

Public Opinion Propagation of Late Ming Dynasty and Donglin Party Movement

【作者】 刘中兴

【导师】 吴琦;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 在中国古代社会的不同阶段,舆论在历史进程中都扮演着相当重要的角色。舆论本身是流动的信息,在明代中期以前,社会相对封闭、缺乏流动,舆论传播相对缓慢,在政治与社会中产生的影响有限。及至晚明,随着商业的发展、社会流动的加快,明初以来的社会控制不断减弱,大量身份自由的无产者流入城市加入商业洪流中,使市民阶层的队伍不断壮大,也使舆论传播的主体和受众得到充实,舆论的活跃成为晚明社会的主要特征之一。商业城镇和城市人口的飞速增长,扩大了舆论传播的空间市场,政治、经济、文化的各种要素在传播的渠道中相互作用,带来了历史的变局。晚明舆论传播的深厚社会土壤与鲜明时代特性是东林运动产生的重要社会条件,东林运动很大程度上就是舆论运动。东林强调“公论即国是”,要以天下之公论来克制和约束君主的一己之私。公论一方面是指官僚政治层面的朝廷公论,另一方面则扩展到社会层面,以社会舆论所体现的政治道德共识为主要内容,以东林党为代表的清流士大夫应该是掌握公论的“愚夫愚妇”的代言人。藉由这一层转折,衡量天下是非的公论便掌握在了东林党的手中。具体策略上,东林党人从争取发言权出发,选取关系士民利益的重大事件开展政治舆论活动,进而树立在朝中的代言人;同时不断强化学术领袖地位,从地方的角度以清议的力量开展社会舆论活动,成为当时的意见领袖,从而形成了在野政治力量的代表。从更深层次来看,东林运动鲜明的舆论特点,体现出中国传统知识分子维护道德的批判精神。东林运动可以分解为三个层面,即学术层面的东林学派、政治层面的东林党和社会层面的东林人士,且都是以舆论为主要行动方式。在传统社会中,这三个层面事实上统一于士大夫一身多任的社会角色,都是传统士大夫批判精神的体现。清代吸取晚明的教训,大力压制舆论。清代士大夫虽然敢于批评政治,但是至多停留在技术层面,多为劝谕、恳请;民间的清议难以形成气候,无法形成制衡的力量。在传统社会中,舆论传播与社会运动互动发展的高峰在于晚明。而辛亥的共和呼声,“五四”的民主诉求,无疑是这种以舆论进行批判的传承。东林运动所昭示的舆论的巨大力量,给予近现代社会运动启迪和激励。

【Abstract】 Public opinion always played an import role in the historical progress throughout ancient China. As the flowing information, public opinion was spread rather slowly and exerted limited influence upon the political and social life before the Mid-Ming Dynasty when the community was relatively closed and lack of population mobility. Towards the Late Ming Dynasty, however, public opinion became fairly active with the development of commerce, acceleration of population mobility, declining censorship, many a free proletarian moving into the city to take part in the commercial activities, enlarging the number of citizens and enriching the subject and the audience of the public opinion. The rapid increase of cities and non-agriculture population expanded the space for the dissemination of public opinion. The interaction between and among the political, economic, and cultural elements in the process of the dissemination then carried the development of public opinion into a new historical phase.The Late Ming Dynasty was an extremely active time for public opinion, whose favorable social environment for and distinct character of public opinion dissemination provided a most important social condition for the emergence of the Donglin Movement, which was to a large extent a movement of public opinion. Donglin Party members firmly claimed that "public opinion is national affair", suggesting that the emperor’s personal interest should be kept within the bounds of the public opinion. Such public opinion, on the one hand, was the court opinion held by the political bureaucracy; on the other hand, extended to the commonalty, centering upon the political and ethical consensus, with the scholar-bureaucrats represented by the Donglin Party members as the spokesmen of the "innocent man and wife" who were the ultimate source of the public opinion. Due to this relationship, public opinion now as the standard to judge the right and wrong of the national affairs fell to the hand of the Donglin Party. The concrete strategy employed by the Donglin Party was to start from the efforts to get the permission to utter their opinion:they would choose issues of great significance for the scholar-bureaucrats and civilians to launch the political discussion, and then they would find the mouthpiece in the court. Meanwhile, the Donglin Party made constant efforts to enhance their academic leadership, taking the lead of the social opinion and forming the political criticism from the perspective of the scholar, turning themselves into the non-official political force that might confront and dialog with the court.On a deeper level, the Donglin Movement characterized by its apparent relationship with public opinion showed the critical spirit of the traditional Chinese intellectuals whose aim was to maintain the feudal ethics. The Donglin Movement spread three kinds of public opinions via three groups of people:academic opinion by the Donglin School, political opinion by the Donglin Party, and social opinion by the pro-Donglin scholar-bureaucrats. In feudal China, these three groups of people were actually different social roles performed by the same literati and officialdom, who always possessed the critical spirit. Later, the rulers of Qing Dynasty learned a lesson from the declining of Late Ming Dynasty by suppressing the public opinion. Even the bravest scholar-bureaucrats in Qing Dynasty who dared to present political criticism could not go beyond the surface level, whose political opinions were more than often persuasion and begging. It was not easy for non-official political opinions by the scholars to form a restricting force against the monarchy. In feudal China, the climax of the interaction between the public opinion dissemination and the social development took place in Late Ming Dynasty. The call for the republic during the1911Revolution and the appeal to democracy of the May4th Movement undoubtedly bore the heritage of this political criticism by means of public opinion. The great strength manifested by the Donglin Movement brought about much enlightenment and inspiration to modern and contemporary China.

【关键词】 晚明舆论传播东林运动
【Key words】 Late Ming DynastyDisseminationPublic opinionthe Donglin Movement
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】451

