

A Study on the Mechanism of Social Organization Promoting Labor Employment

【作者】 吴朝安

【导师】 曹阳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政府经济学, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 促进劳动力就业不仅是个经济问题,更是关系社会稳定的政治问题,在转型期的中国表现更为明显。我国历经计划经济体制向市场经济体制转变,促进劳动力就业的模式也相应由政府控制型就业模式向市场化就业模式过渡,参与促进劳动力就业的主体也由单一的政府组织转化为政府组织、市场组织和社会组织的多元协同。21世纪以来,伴随我国社会管理体制改革,社会组织得到了空前发展,在市场经济体制下市场化就业模式中社会组织发挥了重要作用,它与政府和企业构成一个满足不同就业群体的劳动力就业网络系统。社会组织是指政府组织和市场组织之外的第三种力量,在西方国家多被称为非营利组织、非政府组织等。实际上,社会组织是具有中国特色的称呼,它与非营利组织、非政府组织并不是完全等同的。我国社会组织包括民间社会组织和枢纽型社会组织,其中民间社会组织具有与非营利组织高度一致性,与之不同,枢纽型社会组织具有一定的政治功能是特别强调的,但是其政治功能的发挥更多的是以公益为目的并通过相对独立于政府之外的非权力行为实现。无论是枢纽型还是民间社会组织,公益性、志愿性、非营利性是其典型特征。社会组织促进劳动力就业包括就业岗位创设、就业服务提供和公益价值实践等途径。通过SWOT分析,对我国社会组织促进劳动力就业对优势和劣势、机遇和威胁进行分析,建立政府组织、市场组织和社会组织三元互动机制是当前促进劳动力就业切实可行的方式,有效前提是首先理顺社会组织内部体制,建立枢纽型社会组织和民间社会组织分类推进而又互动合作对社会组织促进劳动力就业“H-C”模型。本研究提出了社会组织促进劳动力就业“H-C”模型,“H-C”模型是一种社会组织内部互动模型,其包含了枢纽型社会组织(Hub Social Organization)、民间社会组织(Civil Social Organization)两大组织维度。“H-C”模型将枢纽型社会组织、民间社会组织分类功能作用和促进途径单元最大化,同时实现在两类社会组织互动基础上整体效果的优化。本研究建立的“H-C”社会组织就业促进模型,是指在对法团主义理论的中国化分析基础上,围绕枢纽型社会组织、民间社会组织两个维度视角,对社会组织进行共性特征提炼,根据枢纽型社会组织和民间社会组织的的独有特质,从而实现枢纽型社会组织对政府资源、民间社会组织对社会资源的侧重吸收,并以枢纽型社会组织作为核心主体以实现社会组织的内部统筹,通过政策获取、岗位吸纳、服务提供、价值引导等行为嵌入促进劳动力就业机制的社会组织行为模式。它更客观重视了中国行政化的影响和社会资本未来的发展空间。资源吸收最大化是“H-C”社会组织就业促进模型的策略目标;公平就业是“H-C”社会组织就业促进模型的价值目标;规范参与是“H-C”社会组织就业促进模型的组织目标。基于“H-C”模型的创新,本研究选择社会组织促进劳动力就业的两个关键控点展开。根据社会组织类型差异对不同主体能力构成进行描述,通过政策法规制度建设、组织分类协调机制创新、目标转化能力提升、价值文化氛围重塑等提升"H-C”模型主体能力。枢纽型社会组织和民间社会组织的两维合作是实现社会组织就业促进能力实现的最佳选择。行为选择直接影响社会组织促进劳动力就业的效果表现,本研究对社会组织直接提供就业、推动公权支持、提供就业服务、构建就业伦理四种行为进行内容细分,在充分考虑社会组织对分类差异基础上,进行行为选择的配置优化,即枢纽型社会组织通过自己严格体制、更强资源获取能力和更广范围影响力对就业促进行为起统筹引领作用,并对民间社会组织进行业务指导,实现两者在具体行为选择策略的互补。最后,本文以湖北省社会组织促进青年创业就业为例,详细描述湖北省社会组织促进青年创业就业现状以及存在障碍因素,提出通过将建立现代社会组织就业体制作为湖北省社会发展的重要战略、建立枢纽型社会组织委托代理制度等策略实现“H-C”模型在湖北省青年创业就业中的有效应用。

【Abstract】 Employment Promotion is not only an economic issue but also a political problem which related to social stability, especially during the transition period of china. Along with the conversion from planned economic system to market economic system and the transition of employment promotion pattern from government-controlled to market-oriented, of employment promotion executor changed from a single governmental organizations into collaborative groups of governmental organizations, markets and social organizations. Since the21th century, with the continue revolution of social manage system, social organizations had an unprecedented development. It played an important role in the market-oriented employment patterns and constituted a part of employment network systems with government and enterprises.Social organizations referred to third force besides the government and markets organizations, which were called "non-profit organizations" or "non-governmental organizations" in the western countries. In fact, the name of "social organization" only exist in china and it can’t be identical to "non-profit organizations" or "non-governmental organizations". Social organizations in china can be divided into civil society organizations and the hub type social organization. Civil society organizations is consistency with the non-profit organizations, while hub type social organization is particularly stressed to have a certain political function, but its object and function is reached more by non-authority. Either hub type social organizations or civil social organizations, public, voluntary, non-profit are their typical characteristicsApproaches of Social organizations on employment promote varied, but mainly of them including the creation of jobs, the supply of employment service and the practices of public value. This article applied the SWOT method to finish the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of social organizations on employment promotion. It is found that the setting up of three-way interaction system, including government, markets and social organizations, is most feasible. With the harmonious relations between all social organizations, the "H-C" model of promoting interaction and cooperation on employment promotion was built.The main innovation points of this study are to propose the "H-C" model of social organization on employment promotion."H-C" model includes the two organizational dimensions of hub type social organization, civil social organization and is mainly about the internal interaction of them. It reached the highest effectiveness classification and approach of hub type social organization and civil social organization’s function. In the meanwhile, it can finally achieve the overall optimize effective on the basis of the interaction with two types of social organization.The "H-C" model of social organization on employment promotion built in this paper is based on the analysis of corporatism theory sanitization. From the two dimensions of hub type social organizations and civil social organizations, we refined the common features of social organizations. Based on these special characteristics, we try to achieve the aim which hub type social organization more on the governmental resources and civil social organizations more on the social resources. In addition, the internal co-ordination was achieved by choosing hub type social organizations as core. Through policy acquisition, job hunting, service providers, value guidance, this model of the social organization embed into the promote employment mechanisms. The impact of Chinese administrative and social capital development was paid special attention. The tactics goals of "H-C" employment promotion model were maximize the absorption of the resources; The value goal of "H-C" employment promotion model were fairly employment promotion; The organizational goal of "H-C" employment promotion model were specification for participation.Based on the theory of innovation "H-C" model, the two important key points of social organization on employment promotion were chosen.Based on the difference between social organizations, we made the description of capacity of them. Through policies and regulations system construction, tissue Classification coordination mechanism innovation, advance the capacity of goal’s transformation, remodeling the value of culture, the subject ability of "H-C" model were enhanced. The optimum choice of social organizations on employment promotion was the two-dimensional cooperation of hub type social organizations and civil society organizations.Behavior directly affects performance effective of the employment promotion of social organization. This study did the content segmentation of social organizations on employment promotion, which included directly provide employment, promote the public right support, provide employment services, construct employment ethical. Based on the difference between two types, this study did the configuration optimizations, which are hub type social organizations played a leader role of employment promotion through their own rigorous system, the better ability to obtain resources, the wider influence. Civil social organizations received the guides of hub type social organizations and achieve the specific strategies complement each other on all kinds of behaviors. Finally, this study takes the social organizations of Hubei province on youth employment promotion as an example. After the detailed description of present situation and the existence of barriers in the youth employment promotion, this study proposes that Hubei province should keep the modern development of social organizations employment system as the important strategy and establish the agency system of hub type social organizations. Through these ways, the"H-C" model could achieve effective use.

  • 【分类号】F249.21
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】841

