

Redistribution of Educational Opportunities in the Layout Adjustment Policy Changes of Rural Compulsory Education Schools

【作者】 霍翠芳

【导师】 周浩波;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 摘要:教育政策是对教育机会进行权威性分配和再分配的重要手段,教育政策的决策与执行受着某种价值取向的支配,效率与公平两种价值导向所导致的政策执行结果,会影响政策目标群体的教育机会之获得。农村义务教育学校布局调整作为教育机会再分配型政策,实行十余年以来,农村中小学生尤其是小学生的教育机会格局发生了重要改变,农村小学生家庭也受到了很大影响。本文主要站在处境不利群体的立场,以正义的理论视角审视布局调整政策的价值诉求及政策结果,以讨论教育机会再分配过程中国家的正义职能的履行。全文主体共分为三大部分,共由八章组成:第一部分:正义与公平的理论观照,由第一、二、三章组成。第一章,主要阐述概念和原理,首先明晰机会和教育机会的基本内涵,并对分配与再分配以及正义与公平等词义做了辨析,从分配正义原则出发,提出分配和再分配正义的底线是处境不利群体利益受损最小化的命题。第二章,从环境因素、价值诉求和利益视角三个方面阐释了检视教育政策的几个维度。经济、人口、制度及社会变迁是影响教育政策的外在环境因素,效率与公平的价值诉求是检视教育政策的内在因素,目标群体的利益则是检视教育政策的终极性因素。第三章,从学校规模和家校距离对教育机会的影响出发,阐述学校布局与教育机会之间的关系。学校规模的大小会影响学生的学习成绩及发展过程,家校距离的远近会影响学生的入学率、学习过程及学习成绩。第二部分:现实写照,由第四、五、六章组成。第四章,从中央及地方政策话语文本出发,讨论布局调整政策的价值取向的演变,并从政策实践的角度检验政策的价值向度。第五章,主要从实证调查的角度,描述布局调整政策实施后,政策各目标群体的现状。以一个县作为主要样本地区,以农村小学、农村小学教师、农村小学生及其家长等作为主要调查对象,通过问卷与访谈及实地调查,深刻体察他们的生存现状,作为农村小学生教育机会的提供主体,他们的生存样态会直接影响农村小学生的教育机会的获得。第六章,从教育机会再分配的理论视角,通过实证数据的分析,审视学校撤并后农村小学生教育机会的现状,从就近入学的教育机会、享受优质教育资源的教育机会、学校教育机会和家庭教育机会四个维度,考察布局调整政策对农村小学生教育机会的深刻影响。第三部分:理论再解释,由第七、八章组成。第七章,用正义的理论反观政策实践,得出结论,农村义务教育学校布局调整政策的实施,极大地改善了农村学校的办学条件,但也带来了很多负面影响,作为教育机会和教育权益再分配的重要手段,由于它自身和外部行为存在的价值悖论,导致一部分农村小学生就近入学的教育机会受到极大损害,优质教育资源分布更加不均衡,农村家长承担了政策变革的代价,而且造成了教育资源的浪费。寄宿制小学普遍存在低幼寄宿,使儿童亲情隔断和社会化发展不足。政策制造了社会再分层,一部分处境不利儿童成为新的边缘化群体。第八章,主要从政策立场出发,探讨农村小学布局的政策路径。作为教育机会再分配手段的教育政策应该站在处境不利群体的正义立场,对义务教育阶段的儿童要坚持教育机会获得的便利性优先原则,为适龄儿童提供就近入学的教育机会和就近享受优质的教育机会是国家的应然职能,建立完备的政策纠错机制和监督制度也是国家保障儿童教育机会获得的应然作为。

【Abstract】 Abstract:As an important authoritative means of distribution and redistribution of ecudational opportunities, the education policy decision and implementation are dominated by some kind of value orientation. The policy implementation results leading by efficiency and fairness will affect the acquisition of ecudational opportunities for policy target groups.As a pattern of redistribution policy on ecudational opportunities, since the layout adjustment of rural compulsory education schools has been implemented for more than ten years. The ecudational opportunities of rural students especially primary school students are changed, and the famillies of rural primary school students are greatly affectd. This paper will analyze the pursuit of value and policy result of layout adjustment policy standing in the position of disadvantaged groups and from the perspective of theory of justice, and discuss the performance of justice function of the state in the redistribution of ecudational opportunities.The paper have three parts consisting of seven chapters:The first part:from the justice and fairness theory view, including the first, second and third charpters. The first chapter mainly describes the concepts and principles. Firstly the basic connotation of opportunity and ecudational opportunity are defined, the meaning of distribution and redistribution are differentiated. A topic on the base line of distribution and redistribution of minimizing the interest damage to disadvantaged groups is put forward.The second chapter describes three dimensions from environment factor, persuit of value and interest perspective. Economy, population, system and social change are external environment factors to affect the education policy. The value pursuit of efficiency and fairness are internal factors, and the interest of the target group is the ultimate factor in view of education policy.The third chapter discribes the relationship between the school laoyout and educaional opportunity from the effect on educational opportunity by school size and the distance. The size of schools will affect the achievement and development of students. Home-school distance will affect the rate of student enrollment, learning process and learning achievement.The second part:the realistic portrayal, consisting of the fourth, fifth and sixth chapter. The fourth chapter discusses the evolution of value orientation of the layout adjustment policy based on the central and local policy text, and inspects the policy value orientation from the policy practice.The fifth chapter mainly describes the current policy target groups after the implementation of the layout adjustment policy. Through the questionnaire, interview and on-the-spot investigation, this paper takes a county as the main sample area, rural primary school, primary school teachers in rural areas, rural pupils and their parents as the main investigation object to understand their living situation deeply. As the main supplying body of the rural elementary educational opportunities, their survival situation would affect the rural pupils’acquisition of the rural elementary educational opportunities directly.In the sixth chapter, through the analysis of the investigation data, this paper svrveys the current situation of the educational opportunity of the rural primary school students from the perspective of the redistribution of educational opportunities. It researches the layout adjustment policy’s effect on the primary school students’educational opportunities acquisition. It analyses from the following four aspects:accept the opportunity to study in the nearby school, access the high quality educational opportunity, school educational opportunity and the family eductional opportunity.The third part:theory analysis and its corresponding explaination, comprised of the seventh and eighth chapter. In the seventh chapter, the paper uses the justice theory to view from the opposite perspective and comes to the conclustion finally. The implementation of the layout adjustment policy on the rural compulsory education schools greatly improving the rural school conditions, but it also brought many negative effects. As an important means of the redistribution of the educational opportunities and rights, because the value paradox of the policy itself and its external behavior, it causes some rural students suffer great loss on their acquisition of entering the nearby school, and the distribution of the high quality education resources is more uneven. Under this situation, their parents take the policy changes in price, in the mean while, it also resulted in the waste of educational resources. In the boarding primary school, it commonly exists the infant borading facts. This would make the children partition from their family and could not obtain enough social development. The policy makes the social re-stratification and a part of the disadvantaged children become new marginalized groups.In the ejghth chapter, mainly discusses that the educational policy, as a means of redistribution of educational opportunities, should stand by the side of the disadvantaged groups. It should take the principle of the priority to convenience of educational opportunities available to the stage of compulsory education of children. It would be the country’s should-be functions to supply the school-age children to obtain the opportunities to enter the nearby school and get the high quality educational opportunities, and also the should-be pratice to build a perfect policy error correction mechanism and supervision system to make sure the children acquire the fair educational opportunities.

  • 【分类号】G522.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】990

