

Study on Large-Scale Assessment

【作者】 刘晓庆

【导师】 郭元祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 大规模学业评价通过了解区域内学生的整体学业发展水平,为深化教育改革和提高教学质量并促进学生的学业发展提供了重要指导。伴随着知识经济的快速发展和全球化的不断深入,教育评价尤其是大规模学业评价逐渐受到教师、教育研究人员及教育部门的重视。本研究以历史、理论与案例的视角对大规模学业评价进行了深入研究,不仅能够有效促进我们对大规模学业评价的深入理解,还可以为我国大规模学业评价的理论与实践发展寻找更多的理论支持和经验指导。本研究主要在以下五个方面取得了有益的研究发现:(1)大规模学业评价的概念界定。在这一部分中,笔者运用文献研究、比较研究等方法概括与总结了教育评价、教育测量、学业成就评价的概念,在此基础上对大规模学业评价概念进行了探讨和概念界定。笔者认为:大规模学业评价是一种通过对特定数量的学生群体的整体学业成就水平和教学相关性因素进行价值判断,来监测学生的学习效果和判断教育政策绩效的评价方式,它可以是地区内进行的评价,也可以是以国家为单位进行的评价,还可以是国际评价。(2)大规模学业评价的历史审视。通过文献检索、访谈等方法对大规模学业评价的历史进行考察。笔者发现:教育评价的发展历史为大规模学业评价的发展奠定了理论与实践基础,知识经济与全球化对人才培养和教育评价提出的新要求则为之提供了现实的可能性与必要性,基础教育与高等教育中大规模学业评价的历史告诉我们,建立专门的实施和保障机构、充分利用档案袋可以有效促进大规模学业评价的顺利进行,同时我们还要在保证评价信度与效度的基础上,以有效促进学校变革和学习实践。(3)大规模学业评价的理论剖析。通过文献研究、比较研究等方法对大规模学业评价的理论进行了剖析。我们认识到:大规模学业评价的研究与实践是建立在一定的理论基础之上的,不同历史时期的理论基础也是存在差异的。科学管理视角下的大规模学业评价在促进教育评价不断走向科学化的同时,却忽视了评估过程的差异性和对资源的有效配置。新公共管理视角下的大规模学业评价则通过引入市场机制,实现了资源的有效配置,并在分权与授权的主张下大大提高了评估人员的责任感和工作效率。社会建构主义则注重一定境脉中的个人建构与社会建构,在交流与协商中促进大规模学业评价的进一步发展和完善。(4)大规模学业评价的案例解析。笔者通过文献研究、访谈、案例分析、比较研究等方法对国际和国外知名的大规模学业评价项目进行了解读,实现了对大规模学业评价的进一步认识。通过对PISA、TIMSS和NAEP的解析,笔者发现:大规模学业评价不仅可以为教育管理和教育决策人员提供重要信息,实现对教育的科学管理和正确决策,还能有效促进一线教师教学方法的改进与学生学业的不断发展。(5)大规模学业评价的未来趋势。通过分析基于设计的研究和大数据与数据挖掘这两种分别对大规模学业评价发展具有潜在价值的理论与技术。我们认识到:侧重于真实实践情境的基于设计的研究为大规模学业评价提供了新的研究范式,大数据与数据挖掘通过信息技术可以实现大规模学业评价的科学化与标准化。两者的相互作用使大规模学业评价在实现理论与实践有效结合中,实现了由劳动密集型工作向技术密集型工作的转变。通过对大规模学业评价历史、理论与案例的审视、剖析与解读,使我们对我国大规模学业评价存在的问题和解决办法形成了深入的认识。我国大规模学业评价存在着指导思想落伍、评价内容不合理、评价方法落后等问题,国外大规模学业评价的成功经验则为我国大规模学业评价的改革提供了重要思路:加强基础研究与理论创新,加强组织实施与决策的科学化,注重利用信息技术、网络技术等先进技术的支持,充分考虑当前教育创新与教育改革的需求等。

【Abstract】 By understanding students’ level of academic development, large-scale assessment provides an important guidance to deepen the education reform, improve the quality of teaching and promote students’ academic development. Along with the rapid development of knowledge economy and the deepening of the globalization, education evaluation, especially the large-scale evaluation, has gradually received a lot of attention from the teachers, education researchers and the department of education. This research, from a view of history, theory and case, studied the large-scale academic assessment. It can not only effectively promote our understanding of large-scale academic assessment, but also can find more theoretical supports and empirical guidance for the development of the theory and practice of our country’s large-scale academic evaluation.This study made a beneficial research discovery in the following five aspects:(1) The definition of large-scale assessment In this part, the author used the method of literature study and comparative study, summarized the concept of education evaluation, education measurement, and academic achievement assessment. On the basis of these concepts, we made a definition for the large-scale assessment. Large-scale academic assessment is a kind evaluation by making a value judgment based on a certain number of students’ level of academic achievement and teaching correlation factors, to monitor students’ study effect and judge the performance of education policy. It not only can be a regional evaluation, but also can be a country’s evaluation, and even an international evaluation.(2) The history of large-scale assessment. By means of literature search and interview, the author investigated the history of large-scale academic assessment. The history of the development of education evaluation, laid a theoretical and practical foundation for the development of large-scale academic assessment. Knowledge economy and globalization puts forward new requirements for personnel training and the education evaluation, and this provided a realistic possibility and necessity for the development of large-scale assessment. The history of the large-scale assessment in the basic education and higher education tells us that establish specific implementation and guarantee mechanism, make full use of the portfolio assessment can effectively promote large-scale assessment carried out more smoothly. At the same time, we should promote the schools’reform and students’ learning practice effectively on the basis of guarantying the reliability and validity of evaluation.(3) Theoretical analysis of large-scale assessment. Dissect the theories of large-scale assessment through literature research, comparative study and other methods, we have known that the research and practice of large-scale assessment is based on deferent kinds of theoretical basis, the theories are differ from different periods. While large-scale academic assessment in Scientific Management Perspective promotion the scientization of education evaluation, it ignores the differences in the assessment process and the efficient allocation of resources. The New Public Management theory through introducing the market mechanism to the large-scale academic assessment, achieve the efficient allocation of resource, and greatly increased the evaluation personnel sense of responsibility and work efficiency in the separation of powers and authorization. Social constructivism focuses on realizing personal construction and social construction in a certain situation, and promoting a further development and improvement of large-scale academic assessment through communication and consultation.(4) Typical cases analysis of large-scale assessment. I have interpreted many cases of famous large-scale assessment from foreign countries and international organizations through literature research, interviews, case studies, comparative research and other methods, and become realize the further understanding of it. Through the analysis of PISA, TIMSS and NAEP, I have realize that large-scale academic assessment can not only provide important information for educational administration and decision-makers, but also effectively promote the improvement of teachers’ teaching methods and the development of students’ school work.(5) The future trend of large-scale academic assessment. By analyzing design-based research, big data and data mining that have potential values for the development of large-scale assessment. We have recognized that design-based research which is focuses on the real practice situations, has provided us a new research paradigm. Big data and data mining can help us realize the scientific and standardization of large-scale academic assessment. The interaction between them can make us accomplish the effective integration of theory and practice, and achieve large-scale assessment shift from labor-intensive work to technology-intensive work.Through studying the history, theory and famous cases of large-scale assessment, we have developed a deep understanding of existing problems and possible solutions about the development of large scale assessment in China. Falling behind of guiding ideology, the unreasonable evaluation content, and the backward of evaluation methods are serious problems of large-scale assessment in China. Successful experiences of large-scale assessment research and practice in foreign countries give us important ideas for improving:strengthen basic research and theoretical innovation, strengthen the scientific of organization, implementation and decision-making, focusing on the use of information technology, network technology and other advanced technology, give full consideration to the current education reform and educational innovation demand.


