

Research on MF System Based on Factor Theory

【作者】 宋伯慧

【导师】 徐寿波;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 论文以大物流(Material Flow)理论,特别是大物流要素论为依据,结合系统理论,从物流的客观现象出发,审视物流的基本概念,研究物流的性质和实体构成,给出基于大物流要素理论的物流定义;研究物流系统的要素、功能、结构、特性等基本问题,研究物流系统与经济系统关系的特性、演化规律与演化机制并讨论了物流与经济关系的定量分析;最后对北京市蔬菜物流系统和我国物流系统与经济系统关系进行实证研究,提出促进北京市蔬菜物流发展和我国物流与经济协调发展的建议。论文的主要成果包括:(1)提出物流实体性质理论。本文研究了物流的实体性质和环节,分析了各环节的关系。认为物流首先是一个实体,一般由运输、储存、装卸搬运、流通加工(包装)四种实体环节组成。其中,运输和储存是物流的核心环节,装卸搬运为必要的辅助环节,流通加工为扩展环节。物流信息伴随整个物流活动发生,存在于每一个实体环节中,配送则是一种特殊的物流活动,因此物流信息和配送不作为物流的独立环节。基于物流的实体性质,论文比较分析了典型的物流定义,提出了基于大物流要素理论的物流定义:物流是物质的实体流动,由物质、流动、主体、地域、时间、信息六要素组成。(2)研究物流系统的基本问题。论文提出了物流系统的不同层次分类,阐述了物流系统的六个基本要素及其演化和相互关系,阐述了物流系统的结构、功能、作用和特性等整体性问题,认为物流系统的结构会向网络化发展,并表现出实体性、网络经济性、自组织与他组织并存性和环境协调性等特性。(3)研究物流系统与经济系统的关系。论文研究认为物流系统作为经济系统的一个组成部分,二者又形成相互作用的耦合关系,在物流的支撑作用和经济的拉动作用的平衡与不平衡之间演化。物流供给与需求的差异、政策法规的规范和鼓励、物流主体的能动作用和科技创新是物流系统与经济系统关系演化的动力。为明确物流系统与经济系统的关系状态需要从社会物流系统和物流产业系统两个角度进行定量分析。论文提出可以使用物流需求收入弹性、社会物流费用率、物流产业强度、集聚系数等一系列指标用于物流系统与经济系统关系的定量分析。(4)实证研究。首先,论文对北京市蔬菜物流系统的性质、功能与作用、基本要素进行了实证研究。论文研究认为北京市蔬菜物流系统虽然属于经济界物流系统,但具有不可忽视的社会性,保证蔬菜物流系统的高效安全运作需要从蔬菜物流系统的六个基本要素入手,以要素的演变带动蔬菜物流系统的演化。其次,论文对我国物流系统与经济系统关系进行了实证研究,研究发现我国经济发展对物流系统的拉动作用较强,物流对经济的支撑作用也在不断增强,保持经济的稳定增长,开展物流领域的专业教育、鼓励物流系统各类主体要素的合作与合并,能够改善和促进物流系统的运作。图41幅,表22个,参考文献188篇。

【Abstract】 Based on material flow (MF) theory and the system theory, particularly the MF factor theory, this paper obverves the objective phenomenon of MF, examines the basic concept of MF and studies the nature and substantial composition of MF. Then the definition of MF is proposed. Also, the factors, functions, structure and characteristics of MF system are discussed. On the above basis, this dissertation studies some basic problems about relation between the MF system and economic system. Then the research contents of relation between material flow and economy are discussed. At last, via two empirical studies, this paper puts forward some proposals to promote the Beijing vegetable material flow system and improve the coordination of Chinese material flow and national economy system.Main achievements of the paper include:(1) The material flow substantial theoryThis paper studies the substantial characteristics and links of material flow, the relationship of the links is also discussed. The conclusion is that material flow firstly is an entity including four physical links, say, transportation, storage, handling, and distribution processing. Among them, transportation and storage are the core links of material flow, handling is the necessary auxiliary link, and distribution processing is the expansion link. Information and distribution are material flow activities instead of individual links.This dessertation analyzes the typical definition of material flow, and proposes the definition of material flow, that is, material flow is the substantial flow of material, being formed with material, flow, party, region, time, and information, and consists of natural, social and economic material flow.(2) Reaserch on basic problems of MF systemThe study shows that the six basic factors of material flow system and their evolution and combination mode determine the basic problems of MF system’s structure, functions, roles and characteristics. Functions, roles and characteristics reflect the wholeness of MF system.The study thinks that the structure of logistics system has a networked development, and shows the characteristics of the entity, network economy, coexist coordination of self-organization and hetero-organization and environmental compatability.(3) Research on relationship of MF system and economyThe study shows that the material flow system is part of the economic system, and the coupling interaction of the two evolves between balance and imbalance of the supporting of material flow system and the pulling effect of economy. The evolution of the relationship between the MF system and economic system are motivated by the differences of material flow’s supply and demand, laws and regulations, active material flow party, and initiative and innovation of science and technology. Their relationship needs to be stated historticaly based on both social material and material flow industry. The paper puts forward to use the material flow demand income elasticity, social material flow cost rate, material flow industry strength, clustering coefficient and a series of indicators to analyze the relationship between the MF system and economic system.(4)Empirical analysisThe empirical study is carried on the properties, functions, and basic factors of the Beijing vegetable material flow system. The study shows that Beijing city vegetable material flow system not only has the economic attributes but the social ones. In order to guarantee the safe and efficient operation of the vegetable material flow system, some steps must be taken to drive the evolution of the six basic factors of vegetable logistics system.The empirical study is also conducted on the relationship between Chinnese material flow system and economic system of the country. The study shows the economic development of our country stimulates stongly the material flow system’s development. Steady economic growth, professional education in the field of material flow and cooperation and merger of various parties of material flow system could improve and promote the material flow system.There are41figures,22tables and188references in the paper.


