

The Research of Weijin Moral Problem

【作者】 张丽君

【导师】 马良怀;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 魏晋是我国历史上社会转型和文化变迁的重要时期,这一时期的道德观念经历了一个从衰落崩溃到重新建构的过程。本文试图将魏晋时期道德观念的崩溃与重构置于社会变革和思想文化变迁的历史背景之下,研究探讨这一时期道德观念崩溃与重构的过程,希望能够更准确的把握问题的实质,能够更加充分的揭示其丰富的内容和更加深入的总结历史经验,为探究历史上转型时期的道德观念的重建提供理论和借鉴。两汉儒家道德观念的形成与发展。阐述西汉武帝时期,董仲舒以儒家思想为主体,吸收其他各家思想,建构了天人感应神学,形成了三纲五常为基本内容的道德观念。经过石渠阁会议和白虎观会议的整顿,官方儒学进一步渗透到社会生活的各个方面,儒家道德观念成为当时社会乃至后世通行的道德准则和规范。为了维护政权,统治阶级将儒家思想确定为维护封建专制主义的思想体系。魏晋时期儒家道德观念的崩溃。儒学发展到东汉末年逐渐衰落,天人感应神学的瓦解,滋生于其内的道德观念也随之而削弱。本章分别从以下几个方面分析儒家道德崩溃的因素:政治上,大一统局面的解体、军阀混战使皇权遭到猛烈的冲击,儒家道德中君为臣纲的观念遭到动摇;思想上,这一时期出现的无君论思潮认为君王之制是制造罪恶的罪魁祸首,否定了君主制度存在的合理性;灾异、战乱带来的死亡恐惧使人们的个体意识觉醒,道德不再是士人竞相追逐的目标,任诞放纵,及时行乐,反道德行为盛行。魏晋时期,道德规范的缺乏,儒家思想所建立的三纲五常为核心的道德观念处于不断被冲击的过程之中。道德重构。名教的虚伪不实,社会的道德危机要求思想家们在理论上给予回应。在儒家道德规范的虚伪性被认清与打破的过程中,新的道德观也在探索与重建中。分别介绍从王弼到阮籍、嵇康,裴颁、郭象,再到葛洪、张湛等人为道德重构做出的努力,他们试图从儒家、道家、宗教等思想中汲取、吸收有利于自身的理论,希冀为重新构建新的道德规范添加内容,整个魏晋时期始终处于这种不断摸索重建的过程之中。从正始时期王弼的“名教本于自然”开始,经竹林时期阮籍、嵇康抛弃儒家道德提出的“越名教任自然”,西晋时期裴颁强调儒家道德精神发崇有论,“弃自然任名教”,郭象探讨得出的“名教即自然”,葛洪针对道德衰败,宣扬儒家道德的思想,到东晋后期张湛的儒道融合理论止,正是人们自我意识觉醒,个体与社会分离的时期,人们重点关注的是生命的意义,个体价值的实现,精神意境的追求等等问题,通过思想家们不断探索,逐渐协调,并且利用佛道二教的理论,不仅解决了自然与名教之间的矛盾,还比较圆满的解决了人们的死亡恐惧问题,更重要的是建构了新道德理论的基本框架。士人逐渐由对外物的反抗超越转为对内心宁静闲适境界的追求,以一种超功利的审美态度,追求一种艺术化的审美人生,以内心的满足和愉悦,超然和洒脱为最高的人生境界。魏晋时期的道德观以与两汉名教所没有的宽松、率直、真性、自然使人们在精神归宿的意义上实践了名教与自然的统一。

【Abstract】 The period of wei and jin dynasty is the important period of social transformation and cultural transformation in the history of our country. This period of morality experienced a process of collapse from decline to reconstruct. This paper attempts to moral collapse and reconstruction of the period of wei and jin dynasty in the social change and historical background of change of ideology and culture,to research this period by moral collapse and reconstruction process, hope to be able to more accurately grasp the essence of the problem, can more fully reveal its rich content and further summarizes the historical experience, to explore the reconstruction of the transition period in the history of moral theory and reference.In the period of Hanwu Emperor. Dong-Zhongshu constructs human and nature induction as the main body by Confucianism, absorbing other various ideas, come into being three principles and five virtuesas the basic content of morality. Along with the establishment of the position of Confucianism centers, Confucianism has been greatly developed, after consolidation of the conference of Shi Qu Ge and Bai Hu Guan. The official Confucianism further penetrated into every aspect of social life, Confucian moral ideas became a social and moral principles and norms of passage.The development of Confucianism to the eastern han dynasty last years rapid decline, the induction theology of nature and man, stems from its moral ideas also subsequently and alleviation. This period of Confucian moral collapse can be discussed from the following several aspects:Politically, the disintegration of unified situation, warlords impact of the imperial power is violently, the notion of the Confucian moral monarch to minister the outline was shaken; On thought, monarchic theory trend of thought appear this period, thinking the king of the system is making the culprit of evil. Rejected monarchy the rationality of existence; Calamity,war brings death fear make people’s individual consciousness awakening, morality is no longer the chase of the philistines, indulgence, enjoy yourself, the prevalence of moral behavior. The period of wei and jin dynasty, the lack of ethics, Confucianism has been hard to justify, it creates three principles and five virtuesas the basic content of morality under constant deconstruction.The false false of Norm, the moral crisis of the society require respond from the theory. In the hypocrisy of the Confucian ethics was broken by recognizing and process, the new morality is exploring and reconstruction. These dedicated to construct the new moral thinker, from WangBi to RuanJi,JiKang,PeiWei,GuoXiang,and GeHong,ZhangZhan, From the thoughts of Confucianism, Taoism and religion and, absorb beneficial to its own theory,hope to build a new ethics add content, always is in the process of the continuously grope for reconstruction through the period of wei and jin dynasty.In the process, from Zhengshi period WangBi’s" Norm in Nature", there are RuanJi,JiKang of "Zhulinqixian" in Wei and Jin Dynasties, Abandon the Confucian ethics to put forward "getting over the Confucian ethical code but letting the nature at ease". In the Western Jin period, Pei Wei underline Confucian moral spirit published "advocating exist theory","abandon Norm and advocating nature".there is GuoXiang Study concluded that "the Norm is nature", there is GeHong’s moral is declining., decadent decadent society of critical thinking. Stopped the ZhangZhan’s theory of merge of Confucian school and Taoists school in latter period of The Eastern Jin Dynasty, Is human self-consciousness awakening, the separation of the individual and society, People focus on the meaning of life, the realization of individual value, the spirit of the pursuit of artistic conception and so on, by thinkers have to explore, coordination, and use of Buddhism and Taoism two teaching theory, not only solved the contradiction between the nature and the crime, are successfully solved the problems of people’s death fear, more important is to construct the basic framework of a new moral theory. Intellectual resistance by foreign objects beyond gradually into the pursuit of inner calm serenity, In a super utilitarian aesthetic attitude, the pursuit of a kind of artistic aesthetic life, with inner satisfaction and pleasure, transcendental and free and easy as the highest realm of life, Who takes the morality of wei-jin period to han not pure and fresh, fluent, forthright and sincere, natural to make people who takes in the spiritual home to return to the sense of practice and the natural unification.

【关键词】 魏晋儒家道德道德重构
【Key words】 Wei jinConfucian moralMoral reconstruction
  • 【分类号】B82-092;K235
  • 【下载频次】302

