

Studies on Safety Regulation Reform of Chinese Construction Industry

【作者】 宋光宇

【导师】 栾福茂;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 规制经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 社会性规制及其理论研究虽然稍晚于经济性规制,但其发展速度较快受重视程度较高,业已成为政府规制的重要组成部分。与经济性规制相比,社会性规制的对象比较广泛,具有普遍适用性。社会性规制的核心内容之一是安全规制,主要包括产品质量安全规制和劳动生产安全规制,这是为了迎合全世界范围内日益强烈的对产品质量和工作场所安全的关注。安全规制的内容涵盖产品从设计、制造、销售到使用过程中有关质量安全保证的规制,以及对产品生产过程中工作场所安全以及生产人员施工操作安全的规制。我国的建筑业是带动国民经济发展的支柱性产业,建筑产品是与人们日常生产生活休戚相关的必需品,每一个人每天都置身与建筑物的互动当中。建筑产品一旦出现质量安全隐患往往造成严重人员和经济的损失,对建筑质量安全和劳动生产安全的严格要求是保证人民生命财产安全的必然选择,而现实情况是我国建筑业质量安全问题确实已成为影响建筑业科学健康发展的首要问题,每年因建筑相关安全事故的死亡人数在众多种类事故中处于突出位置。建筑业的生产过程与多个行业发生着广泛的社会关联,鉴于建筑业的健康发展关系到许多行业的生存,围绕建筑业产品质量和生产安全两个主题进行研究,对我国建筑业产品质量和安全生产的现状以及建筑业政府社会性规制存在的问题进行探讨具有极强的现实意义。迄今学术界已经形成了一些理论研究成果,而从规制经济学角度出发系统地研究政府安全规制体制改革仍有较强的理论意义。在研究建筑业安全规制改革的过程中,研究方法依托规制经济学传统理论,将经济性规制一些成熟理论引入社会性规制的研究中来。建筑产品和政府安全规制都属在一定程度上都具有非排他性和非竞争性特征。建筑安全问题涉及交易合约和劳动合约的利益多方,因此文中并未涉及外部性问题,而是将内部性作为连接利益各方的纽带。建筑业安全问题产生的原因有很多,其中最为关键的是存在由信息不对称产生的逆向选择和道德的风险。安全问题的发生不仅来自企业的不正当行为,也来自从业者的个人选择,单纯依靠市场规律去进行经济性调节已经捉襟见肘,因此政府是改善安全形势的中坚力量,途径在于规制体制的改革与完善。在借鉴主要发达国家和地区在建筑业安全规制体系建设、机制确立和法制构建先进经验的基础上,针对我国体系落后、机制陈旧和制度缺失的具体问题,提出了“准确分类、事分前后、循序改革”的总体思路,并较为创造性地对规制机构体系进行了重塑,提出了政府与社会结合的“1+2”规制机构体系模式,将其它应用体系重新调配确立了各规制主体间监督合作的运行机制,通过推陈出新、查缺补漏,完善了法规制度,从而由这三部分组成了完整的建筑业安全规制体制改革对策,为政府深化经济改革提供了合理化建议。

【Abstract】 Though the social regulation and its theory studies rose late relative to theeconomic regulation, it has been developed much quicker and accepted more attention.The social regulation is already an important part of government direct regulation.Comparing with the economic regulation, it has extensive regulating objects anduniversal applicability. One of its core content is safety regulation. Safety regulationcontains regulation of product quality safety and productive labor safety. The rise ofsafety regulation is the result of growing global concerned with product quality andproductive labor safety. Concretely speaking, the safety regulation covers the processfrom the designation of product to the application. It also contents workplace safetyand manipulation safety of production personnel.The construction industry is a pillar of the national economy which has beenprompting the economic development in china. The construction product is necessarieswhich closely relates to peoples’ daily life. Every signal person is placing himself inthe interaction with building product every day. Once the construction product haspotential safety hazard it may causes crucial personal casualty and property loss. Toensure the product quality and productive labor safety is the inevitable choice for theassurance of life and property safety. But the quality and labor safety problems inreality have become the primary one in the science health development process ofconstruction industry. The number of death from construction safety accident issignificant among numerous kinds of accidents. The production process is relative tomultiple industries widely and socially. Since the safe and healthy development ofconstruction industry decides many industries’ survive, it has great practicalsignificance for the product quality and productive labor safety and government socialregulation to discuss the problems surrounding the subject of safety. So far theacademic circles have had some theoretical research results and it still has strongtheoretical significance to systematically study the government regulation systemreform from the perspective of regulatory economics.While studying the safety regulation reform of construction industry, we bringsome mature economic regulation theories into social regulation by using the traditional theories from regulatory economics. Building production and governmentsafety regulation are both public goods. They both have the treasures ofnon-excludability and noncompetitive to a certain extent. The construction safetyproblem involves all parties in transaction agreement and employment contract.Therefore, the externality is excluded from this paper and we regard the internalities asa vital nexus connecting all interesting parties. There is much genesis cause theoccurrence of construction safety problem. Among the genesis the adverse selectionand moral hazard come from information asymmetry are the key two. The occurrenceof safety problem is not only the result of improper activities but also individual choice.The effect from economic regulation simply relying on the market itself is not sound.So the government is the backbone element in improving the safety situation byrealizing the regulation system reform successfully. According to the backwardness ofstructure, archaic mechanism and absence of institution, the paper comes up withgeneral approach of precise categorization, affair priority and sequential reform basingon referring the advanced construction safety regulation experience including structuredevelopment, mechanism establishment and institution construction in the developedcountries and areas. Meanwhile, it creatively re-develops the agency structure and risesa “1+2”mode consist of government and social agencies. All the other relativestructures are redistributed and establish a supervision and cooperation mechanismbetween government and social agencies. The paper improves the rules and institutionsby promulgating new and making up existing rules. By accomplishing the integrationof these three core context we realize the safety regulation system reform in chineseconstruction industry. We expect the research results can provide reasonablesuggestion for the government in economic reform.

【关键词】 建筑业安全规制体制改革
【Key words】 Construction IndustrySafety RegulationSystem Reform
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】F426.92;TU714
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】755
  • 攻读期成果

