

On the Relationship between Work Stress and Safety Performance of Train Drivers

【作者】 贾子若

【导师】 宋守信;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 安全管理与工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 我国铁路快速发展、技术水平大幅提高、运营环境更加复杂等因素导致了铁路机车司机的工作压力,而工作压力对铁路机车司机的安全绩效有重要影响。为提高铁路机车司机安全绩效,保证铁路安全运营,本文以铁路机车司机为研究对象,研究铁路机车司机工作压力与安全绩效的关系。铁路机车司机工作压力与安全绩效关系研究的主要内容包括:(1)对于工作压力、安全绩效的相关文献综述;(2)铁路机车司机工作压力与安全绩效关系的研究构想、研究假设与理论模型;(3)铁路机车司机工作压力、安全绩效关系的问卷设计与调查数据的质量分析;(4)根据问卷调查收集的数据,对铁路机车司机工作压力与安全绩效关系模型与研究假设进行验证并分析其结果。研究结论如下:(1)得出铁路机车司机工作压力的研究维度,即工作本身、工作家庭矛盾、人际关系、职业发展以及组织因素;(2)提出了安全支持的概念,得出了安全支持的研究维度,即安全帮助、认同价值和关心安全;(3)得出铁路机车司机工作压力、职业倦怠、安全支持研究的测量工具;(4)验证了以铁路机车司机工作压力→职业倦怠→安全绩效的关系为主线,安全支持为调节变量的模型并验证相应的研究假设,明确了铁路机车司机职业倦怠在其工作压力与安全绩效间的中介作用,以及铁路机车司机安全支持所起的调节作用。研究的主要创新点如下:(1)从安全管理的角度,提出了属于安全范畴的安全支持的概念,并从安全支持的角度探讨铁路机车司机工作压力与安全绩效的关系,拓展了工作压力、安全绩效的研究领域。(2)构建并验证了以职业倦怠为中介变量、安全支持为调节变量的铁路机车司机的工作压力(自变量)与安全绩效(因变量)关系的模型,利用结构方程模型验证了职业倦怠的中介作用、安全支持的调节作用以及研究构建的理论模型的合理性。(3)通过分组比较对铁路机车司机安全支持的调节作用进行了分析,验证了铁路机车司机的安全支持在其工作压力与安全绩效关系中的调节作用,并得出在安全支持不同时铁路机车司机工作压力对其安全绩效影响不同的结论。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of Chinese railway, the substantial improvement in technological level and more complicated operation environment lead to the work stress of train driver, and the work stress has a great influence on the safety of train driver. In order to improve the safety performance of the train driver as well as to ensure the safe operation of railway, this thesis selects the train driver as the studies object and study the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance.The main content of study on the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance:(1) literature review on the work stress and safety performance;(2) research ideas, research hypothesis and theoretical model on the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance;(3) questionnaire design and quality analysis of survey data on the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance; and (4) the collected data based on the questionnaire as well as the verification and analysis on the model and research hypothesis on the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance.Study results are as follows:(1) obtaining the research dimensions of the work stress of train driver, i.e. work itself, the conflicts between work and the family, interpersonal relationship, career development and organizational factors;(2) presenting the notion of safety support and obtain the research dimensions of safety support, i.e. safety-help, identity value and safety concern;(3) obtaining the measurement tools of the work stress, job burnout and safety support of train driver; and (4) verifying the model based on the main line (relationship of the work stress, job burnout and safety performance) and moderating variable (safety support) and checking the corresponding research hypothesis, as well as confirming the mediating effect of job burnout of the train driver on the work stress and safety performance and on the safety support of train driver.The main innovation points of the study are as follows:(1) Put forward the notions of safety support belonged to security category from the point of safety management, and discuss the relationship between the work stress of train driver and safety performance as well as expand the research field of work stress and safety performance.(2) Build and verify the model on the relationship between the work stress (independent variable) of train driver and safety performance (dependent variable) using job burnout as intervening variable and safety support as moderating variable, as well as using structural equation model to verify the mediating effect of job burnout, regulating effect of safety support and the rationality of the theoretical model built through research.(3) By comparing the regulating effect on the safety support of train driver in groups, verify the regulating effect of safety support of train driver on the relationship between work stress and safety performance and obtain the conclusion that the work stress of train driver has a different impact on the safety performance when the safety support is different.

  • 【分类号】U298;U268.48
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】465
  • 攻读期成果

