

Interactive Governance:the Interrelation a Nd Interaction Between Government Mana Gement and Social Participation

【作者】 毛志勇

【导师】 徐勇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 政治学理论, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 国家与社会之间的关系,一般分为政府管制和社会参与两种模式,中国传统社会的社会管理模式是皇权不下县,国家对乡村社会的管理依靠士绅,士绅通过宗法制度对乡村社会进行管理,乡民通过交税等方式来与国家发生关系。国家与社会是相互分离的,这种管理模式是一种互联不互动的单向治理模式。现代社会的发展,公民意识逐渐增强,普通民众希望能够参与到社会管理中去,通过公民的参与来回应政府的管制也逐渐成为一种新的管理模式。现代参与式管理模式,不仅在形式上给予了大众参与的权利,而且通过各种平台、制度规范建设,一定程度上在政府与公民之间形成了互动关系。但是在公民精神发育初期,大众自觉主动意识增强,互动的规范性较弱,国家与社会之间的关系易于由互联不互动向简单的互动演变。这种简单的互动表现为,社会力量习惯于通过主动参与来与国家力量抗衡,双方不断的简单对抗导致国家与社会之间互动不互联,这给政府的合法性带来了危机。现代政府的合法性来源大都是法理型权威,它规定政府与公民之间的责任和义务关系,政府通过提供公共服务来取得社会认可,实现其合法性基础,而公民参与的目的也是为了获得政府的公共服务。因此,政府的管理和社会的参与之间应该是一个既互联又互动的模式,笔者把这种模式称作“互动式治理模式”。本文通过对广东省云安县社会管理创新实践的描述,以国家与社会理论为分析框架,考察了云安社会管理创新的外在环境、策略、主体、规范、方式等等,对云安实践中政府与社会之间的关系进行细致的描述,解释了云安为何采取这一创新模式,它的实践效果如何,进而通过理论提升来建构政府与社会互动这一新的社会管理理论。

【Abstract】 The relationship between the government and society is generally divided into two modes which are governmental control and social participation. In Chinese traditional society, the county goes beyond the range of the Imperial power. The state management of rural society relies on squire gentry managed by the patriarchal system of village society. Villagers contact with the state by paying taxes, etc. The state and society are separated. This management mode is an interconnected model, but not interactive. With the development of modern Western society, civil awareness is gradually improved. Common people want to participate in the social management to respond to the control of the Government. This has become a new management model. The new management model not only gives people the right of participation, but also forms interactive relationship between the government and citizens through many ways. At the beginning of citizens’ spirit, people’s initiative consciousness becomes stronger, but the standardization of the interactive is lower. The relationship between the government and society tends to be changed from an interconnected but not interactive model into a simple interactive model. This simple interaction is characterized by citizens’initiative participation which is to compete with country. The confrontation leads to interconnected but not interactive relationship between the state and society, which brings crisis to the legitimacy of the government. The legitimacy of the modern government depends on legal-rational authority, which stipulates the responsibilities and obligations between government and citizen. The government obtains the social acceptance and legitimacy foundation through providing public services, while citizen participation is in order to achieve the government’s public service. So it should be an interconnected and interactive relationship between the state and society, which I call "interactive management model". This article describes the social management innovation practice of Yun’an City, Guangdong Province in the framework of national and social theory. And it investigates outside environment, strategies, behavior, norms, way of the social management innovation practice of Yun’an City. Also it describes relationship between government and society in the YunAn’s practice. Besides, it explains why YunAn takes this innovative model and what about the effect of the practice, so as to construct this new theory of social management between the Government and the social interaction.

  • 【分类号】D632
  • 【下载频次】1270

