

The Rise of Private Enterprises in Town and the Township Governance:in Case of a Town Named ChenDai in FuJian Province

【作者】 黄世界

【导师】 徐勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政府经济学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 这是一篇关注当代乡镇民营企业崛起与乡镇治理的实证研究作品。作者试图考察自1956年以来乡镇民营企业(特殊时期表现为零散的民营经济)与乡镇政府之间的互动、互构的行为逻辑,解释在乡镇民营企业崛起背景下乡镇治理变迁的路径与阶段性特征,并进一步讨论了新时期强镇扩权的改革方式与可能存在的突破点。本文的经验资料来源于作者在福建省晋江市陈埭镇的调研。对乡镇民营企业的梳理,特别是对乡镇治理特征的归纳,不仅仅是来自于作者的调研,更来自于作者的履职经验,来自于华中师范大学政治学研究院的学术传统。在扎实调研的基础上,作者用历史制度主义的研究方法,把研究视域从当下扩展到1956年的社会主义改造时期。作者在归纳各历史阶段乡镇民营经济与乡镇政府互动特征的基础上,通过对乡镇政府各主体、村干部与乡镇民营企业家的实证分析,来把握乡镇民营经济与乡镇治理转型之间的复杂关系。本文在分析视角上,尝试了两种视角。第一个视角是借鉴费孝通先生对“晋江模式”的研究。费孝通主要是从晋江“侨”的特征出发,研究晋江侨乡的拓外传统和强烈要求改变贫穷现状的致富愿望,作者通过对陈埭镇宗族组织和行业协会的考察进行了重新论证,注重从陈埭镇发展的“自发性”和“乡土性”的考察。第二个方式是得益于徐勇先生对90年代以来对中国现代国家政权建设的研究,徐勇以现代国家建构为视角,分析和解释了乡土社会的改造和建设,认为传统乡土社会是自然成长的,而当代乡土社会则是国家建构的。在二者关系的处理上,作者更关注中国现代乡土政权建构与民营经济发展之间的互动与互构,从而丰富了现代国家构建在乡镇治理方面理论内涵与经验解释。本文的研究的主旨并不在于提升具体理论,而是通过对陈埭镇的研究,来把握当代乡镇治理转型的方式与路径,为现实实践提供借鉴和参考。陈埭民营乡镇企业的发展,是中国乡镇经济变迁的一个缩影,由此带来的乡镇治理模式的转型及治理手段的变化,对将来中国乡镇建设有着典型意义。本文认为乡镇民营企业成长和发展的进化空间和轨迹具有明显的政策路径依赖和政府行为的相关性。从“行政管理型治理”到“公共服务型治理”是乡镇治理体制转型的方向,强镇扩权与加强乡镇政府服务能力的建设是乡镇治理转型的具体路径,“吸纳—协商”的参与式治理成为乡镇治理的新特征。

【Abstract】 It’s a doctoral dissertation concerned about the rise of private enterprises in contemporary town and the govenance there. Studying the lacting logic of ineraction and inter-construction between private enterprises and town-level government since1956, the author attempted to explain the transitional path and periodical characteristics in the context of private enterparises’rising and present a futher discussion on reform ways of develop the town and expansion its power and possible breakthrough in new stage.The experience material of this thesis was from the investgation in a town named Chendai. The summary of town-level private enterprises, especially its governnance features was not just based on suveys, but much more on author’s working experience and academic tradition of Institute for political science of Central China Normal Univerity. On the enough investigation data, historical institutionalism was adopted as research method in paper, and the period from1956to now was chosen.it tried to present complicted relationship between private economy and governance transition in the town level by analyzing different bodies of government, village cadres and private enterpriser empirically.Two different analyzing views were used in this dissertation. One view was borrowed from Fei Xiaotong’s research on "Jinjiang Mode". For the mode, Fei Xiaotong made a study on out-expansion traditio and strong desire to get rich in Jinjiang in terms of its own charateristics. Therefore the author argued again on the fomer research on religious organiztions and guilds in Chencun, focusing on the spontaneity and local features. The other view was based on Xu Yong’s research on construction of state power in modern China sine1990s. Xu Yong adopted state constuction as an angle, analyzing and explaining the reform and building of rural society, and concluded that traditional rural society developed naturally, while contemprary one was constructed by the state. Thus, on the relation between rural political power construction and private econmic development, the author paid much more attention to their interactiona and inter-construction, enriching the theoretical connotation and experience explaination for town-level governance of modern state construction.The aim of this thesis was not a theoretical improvement, but a lesson for practice by sum up the transition of town-level governing path. Development of private enterprises in Chendai is a microcosm of economic transition in China twon level, and changes of governance strategies and modes on the town level was meaningful to township construction in future. It concered that the direction of town-level governance transition was from administrative management to public service, the path of it was strongthening the towns, expanding their power and improving their public service ability, and the new characteristic was participatory governance with pattern of "adoptation-negotiation".


