论述。本文第一章,论述了中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想提出的依据。中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想提出的现实依据,是中国共产党成立时的城乡关系状况,是城乡关系问题在民主革命中和新中国社会发展中的重要地位。中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想提出的理论依据,是马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林的城乡关系思想,即马克思列宁主义关于城乡关系问题的理论。本文第二章,考察和论述了民主革命时期中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想。其中包括党成立后中共领导人在城乡关系问题上的初步思想,国民革命后期、土地革命战争前期和中期党内在城乡关系问题上的错误思想,以毛泽东为主要代表的党的领导人在城乡关系问题上的正确思想。在这一章中,不但考察了民主革命时期中共第一代领导人在城乡关系问题上的正确思想和错误思想,并且分析了在城乡关系问题上错误思想产生的原因。本文第三章,考察和论述了新中国成立后中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想。其中包括中共领导人在国民经济恢复时期的城乡关系思想,在社会主义工业化建设开始和社会主义改造时期的城乡关系思想,在开始全面建设社会主义时期的城乡关系思想,其中包括这一时期在认识和处理城乡关系问题上的曲折。在这一章中,还考察了“文化大革命”期间在城乡关系问题上的全面失误,以及这种失误造成的后果,并且分析了出现这种失误的原因。本文第四章,对中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想作了评价。其中肯定了中共第一代领导人在城乡关系问题上的正确思想不仅是马克思列宁主义在中国的重要发展,而且是毛泽东思想科学体系的重要组成部分,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要来源,并且肯定了这些正确思想对中国革命和建设的指导作用。在这一章中,还在正确思想与错误思想对比的基础上,论述了中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想的现实启示。在本文的结语部分中,对中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想的历史作了概括,对以毛泽东为主要代表的党的领导人在城乡关系问题上的正确思想分为四个方面作了概括,并且概要说明了中共第一代领导人的城乡关系思想的理论价值、实践价值和现实启示。

【Abstract】 Urban-rural relations, the Chinese Communist Party since its founding when facedwith a need to correctly understand and deal with important issues. The first generation ofleaders of the Communist Party of China led the Chinese revolution and construction in theprocess, made a series of urban-rural relations discourse, presented their ideas on theissue of urban-rural relations. The first generation of leaders of the Chinese Communist Partyideology urban-rural relations, both right ideas, but also have the wrong ideas. ExamineChina’s first generation of leaders of the urban-rural relations history of ideas, to distinguishtheir ideas in a non-urban-rural relations, the history of this issue summarize the experienceand lessons of history, for the correct understanding and handling in today’s urban-ruralrelations, urban and rural development, there is a realistic sense. For the first generationof leaders of the Chinese Communist Party’s ideological relationship between urban and ruralareas, the paper is divided into four chapters were investigated and discussed.The first chapter discusses the first generation of CCP leaders thinking of urban-ruralrelations basis. The first generation of CCP leaders thinking of urban-rural relations based onthe reality of the Chinese Communist Party established the urban-rural relations situation,the Chinese Communist Party in terms of the Democratic Revolution, or after theestablishment of the new China relations must be conducted in rural and urban correctunderstanding and treatment. The first generation of CCP leaders thinking of urban-ruralrelations theoretical basis of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin’s urban-rural relations ideathat the Marxist theory on the relationship between urban and rural areas.The second chapter, study and discusses the Democratic Revolutionary Period firstgeneration of leaders of urban-rural relations thought. After the founding of the CPC,including party leaders on the issue of urban-rural relations preliminary ideas, the lateNational Revolution, the Agrarian Revolutionary War in the early and mid-rural relationswithin the party on the issue of erroneous ideas, with Mao Zedong as the mainrepresentative of the party leaders in rural and urban correct ideas on the issue of therelationship. In this chapter, not only examines the Democratic Revolutionary Period firstgeneration of leaders on the issue of urban-rural relations in right thinking and wrongthinking, and analyzes on the relationship between urban and rural areas causes erroneousideas.Chapter three, study and discusses the founding of New China Chinese Communistleaders first generation thinking urban-rural relations, including the Communist leaders inthe Economic Recovery Period of urban-rural relations ideology of socialist industrialization and the socialist transformation period beginning the urban-rural relations thinking, at thebeginning of the period of building socialism ideology urban-rural relations, including inthe understanding and treatment of this period on the issue of urban-rural relations twists. Inthis chapter, also inspected the "Cultural Revolution" period on the issue in acomprehensive urban-rural relations mistakes, as well as the consequences of suchfailures, and analyzes the reasons for such failures occur.This chapter of the first generation of leaders of the Chinese Communist Party ideologyurban-rural relations were evaluated. Which affirmed the first generation of leaders of theChinese Communist Party on the issue of urban-rural relations in the correct Marxist-Leninistideology is an important development in China, Mao Zedong Thought is an important partof the scientific system, is the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristicsimportant source system, and these certainly correct ideas of the Chinese revolution andconstruction guidance. In this chapter, also in contrast correct thinking and wrongthinking, based on the first generation of CCP leaders discussed the relationship betweenurban and rural areas Enlightenment thinking.In the conclusion section of this article, the first generation of the CPC leaders madethe history of urban-rural relations thinking overview of Mao Zedong as the mainrepresentative of the party leaders on the issue of the relationship between urban and ruralareas are divided into four areas were correct ideas overview and summary of the firstgeneration of Chinese Communist Party leaders described the theoretical value of urban-ruralrelations thinking, practice and practical inspiration.


