

Residential Environment Outdoor Recreation Supply-Demand Research

【作者】 李欢欢

【导师】 李雪铭;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 自然地理学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 城市游憩功能,尤其是户外游憩功能在社会经济发展的推动下,得到越来越多的重视,城市居民对于游憩的偏好和游憩活动的体验也日趋增加,游憩活动的类型也逐渐增多。人居环境科学作为一门以人的居住为核心的多学科体系,游憩的研究成为人居环境科学体系中的一个重要方向,对于该体系下的游憩研究也呈现多学科交叉研究趋势。其中地理学科,自然地理学主要涉及城市户外游憩自然资源的分析、承载力评价以及资源管理方面,例如户外游憩环境所依托的土壤、水、植被、矿产、地貌、气候等资源;人文地理学则主要涉及到游憩者的空间行为特征、游憩供需分析及游憩价值效益评价等方面。面对以中产阶级为代表的大众休闲娱乐文化的日益增强,如何进行合理有效的游憩机会供给,正确的引导和管理积极健康的户外游憩需求;在保持资源均衡和可持续的基础上,如何充分发挥资源的多用途化,提供单一资源基础上的多样化游憩活动:如何将游憩者的游憩体验发挥到最大水平,同时兼顾到社会效益、经济效益和文化效益的同步提高;如何完善游憩的体系,提供全面的游憩管理策略,进行游憩相关的研究和教育等等都成为未来城市规划者、建设者、管理者需要思考和面对的问题。本文的研究基于以上的背景和思考,意图在人居环境科学的框架下,综合自然地理学、人文地理学的研究思路,对城市的户外游憩系统进行全方位的解读,通过对游憩需求和供给影响因素的分析,寻求实现供需平衡的一些管理原则和控制策略,最终实现城市游憩功能的完善和社会、经济、文化多方位效益的提升。论文主要分为五个部分:第1部分,即第1章,主要阐述了研究的背景和意义,以及国内外研究的相关评述,最后总结和概括文章的研究思路框架和研究方法。背景方面,主要阐述了人居环境视野下的游憩思想,从哲学和现实需求的角度,认为游憩的思想符合人居环境科学的目标,也符合现代城市居民的普遍要求,符合城市发展的文化趋势。同时,游憩的研究和发展可以带动城市经济结构的转型,提高休闲产业在第三产业的比重和影响。随后,文章分析了我国城市建设过程中面临游憩供需不均衡的现况,尤其是游憩空间的不足、游憩管理的不科学、游憩资源的破坏等。另外,分析了本研究课题内容的国内外研究现况,通过对游憩研究现况的分析,明确了全篇文章的研究目的:即通过有效的需求分析,合理的环境资源管理,提供多样的游憩机会,满足不同的游憩体验,获得最大化的价值效益。第2部分,即第2章,主要阐述了人居环境科学体系中的人文思想以及人居环境视野下的游憩系统和空间概论,通过对于游憩、游憩需求、游憩动机、游憩体验、游憩资源、游憩承载力分析(资源分析、社会分析、空间分析)、游憩管理、游憩机会图谱等理论框架进行了户外游憩理论的构建,基于人文主义地理学的角度,尝试按照人类认知的过程将游憩管理划分为:基于认知、基于意识、基于能动性和基于创造性这四个阶段。第3部分,即第3章,主要进行了城市户外游憩需求的研究,从游憩动机的分析和影响因素中,总结内在驱动力和外在驱动力对于游憩需求的影响。同时将游憩需求进行了分类。文章详细讲游憩需求的影响因素按照,个性特征、时间影响、动机影响、闲暇时间、需求成本、需求预期、相关需求替代性和互补性几个方面进行了探讨,结合经济学的需求研究理论,进行游憩需求的函数和弹性研究。最后,提出了宜居城市建设中游憩管理的几个原则。第4部分,即第4章,主要进行城市户外游憩的供应研究,从游憩机会供给所需求的条件:资源条件和空间来进行阐述游憩供给的限制因素,随后进行了户外游憩机会提供者的分析,将公共部门、私营部门、非营利公益组织以及其他利益相关者进行分类研究。同时,将游憩的供给影响因素进行分析,结合经济学的理论,研究了供给的影响曲线和弹性,并在此基础上研究供需均衡的条件和均衡条件变动影响,如何实现动态均衡的模型研究。最后,本章探索了游憩供需均衡的方法和实践探索,指出游憩系统内外的不同影响因素以及主要的应对管理方法和策略,以期对我国的户外游憩管理提供一定的启示和指导作用。第5部分,即第5、6章,主要是以大连市为例,研究了大连的户外游憩需求、游憩资源类型、户外游憩的主要提供者和活动类型。通过调查表,来反应不同人群特征下表现出的游憩需求、活动偏好的多样性。为大连的户外游憩规划和发展,提供一定的参考。最后,对于户外游憩发展的未来趋势和技术手段进行了展望,总结了文章的研究结论和不足之处。

【Abstract】 Urban recreation function, especially outdoor recreation function, gets more and more attention through the impetus of the social and economic development. In the meanwhile, urban citizens have a gradual growth in the recreation preference and the experience of recreation action, the type of leisure activities also gradually increasing. Recreation research become an important direction of human settlement which is a synthetic knowledge system centering on living, therefore the study on recreation also has diversity and intercrossing in this system. In geography, natural geography mainly related to analysis on natural resources, evaluation of bearing capacity and resource management for the urban outdoor recreation, such as its environment depending on the soil, minerals, water, vegetation, geomorphology, climate and other resources; Human geography mainly involves the behavior characteristics of the urban holiday makers, the analysis of recreation supply and demand and the value of recreation benefit evaluation, etc.With the development of populace leisure entertainment culture represented by the middle class, the people who are in charge of plan, construction and management for the future city should think and face the following problems:(1) how to carry out rational and effective supply of recreational opportunities to guide and manage the positive, healthy outdoor leisure demand correctly (2) how to bring utility of resources into full play to provide diverse recreation activities on the basis of a single resource when keeping resources balanced and sustainable (3) how to maximize the use of recreation experience, improving the social benefit, economic benefit and cultural benefit simultaneity (4) how to perfect recreation system, provide comprehensive recreation management strategy, do some research and education on the recreation and so on.The purpose of this paper is to investigate urban outdoor recreation system using the interlacing comprehensive research mentality in natural and humane geography under the framework of human settlement and to seek certain management principles and control strategy which can achieve the balance between supply and demand by analyzing influencing factor of recreation demand and supply, finally to improve city recreation and the social, economic and cultural multi-dimensional benefit.Thesis is mainly divided into five parts:Part1, chapter1, mainly expounds the research background and significance as well as at home and abroad of the interrelated commentary, finally sums up and summarizes the framework and research methods. In background, this paper primarily explicates recreational ideology under the vision of human settlement, from the perspective of philosophical and realistic demand, thinking that recreational ideology conforms to the goals of human settlement, also the requirements of the modern citizens generally and the cultural trends of urban development. Meanwhile more attention on recreation can drive the transformation of urban economic structure, raise proportion and improve influence of the leisure industry in the tertiary industry. Then, the article analyses recreation unbalanced supply-demand in the in the process of urban construction in our country, especially the lack of leisure space, unscientific leisure management and recreation resources destruction, etc. In addition, both the foreign and domestic status of this research is analyzed, and through the analysis of the leisure research current situation, the whole article research purposes have established:through effective demand analysis, managing reasonable environmental resource, providing a variety of recreational opportunities, meeting different recreation experience and maximizing the value of the benefits.Part2, chapter2, mainly elaborated the humanistic thoughts of human settlement environment science system and recreation system and space introduction under the human settlement perspective. This part described the theory through the demand for recreation, recreation, recreation motivation, recreation experience, recreation resources, recreational carrying capacity analysis (resource analysis, social analysis and space analysis), recreation management and recreation opportunity spectrum theory framework. Combined with the theory it constructed the theory of outdoor recreation. Based on the viewpoint of humanistic geography, try to follow human cognitive process, the study and management of outdoor recreation could be divided into four stages:based on cognition, based on consciousness, based on initiative and based on creative.Part3, chapter3, we carried on research on urban outdoor recreation. Firstly, we summarized the influence from internal and external forces based on the demand for recreation from the analysis and impact factors; Secondly, classification was made for the recreation demand; Thirdly the paper detailed discussed recreation demand influence factors according to the personality characteristics, time impact, motivation, leisure time, demand cost, demand forecast, the relevant requirements of alternative and complementary while with the demand of economics research theory, we also study on the recreation demand functions and elasticity. Finally, we put forward several principles of the recreation management in the construction of livable cities.Part4, chapter4, in this chapter, city outdoor recreation supply was taken as a research, which was mainly limited by resource and space factors. Then outdoor recreation opportunities providers that were classified on the public sector, private sector, non-profit public organizations and other stakeholders were analyzed. At the same time, paper study on the influence factors of recreation supply, and combining with the theory of economics, we research the influence of the supply curve and elasticity, and on the basis of the study the problem of supply and demand equilibrium conditions and equilibrium conditions change, as well as how to realize the dynamic equilibrium model were discussed. Finally, this chapter explored the recreation of supply and demand equilibrium method and the practice exploration, pointed out that the recreational system inside and outside of different influence factors as well as the main management methods and strategies to cope with the situation, in order to provide a certain enlightenment and guidance role to China’s outdoor recreation management.Part5, chapter5and chapter6,mainly makes Dalian as the case, studies the outdoor recreation demand in dalian, recreation resources type, the main provider of outdoor recreation, and outdoor recreation activity type. Through questionnaire, to reflect the features of different populations showed the diversity of leisure needs, activity preferences. Provides certain reference for the outdoor recreation planning and development in dalian. Finally, makes a prospect of the future trend of outdoor recreation development and technology, summarizes the article’s research conclusions and deficiencies.


