

The Study on Legal Status of the Ryukyu Islands on International Law

【作者】 张毅

【导师】 周忠海;

【作者基本信息】 中国政法大学 , 国际法, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 近年来,日本不断在钓鱼岛问题上制造事端,动作频频,显示了其捍卫钓鱼岛“主权”的决心和对钓鱼岛的“实际控制”,尤其是2012年9月日本政府上演购岛闹剧后,中日围绕钓鱼岛争端进入了新的发展阶段。笔者认为,从国际法的角度看,钓鱼岛争端与东海划界问题都有一个不可或缺的前提,那就是琉球群岛的主权归属问题,如果这个前提没有解决,何来的钓鱼岛争端和东海划界问题?如今日本突显钓鱼岛争端和东海划界问题,其实质是想绕开和淡化琉球群岛(日本称之为“冲绳”)的主权地位问题,造成法理上的既成事实,是其巨大的战略阴谋。而恰恰琉球群岛的主权地位未定是日本在东海问题上的致命伤,从国际法角度戳穿日本的这一软肋,日本在东海海域的主权要求就会不攻自破,钓鱼岛争端也就迎刃而解。琉球群岛位居中日之间,是中国东进太平洋的咽喉之地,也是美国围堵中国第一岛链的重要组成部分,地理位置十分重要。琉球自古自成一国,拥有悠久的王国历史和灿烂的民族文化,历史上是中国朝贡体系中坚定的一员。自1879年被日本武力吞并至1972年被美国“归还”日本,百年间,琉球的命运跌宕起伏、几经轮回。本文将以历史为主轴,从国际法角度,深入分析琉球法律地位的演变过程,运用条约法的基本理论,考察与琉球相关的国际条约的法律效力,力图还原琉球主权问题的真实面目,从法理上论证至今琉球法律地位未定,日本和美国窃据琉球是非法、无效的。琉球从一个独立自主的国家论落成今天美国的军事基地、日本的“冲绳县”,并不是国际法使然,而是强权政治使然。根据联合国托管制度及民族自决原则,琉球人应该也必须有权利决定自己的未来,行使民族自决权,推动琉球走向自治或独立。国际社会包括美日,也有义务支持和帮助琉球逐步走向自治或独立,恢复琉球国本来之面貌。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Japan has constantly created disturbances on the Diaoyu Islands in order to defend "its own sovereignty" on the Diaoyu Islands, and also reveal its "actual control" over the Diaoyu Islands. Especially after September2012, the Diaoyu Islands dispute between China and Japan has entered a new stage because Japanese government tried to buy the Diaoyu Islands. In my opinion, one premise on the Diaoyu Islands dispute and the demarcation of the East China Sea is sovereignty issue of the Ryukyu Islands (Japan called "Okinawa") in international law. If we could not solve this premise, it is no the Diaoyu Islands dispute and the demarcation of the East China Sea. Now, Japan focuses on the Diaoyu Islands dispute and the demarcation of the East China Sea. The real essence is to weaken sovereignty issue of the Ryukyu Islands, and Japan also tried to constitute a legal fact in international law. That is the biggest strategic conspiracy. However, sovereignty issue of the Ryukyu Islands is the fatal concept in issue of the East China Sea. If we could resolve this issue in international law, Japan doesn’t have any legal defense in sovereignty issue of East China Sea and of the Ryukyu Islands.The Ryukyu Islands are located between China and Japan. Because of their key position, it is an important part for United States of America to obstruct China into Pacific Ocean. Therefore, the Ryukyu Islands have significant strategic location. Since ancient times, Ryukyu was an independent country with a long history, even had its own culture. In addition, there was a good relationship between China and Ryukyu over a long period of time. In1879, Ryukyu was annexed by Japan. Over a century, people in Ryukyu have suffered. Until1972, United States of America returned Ryukyu to Japan presumptuously. Upon these historical developments, this study is based on historical research to analyze developing legal status of the Ryukyu Islands in international law. Second, this study is used basic treaty law theory to examine the legal effect of related treaties of the Ryukyu Islands. Thus, this study is tried to argue that the legal status of the Ryukyu Islands is not legally determined, and also tried to recover the actual sovereignty issue of the Ryukyu Islands in order to prove that United States of America and Japan occupied the Ryukyu Islands is illegal and invalid.Ryukyu was an independent country, now become into a military base of United States of America, and "Okinawa province" in Japan. The reason to form situation at present is international political affairs, not based on international law. According to United Nations trust territories and national self-determination, people in the Ryukyu Islands shall have rights to determine their own future. We have to help people in the Ryukyu Islands toward autonomy or independence, including the United States and Japan. They also have obligations to support people in the Ryukyu Islands gradually toward autonomy or independence.

  • 【分类号】D929;D993
  • 【下载频次】728

