

The Cultivation of College Students’ Entrepreneurship

【作者】 谷力群

【导师】 曲建武;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁大学 , 思想政治教育, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 创业精神的培养是大学生创业教育的核心内容,体现了素质教育的内涵。其主旨是培养大学生具有创业理想、激发创业意向、塑造创业心理品质、养成创业规范意识,使其成为创新型国家建设的栋梁之才。但创业精神的培养在我国的创业教育中受重视程度不够,无论从理论体系建立、教育模式设计、教育成果推广以及文化环境营造等方面都缺乏全面深入的研究。本文综合运用思想政治教育学、心理学、管理学、社会学的理论和观点,深入分析大学生创业精神培养中存在的问题,阐述培养大学生的创业精神对国家政治经济、教育文化以及大学生的全面发展所具有的重大意义,探讨创业精神的形成与培养机制,提出更加科学、更有针对性的培养途径和策略。本文主要分五个部分进行阐述:一是从总体上阐释选题的背景与意义;二是界定了创业精神的内涵,阐述了创业精神对创业型经济与创新型国家建设的贡献,创业精神对践行社会主义核心价值观、深化高等教育改革、促进大学生就业的积极作用,以及培养创业精神对实现大学生全面发展的重大意义;三是剖析了影响创业精神培养中的宏观、微观因素,从文化、教育模式、创业环境以及创业者个性心理特征及家庭环境等方面,深入分析和探讨了创业精神培养过程中存在的问题及成因;四是指出了创业精神培养的目标和原则,剖析了创业精神形成的心理过程,包括需要驱动、模仿认同、内化外化三个环节,探讨了创业精神的培养模式,包括唤醒模式、教化模式和践行模式;五是综合各学科优势和特色,从加强理想信念教育、营造创业文化氛围、开发创造性思维、培养创业心理品质、塑造创业规范意识、改革创业教育模式等六个方面提出了创业精神培养的方法和途径,为大学生创业教育的理论与实践提供了借鉴。本文的重点是通过分析大学生创业精神培养的现状和存在问题,进一步探索大学生创业精神形成和发展的规律,为制定切实有效的创业精神培养教育策略提供科学的理论指导,提高大学生创业教育的实效性,使更多的大学生勇于承担历史使命,为推进我国的创新型国家建设做出贡献。

【Abstract】 The cultivation of college students’ entrepreneurship is the core content ofentrepreneurship education for college students, and it also embodies the connotation ofquality education. Its purpose is to train the college students of China as people withentrepreneurial ideal, entrepreneurial intention, psychological quality of entrepreneurshipand entrepreneurial behavior, making the people of tremendous promise of building aninnovation oriented country.However, we haven’t paid enough attention to the cultivation of entrepreneurship inour entrepreneurship education and we are lack of comprehensive and in-depth study inthe aspects of establishment of the theoretical system, education mode design, educationachievement promotion and cultural environment.In the thesis, the existing problems in the cultivation of entrepreneurship areanalyzed by the integrated use of theories of education of ideological politics,psychology, management science, and sociology. The thesis states the cultivation ofcollege students’ entrepreneurship has a great significance to the comprehensivedevelopment of national political and economic, cultural and education of collegestudents, investigates the entrepreneurship of the formation and development mechanismand presents some scientific and targeted training approaches and strategies.The thesis mainly includes five parts: the first part is the background andsignificance of topics; The second part is the definition of entrepreneurship, thecontribution of entrepreneurship to entrepreneurial economy and innovation orientedcountry; A positive role in practicing the socialist core values, deepening the reform ofhigher education, promoting the employment of college students and its greatsignificance of the all-round development of college students; The third part is on theanalysis of the macro and micro factors existing in the process of the cultivation ofcollege students’ entrepreneurship and the existing problems and their reasons in theprocess are also analyzed and discussed from cultural, education mode, entrepreneurialenvironment, entrepreneurial psychological characteristics of personality to familyenvironment and other aspects. The goals and principles of the cultivation of college students’ entrepreneurship are pointed out in the fourth part. Analysis of thepsychological process of entrepreneurship formation, including the need to drive, imitatethe identity, internal and external aspects, the part discusses the training mode ofentrepreneurship, including the wake mode, mode of cultivation and practice mode; Themethods and ways to cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship are put forward and someadvice and guidance for the theory and practice of entrepreneurship education areprovided in the fifth part from strengthening the education of ideals and beliefs,creating an entrepreneurial culture, developing creative thinking, cultivatingpsychological quality of entrepreneurship, shaping entrepreneurial behavior specificationto reforming education mode.The focus of the thesis is through the analysis of cultivation of college students’entrepreneurship status and existing problems, to further explore the formation anddevelopment law of college students’ entrepreneurship,to provide theoretical guidancefor making an effective entrepreneurship education strategy and improve theeffectiveness of entrepreneurship education, so that more students to assume thehistorical mission, and contribute to building an innovation oriented country advancesour country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 辽宁大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

