

Active Jamming with Distirbuting-Coordination against Air Defense Electronic Scanning Radars

【作者】 黄翀鹏

【导师】 徐保国;

【作者基本信息】 江南大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在信息战争时代,雷达具有举足轻重的作用,是现代战争的核心。论文以课题组承担的某基础科研项目为依托,对掌握防空电扫描雷达基本信息,且干扰节点成功完成组网情况下的各类干扰进行了深入的研究,探讨了其对该类雷达的干扰效果,对于电子对抗有着重要的理论和实际应用价值。考虑雷达对抗中,雷达及抗干扰是主变量,干扰是因变量。论文首先对防空电扫描的性能做出了约定,而后分别对压制干扰、点迹欺骗干扰和分布式协同航迹欺骗干扰进行了研究。主要工作包括以下几个方面:1.对于压制干扰。论文首先建立了考虑地球曲率条件下,依照目标运行轨迹的累积检测概率压制干扰效果分析表达式,并推导了在此表达式下,压制干扰节点随机布撒时,所需的节点数目,以及携带的能量;其次,研究了噪声调频压制干扰对抗线性调频信号的数学机理,建立了调频噪声带宽、方差对干扰影响效果的数学表达式,并通过雷达干扰方程等效影响因子的提出,将其该分析结果进一步功能化,从理论上部分解决了噪声调频干扰对抗线性调频信号的问题;最后,探讨了雷达在使用动目标检测/动目标显示,以及在超低旁瓣处理时,多个相关或不相关噪声调频协同干扰信号对雷达干扰方程的影响。2.对于点迹欺骗。论文针对防空电扫描雷达的恒虚警检测,提出了与之密切相关的三个影响参数:脉宽损耗、峰值功率损耗和峰值时延比。并参照模糊函数,通过对频偏比、时延比、脉宽失配因子,调频系数衰减因子的设置,构建了移频转发存在脉宽失配、频率变化斜率失配,以及雷达接收机有旁瓣抑制时上述三个影响参数的数学表达式,解决了移频转发干扰效果分析的问题;随后分析了开环旁瓣对消下,分布式协同压制干扰以及相关移频转发欺骗干扰,对开环旁瓣对消性能的削弱。3.对于分布式协同航迹欺骗。论文首先建立了航迹维持概率模型,为后续欺骗策略的调整提供了必要的理论支撑;提出了基于预期航迹指导的和基于约束随机游走的两种航迹欺骗方法,解决了在不完备扫描规律信息支撑下对相控阵雷达实施航迹欺骗的问题。

【Abstract】 In the21st century, radar plays a decisive role in the information war age. This thesis,which is a sub-task of some Research analyzes the active jamming based on having airdefense Electronic Scanning Radar information and completing networks of reconnaissancesensors, suppressing jamming sensors and deception jamming sensors, which has importanttheoretical significance and practical values.Cause the jamming measures must be accompanied by radar performance andanti-jamming measures, the performance of air defense Electronic Scanning Radar is limitedat first. Than the suppressing jamming, the plots deception jamming, thedistributing-coordination of track deception jamming is separately studied. The major work ofthis thesis includes1. For suppressing jamming, the accumulate detection probability is derived using targettrajectory path with earth curvature; The numbers and the power of suppressing jammingsensors are measured by random stochasticrandom and radar-jamming equation. Then theinfluence of radar wavform, jamming wavform, and radar receiver are equivalent to theinfluence factors in the radar equation. While the jamming wavform is noisefrequency-modulated signal, the impact of noise frequency-modulated index, noisevariance and bandwidth is studied with the mathematical mechanism; The moving targetindicator and moving target detection used in receiver is analyzed also. Ultra-low sidelobe is studied, when noise frequency-modulated signal is correlation and noncorrelation.At last the influence factors in radar-jamming equation are solved.2. For the plots deception jamming. Some interference parameters according to radar signaldetection are put forward, which are defined as jamming peak value loss, jamming peaktime, jamming noise ratio, jamming signal width ratio. Then using ambiguity function,the mathematical expression of these interference parameters are deduced usingshift-frequence rate, time delay rate, pulse width mismatched rate and linear frequencymodulation rate when the pulse width and linear frequency modulation are mismatched.Then the inter-ambiguity fuction of shift-frequence jamming to linear frequencymodulation with sidelobe suppression is studied. At last, the sidelobe cancellation byopen-loop is discussed, in suppressing jamming and plots deception jamming.3. For the distributing-coordination of track deception jamming, this study has made deepresearch on the methods of track deception jamming to electronic Scanning radar in acooperatively distributed way. Two methods for track deception jamming have beenproposed when the available information about the scanning rule of the radar is only itsscanning period. One is based on the guidance of a predefined expected track. The otheris based on random walking meeting with defined restrictions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 江南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

