

Modeling, Analysis and Consensus Control of Wireless Sensor Networks under Sleeping-Awaking Method

【作者】 牟金平

【导师】 周武能;

【作者基本信息】 东华大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络(WSN)被应用于诸多领域并有着广泛的应用前景,同步控制是WSN的支撑技术之一,也是目前的一大研究热点.最近几年,许多学者对WSN的同步问题进行了深入广泛的研究并取得大量有价值的成果.但是,这些成果是建立在网络有很强的连通性与网络拥有固定节点基础上的,这与实际WSN中因节点使用了休眠-唤醒机制(SAM)后的弱连通性不相符合,也与节点在线增减的实际情况不一致.本文以WSN的应用为背景,在SAM下建立固定节点集合和变节点集合的WSN模型,对所建立的模型进行理论分析.接着,对所建立的模型实施同步控制.本论文的研究内容主要包括以下几个方面.1.针对节点数量众多并经常遭受数据拥堵和数据碰撞的WSN,建立leader-following拓扑结构,对其实施SAM,通过对leader节点的控制达到对整个网络的控制.分别针对leaders和followers中的完备子图(支派)实施SAM,得到两个变拓扑结构,即固定leaders变followers和固定followers变leaders的拓扑结构,针对这两个拓扑结构以及固定leaders固定followers结构设计同步控制协议.由协方差的分析表明,在协议的控制下,系统达到拟平均均方同步,同时,得到系统达到同步的几个充分必要条件.这部分内容提出在完备子图中实施SAM,根据不同的休眠方式设计同步控制协议.2.对于节点数量庞大且在多变时滞和噪声环境下的WSN,建立以最大度节点(MDN)的休眠-唤醒节奏为主导,其他节点相应地采取休眠的机制(SSAM),以应对MDN经常遭受的数据拥堵.在SSAM下,设计出相应的带有噪声和多变时滞的分布式控制协议,得到一个基于Markov链作系统切换的WSN.通过p-阶矩指数稳定性理论的分析表明,系统达到目标同步,同时得出系统达到目标同步的几个标准.这部分内容提出对MDN及其邻居节点实施SSAM,根据SSAM设计出能克服不同多变时滞和噪声干扰的同步控制协议.3.在SSAM下,研究了WSN的目标自适应跟踪问题.假设节点之间的信息交换和部分节点随机得到目标信号的过程均受到噪声的干扰,并且在不同的拓扑中,系统含有不同的多变时滞函数.在这种运行环境中,设计出基于目标跟踪的自适应控制协议并得到自适应滤波的WSN.通过p-阶矩指数稳定性理论的分析表明,在所设计的滤波下,所有节点能直接或间接地与目标函数保持同步.这部分内容提出能事先设定跟踪精度的自适应同步控制器.4.对于节点在线增加并运行SAM的WSN,提出了无标度WSN.针对无标度WSN,设计一种新的数据融合型控制协议.由不等式及偏序关系的分析表明,在数据融合型控制协议下,所有的节点达到局部同步.如果网络是概率连通的,那么WSN达到全局同步.其中,所有的同步标准与网络的标度无关.这部分提出无标度WSN的概念,并给出不依赖于标度的同步标准.5.考虑变标度WSN的同步问题,其中标度的增、减是由于系统中有新节点的加入和失效节点的退出.对于变标度WSN,文中给出了局部有限交连通和全局有限交连通等概念.若WSN是局部有限交连通的,则在所设计的控制协议下,通过误差分析表明,WSN达到分支同步.如果WSN是全局有限交连通的,则WSN达到全局同步.同时,给出了系统的收敛域,结果表明,在参数的许可范围内,所给出的协议允许系统有很广的收敛范围.这部分内容提出了节点在线增、减的WSN模型,并给出同步标准.

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network(WSN) is widely used in different fields, it has broad ap-plication prospects, consensus control is one of its supporting technologies, and also is the hot research field. In recent years, many researchers have devoted themselves into the field and many exciting results have been obtained. However, the gotten results are based on the networks which possess the strong connectivity and the fixed node set, and these are not consistent with real applications which WSN possesses the weakly connectivity when the system runs the sleeping-awaking method(SAM), and these also are not consistent with the varying node set which some nodes quit from the network for the energy is exhausted or some new nodes join the network. Depending on the applications of WSN, this thesis analyzes the formulated models under the given SAM and the consensus protocols. In the meanwhile, the related consensus investigations are provided accordingly. The main research contents of the thesis are listed as follows.1. For a WSN which possesses a large number of nodes and system often en-counters with data collision and data jams, the leader-following topology and SAM are employed, and system is controlled via the leader nodes directly. Applying SAM to the cliques (complete subgraphs) of followers or leaders respectively, the varying followers fixed leaders and the varying leaders fixed followers topologies are gotten, respectively. According to the varying topologies and the fixed leaders fixed followers topology, the related consensus protocols are designed. Based on the analysis of the co-variance, all nodes achieve the quasi-average mean square consensus, in the meanwhile, several consensus criteria of sufficient and necessary are obtained. In this part, SAM is implemented for some complete subgraphs, and the related consensus protocols are provided.2. For a WSN which possesses a large number of sensors and system runs in multiple varying time delays and noise disturbance surroundings, a type of sleeping-awaking method (SSAM) is provided. SSAM refers to the maximal degree node and its neighbors fall in the sleep or be awaken simultaneously, other nodes take the sleep or be waken accordingly, where SSAM is taken to deal with the data jams. Under SSAM, the distributed consensus protocol is proposed, then, the Markov switching WSN is obtained. Based on the theory of the p-th moment exponential stability, the analysis shows that under the designed protocol, system keeps synchronization with the aim state, meanwhile, several criteria are gotten. In this part, SSAM is offered for MDN and its neighbors, and the related consensus protocol can overcome the disturbances that caused by multiple varying time delays and noise.3. Under SSAM, the adaptive target tracking problem is considered. It supposes that there exist noise disturbances in the communication among node-to-node and the signal randomly getting from the target. And among the different topologies, system may contain the different multiple varying time delays. In such an environment, an adaptive target tracking protocol is designed, and the distributed adaptive target tracking filter is obtained. The analysis of p-th moment exponential stability shows that under the designed filter, all nodes keep the synchronized with the target directly or indirectly. It is worth to note that the adaptive consensus controller which the tracking accuracy can be assigned firstly.4. For a WSN which runs SAM and possesses the increasing node set, the scale free WSN is proposed. For scale free WSN, a type of data fusion consensus protocol is designed. Based on the analysis of inequalities and the partial sequences, under the designed protocol, all nodes achieve the local consensus, when the network is the probability connected, all nodes achieve the global consensus. All gotten consensus criteria are free from the network scale. It should point out that scale free WSN is offered here, and the consensus protocol is independent to the varying scale.5. Consensus problem of the varying scale WSN is studied, where the scale is in-creasing or decreasing due to some new nodes joining or some invalid nodes withdraw-ing. For the varying scale WSN, several concepts such as the local limited intersection connected and the global limited intersection connected are provided. According to the analysis of the systematic error, WSN achieves the component consensus if the network is the local limited intersection connected, if WSN is the global limited inter-section connected, WSN achieves the global consensus. In the meanwhile, the widely consensus regions are proposed. It should be noticed that the varying scale WSN is proposed here, and the related consensus criteria are provided.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

