

On the Justice Conception and Its Contemporary Significance from the Perspective of Marx’s Labor Theory

【作者】 黄海洋

【导师】 王国坛;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 正义作为人类发展的价值追求,作为哲学领域的重要范畴,自古以来,始终受到人们的高度重视。在当代,人们对正义的呼声日趋强烈,正义成为多元化利益诉求的代名词,正义不断被人们从不同角度,以不同视域给出差异性的解读。本文试图通过马克思劳动视域,以物质生产劳动为理论基础,以人的发展为主线,深入解读正义的深刻本质内涵,希望能以此走出传统的正义理想与社会现实之间的矛盾困境,从而为当代中国和谐社会建设摸索出一条可行的发展路径。自古希腊始,正义问题就是一个重点问题,人们从不同层次、不同方面思考正义问题,形成了不同的理论学说。至近代,正义理论逐渐体系化,发展出以自然主义为基础的正义观、以理性主义为基础的正义观和以自由主义为基础的正义观等等。这些正义观的主张在一定程度上对人类社会的发展起到了积极的作用,有着不同程度的进步意义。但他们总是将自己所设定的正义原则视为永恒不变之物,作为形而上的终极目标,所以传统正义观往往脱离社会现实。导致这种局限性的主要原因是由于他们忽视了人的感性实践活动对于人类历史的巨大推动作用。马克思正是从现实的人的实践活动出发,以物质生产劳动为正义的理论基础,从而以劳动史观超越了法国自然主义正义观的原始平等,以物质生产劳动超越了德国理性主义正义观的抽象精神劳动,以对象化的劳动超越了近代英国自由主义正义观的经济自由,等等。总的来说,马克思是以劳动阶级的立场超越资产阶级的立场,批判了传统正义观所悬设的理论前提。马克思将劳动的历史发展和正义的发展合并考察,从而得出劳动不仅仅创造了物质生活条件,而且还确证了人的本质,促进人的发展。而一些人总是千方百计的抹煞劳动的历史作用,贬低劳动者的地位,将自私视为人的本质,竭力维护私有制的合法性。马克思坚持在劳动的视域下诠释正义,对正义的核心内涵即自由、平等置放于物质生产的历史发展之中加以理解,指明劳动的异化是人的异化的根本原因,劳动是人的本质力量得以实现和确证的基础,劳动的解放是人类解放的实质和核心。从而在物质生产劳动的基础上确立了自己的正义原则,即谁劳动谁占有的占有正义原则,按劳分配的分配正义原则,有利于人的自由全面发展的消费正义原则,等等。总的来说,马克思正义观是在物质生产劳动基础上,要求生产关系必须适应生产力的发展水平,上层建筑必须适应经济基础状况,只有在这种基本相适应的情况下,才是正义的社会。面对资本主义社会严重的经济危机,残酷的世界大战,无产阶级的解放运动的蓬勃兴起,现代西方哲学家们对现代社会的正义问题也进行了全面而深刻的反思,一方面,在理论上,以罗尔斯、诺奇克为代表的现代哲学家通过对马克思正义观的质疑而形成了新的正义模式,如分配正义、持有正义、消费正义等等,另一方面,在实践上,他们通过增加制度设计和增加福利等方式对现行资本主义政治、经济制度进行改良,以缓和阶级矛盾;通过宏观调控、向发展中国家输出资本、扩大世界市场等方式以减少经济运行的盲目性、缓解国内经济危机。通过这些改良措施,的确使资本主义经济社会发展出现了新的生机。于是,人们开始怀疑马克思主义,而倾向于以现代西方正义理论取而代之,这在很大程度上引起了一些国家的意识形态混乱,甚至发生革命。如何理解马克思的正义理论和现代西方的各种正义理论?马克思主义在当代真的没有生命力了吗?本文希望在深入理解马克思的正义理论的基础上,也希望对现代西方正义理论做出适当评价和回应。通过比较分析,一方面指出现代西方正义观的理论的局限性,另一方面,对其一些合理性因素进行批判地吸收,以丰富马克思的正义观,使其能更好地适应社会主义初级阶段的发展要求。当代中国正处于社会主义初级阶段,虽然东部某些发展较快的地区已基本接近发达国家的水平,但中西部一些自然条件较差、相对偏僻的地区,摆脱贫困仍是主要的任务。中国要全面建成小康社会,必须通过不断发展生产力来实现,只有通过生产力的发展,才能从根本上推动人的发展。但在这里,需要强调的是,绝不要把生产力的发展与人的发展割裂开来,好像生产力的发展有一种标准,而人的发展有另一种标准似的。事实上,在马克思那里,生产力的发展与人的发展是一回事。生产力就是人的劳动能力,是在一定历史阶段上人的本质力量的充分发挥。而人的本质力量能否得到充分发挥,以及人如何实现自由全面发展,这既取决于生产力的发展水平,又取决于生产关系和上层建筑的情况,也就是生产关系和上层建筑是否有利于人的本质力量即生产力的充分发挥,这是衡量社会正义的主要标准。所以运用马克思劳动的视域来分析当代中国社会,会有利于小康社会的全面建成和进一步向社会主义高级阶段的发展。但是,我国当前市场经济的发展为社会创造了财富,但也存在着忽视人的价值追求的现象,因而造成一些社会矛盾,出现两极分化,损害了劳动者的利益,这违背了马克思的正义原则。马克思始终在关注现实生活中劳动者的发展,他将人的发展作为发展生产力的目的,是个人发展与社会发展的统一,而不是仅仅出于维护社会稳定的功利目的,这是与其他正义观的一个显著区别。人的发展不是一蹴而就的,是不断丰富、完善的过程,人的劳动就是活生生的实践活动,对于当代中国而言,以人的自由全面发展的理想原则为指导,将是否有利于劳动者的发展作为衡量正义与否的标准,是符合中国发展的现实情况的,这对于建设有中国特色的社会主义具有非常重要的理论意义和现实意义。

【Abstract】 As a value ideal in human development and important philosophy category, justicehas been highly regarded since ancient time. At present age, people are increasinglyappealing to justice. Justice has become a pronoun to refer to the request for multipleinterests and been interpreted from different perspectives. This dissertation, starting fromMarx’s labor theory and aiming at human development, tries to uncover the magic veilson justice and probe the essence of justice. The purport of my research is to find asolution to the dilemma between traditional justice ideal and social reality and thus, tofish out a proper way for China’s construction of harmonious society.Since ancient Greek, justice, as an important topic, has been drawing attention andbeen reflected on from different levels and perspectives. Various theories on justice havebeen formed. In modern time, justice theory is gradually systemized, which makesnaturalist concept, rationalist concept and liberalist concept of justice emerge. Theseconcepts, to a certain extent, play an active role in the development of human society, butthey are regarded as something eternal and as ultimate metaphysics goal, which isdisengaged from social reality. The main cause of this limitation lies in the fact that thoseconcepts ignore the great power of people’s practical activities that drives human history.It is Marx who takes material work as the basis of justice theory to transcend the originalequality maintained by French naturalist concept of justice by emphasizing the history oflabor, to transcend abstract mental labor proposed by German rationalist concept ofjustice by stressing material labor, and to transcend the economic freedom upheld bymodern British liberalist concept of justice. In a word, Marx makes the working classtranscend the capitalist class and criticizes the theoretical premise of traditional conceptof justice.Bringing the history development and justice development of labor together, Marxproves that labor not only creates material life, but also corroborates human nature andmakes people improve. Marx points out that class that do not work make every effort toerase the historical role of labor, to depreciate the position of workers and to maintain theprivate system. Marx insists on interpreting justice from the perspective of labor and posits freedom and equality, the core connotation of justice, in the progress of history.Marx points out that the labor dissimilation forms the essential cause of humandissimilation, that labor is the affirmative element to help realize man’s natural powerand that labor liberation is the essence and core of human liberation. Thereby heestablishes his justice principle of distribution on the basis of material work, whichmeans those who work will possess the product. The principle of distribution accordingto work is in favor of the just consumption under the circumstance of human liberty anddevelopment. Above all, Marx’s concept of justice maintains that productive relation hasto fit the development of productive force and that superstructure must fit economicfoundation. Only in such inter-relation, can the society be justice.With the economic crisis of capitalist society and the brutal world wars, thereflourishes the proletariat emancipation movement. The contemporary westernphilosophers reflect profoundly on justice issue from all aspects. On one hand,philosophers such as Rawls and Nozick propose their theoretical mode of justice byquestioning Marx’s concept of justice. On the other hand, they try to ease up classcontradict by providing practical system design and welfare to meliorate capitalistpolitics and economy. They try, as well, to reduce the blindness of economic circulationand crisis by exporting capital to developing countries and enlarging market. Thesemeliorations do bring about vital force for the economic development of capitalist society,therewith, people begin to doubt about Marxism and to favor the western philosophy,which aroses certain ideological confusions, even revolution, in some countries.How should we comprehend Marx’s justice theory and the various contemporarytheories on justice? Is it that Marxism has no vital force? This dissertation will make aneffort to probe Marx’s theory on justice and to evaluate and respond to thosecontemporary western theories. Through comparative study, on one hand, the dissertationwill reveal the limitation of the justice concept in contemporary west countries; on theother hand, it will critically absorb the reasonable elements of the western theories so asto enrich Marx’s concept of justice and to meet the need of the development of socialismprimary phase.China now is in the socialism primary phase. Although some areas in the east havealready arrived at the level of developed countries, the remote areas in the middle and west of China are still conditioned by their natural environment and poverty. In order tobuild up a well-off society all over the country, China has to keep on enhancingproductivity, through which man’s development could be radically fulfilled. What shouldbe emphasized is that we must not dissever the productivity development and man’sdevelopment, as if there are different standards respectively. As matter of fact, Marxconsiders the two developments as one thing. Productivity means man’s capacity forlabor and the full play of man’s essential energy in a certain historical phase. Whetherman’s essential energy could be in full use and how man’s free development could berealized are determined both by the development of productivity and by the status ofproductive relation and superstructure. That is to say whether the productive relation andsuperstructure are in favor of the full play of man’s energy is the main standard toestimate social justice. Therefore, to analyze contemporary China from the perspective ofMarx’s labor concept is helpful for the building of well-off society and going to a higherstage of socialism development.While the progress of market economy of present China provides material wealth,man’s aspiration for value is ignored. There emerge social conflict and polarization,which blemish laborers’ interest and violates Marx’s justice principle. Marx, differentfrom other philosophers, has always been paying attention to laborers’ development inactual life, taking man’s progress as the goal of productivity. Man’s development can notbe accomplished in an action, instead, it is a process of fulfillment and improvement.Human labor is practical activities, so taking the ideal of man’s complete development asguidance and the principle in favor of laborers’ interests as justice criterion conformChina’s present situation. It bears both theoretical and practical significances for thebuilding of Chinese characteristic socialism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

