

Study on a Mechanism of the Joint Cultivating Postgraduates of Research Institutions and Universities

【作者】 夏清泉

【导师】 张淑林;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 当前及今后的一段时期是我国全面建成小康社会的关键时期,国家的发展将会面临来自国内外各方面的种种机遇与挑战。面对如此复杂多变的战略环境,我们如何抓住机遇、迎接挑战,实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”?关键在科技,核心在人才,基础在教育。而作为科技第一生产力和人才第一资源的重要结合点,高等教育在这其中发挥重要的战略地位和作用。2011年,胡锦涛同志在清华大学百年校庆讲话中指出,要把提高质量作为高等教育改革发展最核心最紧迫的任务。他指出,高等学校特别是研究型大学,在建设创新型国家的过程中,要积极推动协同创新,要通过体制机制创新以及政策项目的引导,促进高校和科研机构、企业的深度合作,创建协同创新战略联盟,实现资源的共享,重大科研项目的联合攻关,并在关键领域获取实质性成果1。作为高等教育的最高层次,研究生教育能够将高等教育的人才培养、科学研究、社会服务、文化传承等基本职能有效关联起来,成为有机整体。其发展水平和质量在“创新型国家”建设的进程中具有重要定位。因此,为促进协同创新,加快建成国家创新体系,在高校、科研机构、企业事业单位间整合优势资源,实施联合培养研究生是一项重要突破口,也是创新研究生培养模式,全面提高研究生培养质量的一个重要途径。本文首先对国内外关于联合培养研究生这一创新模式开展文献综述研究,厘清这一范畴内的主要研究内容及进展情况,形成对于联合培养研究生的整体认识。接着文章梳理了我国科研机构研究生教育发展历史和高等院校科研职能的演进历程,指出了科研机构和高校在“科教结合”中依旧存在的更深层次的隔离问题,并结合当下协同创新环境逐步形成的背景,分析了新形势下实施联合培养研究生这一培养模式改革的必要性。文章认为开展联合培养工作是突破和解决更深次“科教两张皮”问题的重要途径,是在协同创新环境下实现更高意义的科教结合,充分利用科研及教育两方面优势的重要创新举措,也是探索提高研究生培养质量的重要手段。其次,文章对我国目前科研机构和高等院校联合培养研究生的现状进行述评,对影响联合培养质量的有关机制因素开展实证研究,并就四类联合培养领域的案例进行经验总结,对国外科研机构和高校联合培养研究生的有关经验和启示进行阐述。结合这些内容,文章分析了我国科研机构和高校联合培养研究生中存在的有关体制机制构建的问题。最后,文章构建了科研院所与高等院校联合培养研究生的机制框架,并提出政策层面的有关建议。这一机制框架包含7个方面:一是建立管理协调机制;二是创新导师遴选机制及指导方式;三是优化招生机制;四是完善培养方案及课程体系建设;五是积极开展科研实践训练机制建设;六是完善学位授予机制建设;七是质量评估机制建设。为促进联合培养机制的完善,文章对教育主管部门应采取的政策方向提出建议:鼓励科研机构和高等学校进一步丰富联合培养形式,拓宽联合培养领域;积极引导联合培养驱动力的转变;不断完善国家层面机制保障安排,使联合培养工作得到顺畅的政策操作环境。

【Abstract】 Current and a future period is a decisive stage of China’s completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. China’s development is to face all kinds of opportunities and challenges in all respects from home and abroad. Confronted with such complicated and changeable strategic environment, how should we grasp opportunities, and embrace challenges, so as to fulfill our Chinese Dream of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation? Science and technology is the key, talents are the core, and education is the base. As the crucial binding point of science and technology as the first productive force and talents as the first resource, higher education plays a considerably crucial strategic part in the national development.In2011, Chairman Hu Jintao explicitly pointed out in his speech at Tsinghua University Centennial Ceremony that our colleges and universities should place the quality enhancement as the most central and urging task of the educational reform. He noted that colleges and universities, research universities in particular, in the process of building an innovative nation, should push collaborative innovation actively, by means of innovations of institutional mechanisms and guidance of policy program, promote deep cooperation among universities, research institutions and enterprises, establish strategic alliance of collaborative innovation, share resources, overcome difficulties in major research projects jointly, and make substantial achievements in key areas.As the highest level of higher education, postgraduate education is capable of connecting effectively the fundamental functions of higher education, that is, talent cultivation, scientific research, social services, cultural heritage and so on, to be an organic whole. Its developing level and quality have significant position in the progress of building innovative nation. Therefore, in order to promote collaborative innovation and accelerate completing the establishment of national innovative system, to integrate advantageous resources among universities, research institutions and enterprises, and implement the joint cultivation of postgraduates is an important breakthrough, as well as a major way of innovating graduate training mode and comprehensively improving the quality of graduate education.This dissertation at first conducts a literature review of home and abroad research on the innovative mode of joint cultivating postgraduates, figures out the major research content and development, and forms a comprehensive understanding of joint cultivating postgraduates. Then, the dissertation sorts out the graduate education history of China’s research institutions and the evolution course of scientific research functions of colleges and universities, and points out that research institutions and universities still have potential problems of isolation in science and education combination, and connecting with the gradually formed background of current environment for collaborative innovation, further analyzes the necessity of implementing the mode of joint cultivating postgraduates under new circumstances. The dissertation holds that joint cultivating postgraduates is a major approach to breaking out of and solving the deeper problem of separation of science and education, a major innovative measure of achieving science and education combination of higher significance in current environment for collaborative innovation and making the most of the advantages both in scientific research and education, and a major means of the exploration of improving the training quality of postgraduates.In the second, the dissertation reviews the status quo of our current joint cultivating postgraduates of research institutions and universities, and conducts an empirical study on the relevant mechanism factors that affect the quality of joint cultivation, and summarizes the experience from the cases in four kinds of joint cultivation areas, and elaborates the relevant experiences and implications from the foreign joint cultivating postgraduates of research institutions and universities. With these contents, the dissertation analyzes the concerning institutional mechanism problems in joint cultivating postgraduates of research institutions and universities of our country.At last, the dissertation builds up a mechanism framework of the joint cultivating postgraduates of research institutions and universities, and puts forward some advice on the policy level. This mechanism framework includes seven aspects: establishing the mechanism of management and coordination; innovating mentor selection mechanism and instructional method; optimizing enrollment mechanism; improving training plan and curriculum system construction; actively establishing the mechanism of research practice and training; improving the construction of degree-granting mechanism; establishing the quality assessment mechanism. In order to advance the improvement of the joint cultivating mechanism, the dissertation makes several suggestions on the directions of policy that educational authorities should follow:to encourage research institutions and universities to further richen the forms of joint cultivation and expand the areas of joint cultivation; to actively lead the change of the joint cultivation motivation; to constantly improve the mechanism security arrangements on the national level, so that joint training work has smooth policy-operating environment.


