

Ethical Issues of Contemporary Education Laws and Regulations

【作者】 田佳

【导师】 傅维利;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 人类社会的稳定和有序需要多种手段来加以调节与保障。作为调节人与人关系的手段,由国家和政府机关制定、颁布和执行的法律法规对社会稳定发展的保障作用必然居于首要位置,但仅仅依靠强制力的外在约束,法律法规很容易流于形式而成为纸上法,社会秩序的稳定必须依靠法律法规与其他柔性手段结合、刚柔并济地对人与人之间的关系进行规范、调整和约束。教育是人类社会特有的培养人、传递人类文明的活动,这一活动承载着人类延续的重任,决定着人类未来发展的方向与速度,因此,世界各国对于教育越来越重视,对于教育方面的研究越来越深入。教育如此重要,规范和约束教育活动、保障教育活动有序展开的教育法律法规则堪称关键。教育法律法规在规范、保障教育活动的同时,也潜移默化地改造着教育活动参与者的思维方式与行为方式,其对于受教育者的影响至为重要。教育法律法规对受教育者进行规范和约束的同时,也逐步深入到了受教育者的内心,在他们长期遵守的同时逐步内化为引导他们终生行为方式的行为准则,正确的、面向未来的教育法律法规可以令新生代在不知不觉中建立良好的行为准则,为社会的建设和发展提供更为优秀的基因,而一旦教育法律法规出现问题,其对受教育者的影H向也将在不知不觉中拖延了社会的建设与发展,而这样的潜在影响一旦显露出来便为时已晚。基于研究教育法律法规伦理问题之重要性,本文试图从教育学科的角度对教育法律法规进行审视,力图通过对教育法律关系的划分来逐个探究其中的伦理问题,并提出相应的建议。本文主要由以下几个部分组成:第一章导论。通过案例分析,论述研究缘起与重要性,选择研究方法,提出本研究的可行性,分析研究的理论意义与实践意义,在利用词频分析的方法对国内外相关研究进程进行梳理的基础上设计研究框架。第二章相关概念的界定与阐释。依照调整人与人之间关系手段的强弱程度,笔者将调整人与人之间关系的手段做出以下划分:首先是国家政府制定颁布的法律法规,其次是部门、机构等各个组织的规章制度,再次是伦理和道德。道德可被划分为“道”与“德”两部分,当规则被普遍认同并被大多数人认为如若违背应给予谴责或惩罚时,则称之为道或伦理;“德”指向内得于己,当规则被个人接受且沉淀于个人内心,并用以调整或约束个人行为时,便可视为“德”。此外,伦理贯穿于法律法规和规章制度之中,刚柔并济地使强制性法律法规或规章制度逐步为社会成员的内心所承认和接受,逐步从外界强制执行转化为个体内心自发遵守的行为准则,最终实现他律向自律的转化。由此,通过对概念的梳理可以得出如下结论:第一,调整人与人之间关系的各个手段并非孤立存在的,各个手段之间有着千丝万缕、相辅相成的关系。第二,对于调整人与人之间关系的各个手段的划分,其强弱层次并非是界限分明的,伦理贯穿于法律法规、规章制度、道德之中,发挥着指导性作用,道德之“道”即上升为伦理,道德之“德”即内化于个体而成为个人行为准则。第三,法律法规与伦理有着不可分割的关系,法律法规中必然存在着伦理的指导,伴随社会的发展变化也必然存在着伦理问题。第三章立法的伦理原则与教育立法的特殊性。教育法律法规的确立首先应该依照的是立法的普遍原则和普遍伦理原则,在此基础上,区别于其他社会活动的法律法规,教育立法还必须遵循教育特有的一些伦理特征。本章整理、分析并陈述了中外立法的一些伦理原则,同时探寻教育立法中应遵循的特有伦理原则。第四章教育活动中法律伦理关系的历史描述。本章首先应用文献法整理分析了中国传统法律与传统伦理的发展脉络与特征,梳理中国教育伦理的发展与变迁。然后对教育法律法规的九种关系进行历史发展的轨迹描述,分析其时代发展过程中法律关系主体间关系的伦理演变。第五章当代教育法律法规中存在的伦理问题分析。通过对法律法规、伦理、道德等概念进行划分,对法学、伦理学、教育学相关立法原则与伦理原则进行梳理,以及对教育法律法规中九种法律关系的历史发展脉络进行追溯,本章对教育法律法规可能存在的伦理问题进行探寻。在将教育活动所涉及的三个方面——学校、家庭和社会——细化为九种关系,即教育系统内部的师生关系、师师关系、师校关系和生校关系,和教育系统外部的教师与家长、学校与家庭、学校与政府、校外教育组织机构与政府、学校与校外教育组织机构的关系后,本章通过对调查问卷统计结果的整理与分析,在事实基础上,从静态角度对当前教育法律法规存在的伦理问题进行论述与分析,明确成就,发现问题,力图挖掘教育法律法规中可能存在的与现实存在的伦理问题,并在后文试图给予相应对策分析。第六章实现愿景。在问卷调查结果与第五章问题分析的基础上,本章通过对各个关系的具体分析得出总体性结论,随着时代背景的发展,教育法律法规的确立与运行不仪应遵循立法原则,同时更应该遵循教育所特有的规律和教育伦理原则,从而对我国教育法律法规伦理的实现提出建议与期望。面对教育法律法规中可能存在的伦理问题,本章尝试性提出如下原则性建议:第一,教育法律法规的制定与执行应鼓励集体主义,坚持互利原则,约束性承认个人利益,将个人利益与教育的公益性相融合。第二,教育立法过程中应充分尊重教育独有的规律与特征,这就需要纳入教育界专家学者与一线教育工作者的意见,并力冈在较为滞后的教育法律法规与为适应社会不断发展变化而进行的教育活动之间寻找平衡点。第三,教育法律法规的制定需要充分尊重现实并适度超前,为教育活动的有序发展提供一个较为广阔的框架,教育法律法规中应渗透着进步主义伦理原则,起到强大的引领和示范作用。第四,教育法律法规的确立与执行,应遵循教育优先原则,在教育法律法规的权威性与教育活动的优先性之间探寻平衡支点。基于以上原则,本章分别针对九种教育法律法规中的伦理关系构建了三个层面的对策建议,即理想层面、原则层面和规则层面。理想层面是立法机关和教育部门应该予以鼓励的一些行为,具有着极强的导向性,它们充分体现着教育法律法规中的进步主义伦理原则。原则层面着眼于理想与现实的结合,基于问卷统计结果分析、相关理论借鉴与思辨,对教育法律法规的设计与完善进行定位。教育法律法规的确立应该考虑到现实社会发展状况和教育各要素实际状况,也应关注教育法律关系的伦理追求。规则层面是教育法律法规伦理关系的底线要求,直指外显的可操作层面,多伴随罚则,具有可观察性、可操作性和可考核性。通过从三个层面对九种教育法律关系的规则设计,笔者力图为教育法律法规伦理问题的解决提供一些展望和构想。

【Abstract】 The stableness and orderliness of human society need a variety of means to be adjusted and protected. Laws and regulations, which are enacted by the country and government agencies, must be in the most prime position among all the means of adjusting human relations. But just relying solely on the force of the external constraints, laws and regulations can easily become "laws on paper", which are only formalism. The stability of the society must rely on both laws and other flexible means, which is coupled hardness with softness in regulating, adjusting, and restraining the relationship of people.Education, which develops and transfers human civilization, is the unique culture of human society. It carries the important task of human continuity and determines the direction and speed of human development. And therefore, more and more countries pay attention to the education and study in-depth. Since the education is so important, the education laws and regulations must be more critical to the protection and regulation of educational activities. Education laws and regulations regulate and protect the educational activities, and also exert a subtle influence on educational participants’thinking and behavior, which are even more critical to the educated. The education laws and regulations regulate and restrain the educated, which are gradually deep into the hearts of them at the same time. Long-term following of education laws and regulations may step into the heart of the educated and become the guidance of personal conduct rules. Correct, future-oriented education laws and regulations may make the new generation have good behavior guidelines unknowingly, which provides more excellent genes for the development and construction of the social. The problems of education laws and regulations will procrastinate social development and construction. It is too late when we can see such potential impact. Based on the importance of studying ethical issues on education laws and regulations, this article attempts to research from the perspective of pedagogy, explore the ethical issues, and make recommendations accordingly.This dissertation is composed of the following six segments:Chapter one, introduction. This chapter tries to tell the feasibility of the study through the discussion of the research background. It describes the related research process at home and abroad with word frequency method, so as to form the research framework eventually.Chapter two, concept definition and interpretation. Means of regulating relationships among human beings can be divided as follows:laws and statutes, rules and regulations, ethics and morality. Moralitys can be divided into tow parts. When the rules are generally accepted by most of the people, and they are considered as the rules with punishment, rules can be called Tao or ethics. When rules are accepted by oneself and are deep in his heart to adjust his personal behavior, they can be called personal morals or personal virtue. The analysis of concepts brings the following conclusions. First, the various means of adjusting relationships among people does not exist in isolation. They have intricate, mutually supportive relationship. Second, the division of so many means of adjusting relationships among people is not clear divided. Ethics originates in morality and penetrates through laws and statutes, which plays a guiding role. Ethics distills from morality, and morality may also be internalized in personal mind, becoming the personal conduct. Third, there is inextricable relationship between laws and ethics, also between regulations and ethics. There must be the guidance of ethics in laws and regulations. Also, with the steps of time, there must be ethical issues in laws and regulations, which is not suitable for our modern society.Chapter three, ethical principles of legislation and specialties of educational legislation. The establishment of education laws and regulations should be in accordance with the universal principles of legislation and ethics. To be distinguished from other laws and regulations, educational legislation should obey specific ethical characteristics of education. This chapter collects and states some ethical principles, home and abroad, so as to explore the unique ethical principles of educational legislation.Chapter four, historical description of legal ethics relationship in the education activities. Describing the historical development of these nine relations of educational laws and regulations, the dissertation analysis the ethical evolution of relations among legal subjects on the era of the development process.Chapter five, analysis of ethical issues of contemporary education laws and regulations. By sorting out the data of related concepts and historical developing steps, this chapter tries to explore the ethical issues of education laws and regulations. There are three parts involved in educational activities-school, family and society. These three parts can be subdivided into nine kinds of relations (teacher-student, teacher-teacher, teacher-school, student-school, teacher-parent, school-family, school-government, school-off-campus educational institution, government-off-campus educational institution). Based on the results of questionnaires, the author looks for the achievements and identifies the problems in this chapter, trying to excavate ethical issues both possible existing and factual existing.Chapter six, visions. This chapter gives the suggestions basing on the results of questionnaire and issues-analysis in chapter five. With the development of era background, the establishment and operation of educational laws and regulations have to follow both principles of legislation, ethical principle of education and educational regulation.Since there might be ethical issues on the education laws and regulations, the author tries to give the following principle recommendations. First, the formulation and implementation of education laws and regulations should be involved of the encouragement of collectivism, adhereing to the principle of mutual benefit, and restrictively recognizing personal interests. Second, the process of education legislation should involve education experts, scholars and teachers, who can give suggestions based on the unique regularity and characteristics of education. Third, we need to fully respect the reality and moderately advance when formulating the education laws and regulations, so as to provide a broad framework for educational activities. There must be progressivism containing in education laws and regulations, which could play a strong leading and exemplary role. Fourth, the principle "giving priority to education" should be followed during the establishment and implementation of education laws and regulations. We should explore the balance between the authority of education laws and the priority of educational activities.Basing on these principles above, in accordance with the nine kinds of ethical relationship, the author gives suggestions from three levels (the ideal level, the principle level and the rule level). The legislature and the education sector should encourage some acts which have highly oriented function. The content on this level should fully embody the progressive ethical principle of education laws and regulations. The content on principle level should focus on the combination of the ideal and the reality. They are built on the basis of social reality and analysis questionnaire. The content on rule level is the bottom line of the ethical relationship in education laws and regulations. They always direct at the operational level, and are accompanied by penalties. They can be observable, operable and assessable. Above all, this research tries to provide some vision and ideas for the ethical problems of the education laws and regulations through the designation of three levels and nine kinds of educational relationship.

【关键词】 教育法律法规伦理道德冲突
【Key words】 education laws and regulationsethicsmoralityconflict
  • 【分类号】G521;D922.16
  • 【下载频次】576

