

Globalization and Construction of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 李红卫

【导师】 郭圣福;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中共党史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 全球化与马克思主义政党的产生、发展及其所走过的战略道路有着深刻的内在联系。18世纪中叶到19世纪末,由蒸汽技术革命引发的人类社会生产力大发展、科学技术大进步、经济社会大飞跃的全球化趋势,催生了科学社会主义及马克思主义政党。19世纪末到20世纪中叶,由电气技术革命引发的加速发展的全球化趋势,大大加快了马克思主义政党发展及其所领导的无产阶级社会主义革命的进程。20世纪70年代以来,由电子信息技术革命引发的向纵深发展的全球化趋势,对苏东各国共产党和中国共产党产生着不同的影响和后果,苏东共产党在全球.化的冲击下葬送了社会主义事业,而中国共产党实行改革开放,积极参与全球化的进程,成功开创了一条全新的战略道路——建设中国特色社会主义的新道路。江泽民同志曾指出:“时代在发展,形势在变化,我们党要不断巩固自己的执政地位,必须紧跟世界发展进步的潮流,坚决解决党内存在的突出问题”。党的十八大进一步强调:“形势的发展、事业的开拓、人民的期盼,都要求我们以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,全面提高党的建设科学化水平”。这些重要论述实际上都指出了,以改革创新精神加强党的建设,是当今时代的必然要求。因此,对全球化背景下中国共产党治国理政和自身建设的成败得失、是非功过进行梳理和研究,有着重大的理论及现实意义。选题本着理论与实践相结合、历史与逻辑相统一的原则,运用经济方法、历史方法、文献分析方法、学科交叉方法,对全球化背景下西方国家政党建设的理论与实践、苏东社会主义国家政党建设的经验与教训进行了全方位的梳理,对中国共产党建设面临的历史机遇和严峻挑战、党建的构成要素与主要内容及路径选择等进行了多视角的探讨,力图构建一部全球化与中国共产党建设交相互应、内容充实、体系完整的学术著作,以期对全面提高党的建设科学化水平和治国理政能力进而实现中华民族的伟大复兴,提供一些有益的启示和应对方略。论文研究内容由八章构成:第一章从界定全球化的基本内涵及表现形式入手,从社会主义市场经济、社会主义民主政治、社会主义先进文化、社会主义和谐社会、对外关系等五个方面阐释了加强党的建设是全球化时代潮流的要求。第二章从社会基础、组织活力、意识形态、公众形象、应对媒体挑战等五个方面梳理了西方国家政党建设的理论与实践。第三章从科技革命、党群关系、经济建设、政治体制、社会整合等五个方面介绍了苏东社会主义国家政党建设的经验与教训。第四章到第八章分别论述了党的思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设、反腐倡廉建设的内涵及重要意义;全球化背景下面临的困境与挑战;主要内容与方法路径。

【Abstract】 Globalization is inextricably linked with the birth, development and the strategic road of Marxist political parties. From the middle of18th century to the end of19th, the steam technology revolution led to the development of social productivity, the progress of scientific technology and the leap of economy, this tendency of globalization gave birth to scientific socialism and Marxist Party. From the end of19th to the middle of20th, the tendency of globalization triggered by electric technology revolution accelerated the speed of development of Marxist Party and its proletarian socialist revolution. Since1970s, electric information technology revolution brought about a globalization of developing to depth, this tendency exerted different influences and consequences on Communist Party in Soviet Union and Eastern European countries as well as China. As a result, the Communist Party in Soviet Union put an end to socialist career under globalization, whereas China has paved a way for Socialism with Chinese characteristics under the policy of reform and opening-up and the participation in globalization.The former president Jiangzemin once said:" With times evolving and situation changing, our Party should strengthen its political position and follow the world’s forward trend in order to tackle the problems involved." The18th National Congress of the C PC went further:" the further development of situation and the start of our career together with people’s expectation require us to promote the construction of our Party with innovation, to improve scientific construction of the Party." It can be summed up that strengthening the construction of our Party with the spirit of innovation has become an inevitable requirement currently. Therefore, under the background of globalization, to sort out and make a study about the achievements and failures of the governance and self-construction is meaningful both in theory and practice.This dissertation makes a comprehensive reorganization about the western countries Party Construction both in theory and practice under the background of globalization and the Soviet Union and Eastern European socialist countries political construction both in experiences and lessons in line with the principle of combining theory with practice, history with logic by means of economic analysis, historic analysis and literature analysis as well as interdisciplinary analysis. It also discusses the historical opportunity and challenge with Chinese Communist Party Construction, its inscape and main idea together with the choice of the method in multiple perspectives in order to constitute a framework of globalization and Chinese Communist Party Construction informatively and with a complete system in hope to provide some beneficial enlightenment and counter-measures for bettering the Party Construction scientifically and enhance the governing of the country and then the rejuvenation of Chinese naturally follows.This dissertation consists of the following chapters:Starting from the definition of globalization and its basic connotation and manifestation, the1st chapter elaborates that strengthening the Party Construction is the globalizing trend’s requirement from five perspectives such as socialist market economy, socialist democratic politics, advanced socialist culture, socialist harmonious society and foreign relations. The next chapter reorganizes the western country’s political construction both in theory and practice from the five perspectives as social foundation, organization energy, ideology, public image and the ability to respond to media challenge. The third chapter introduces Soviet Union and Eastern European Parties’ Socialist Construction experiences and lessons from such perspectives as technology revolution, relation of the Party and the Masses, economic construction, political system and social integration. Chapter4to8discuss the connotation and magnificence of some concepts, the dilemma and challenge the Party meets under the background of globalization, the main idea and methods of the Party’s thought construction, organization construction, work style construction, system construction, and the construction of anti-corruption respectively.


