

Research on Cluster-based Routing Protocol and Its Application for Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 吕涛

【导师】 朱清新;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络(WSNs)是由大量无线传感器节点组成,分布在一定区域内的各个节点之间通过无线通信链路以自组织的形式组成一个完整的网络系统,其主要功能是感知环境信息,信息经过处理后传递至用户。由于无线传感器节点通常采用电池供电并且应用环境条件复杂,很难对节点的能量进行补充。所以,传感器网络研究面临的首要挑战是如何高效使用每个节点的有限能量并且延长网络的生存时间。本文在以下几个方面作了研究:第一,作为能量有效、基于层次结构的路由协议的典型代表,LEACH协议存在的不足表现为网络中会出现极大簇和极小簇并存;当节点能量不同时簇头选择不合理;在簇头死亡后簇内节点仍会消耗能量。本文提出了一种基于LEACH改进算法,使用引入簇成员数门限和合并极小簇的方法避免极大簇和极小簇同时存在;通过对簇头能量消耗的估计,在簇头能量耗尽前使成员节点休眠来减少节点能量浪费。分析和仿真结果表明,改进后的算法在平衡节点能量和延长网络寿命方面具有更优越的性能。第二,在基于博弈理论的协作策略模型基础上,定义了节点转发数据包的代价函数和利益函数,通过节点的支付函数建立了节点转发数据包数量与能量之间的关系,其目标是建立一种网络协作模型,实现均衡节点能耗,从而延长网络生存时间。模型通过能量因子和转发数据包数量来调节节点行为,均衡网络的整体能耗。在此基础上,提出一种基于协作模型的无线传感器网络分簇路由协议DCACM。通过增加协作节点对簇头数据进行转发,有效降低簇头能耗。第三,在综合考虑无线传感器网络中节点运行方式、节点初始概率和信道侦听的基础上,提出了一种基于最优搜索模型的无线传感器网络分簇路由协议DCOS,并给出了相应的搜索模型。模型的目标是使成功通信的概率在搜索资源受限制条件下达到最大值。分簇算法的设计目标是均衡网络能耗,进而最大化网络寿命。在分簇算法中,簇头的产生综合考虑了覆盖网络的最少节点数、节点剩余能量和相邻节点数量;在网络运行过程中,通过设置簇头的等待时间上限来避免簇头消耗能量;通过设置节点门限,避免在分簇处理时的能耗不均衡。第四,论文研究了温室环境测控系统的基本原理和控制结构,提出了基于无线传感器网络的设计方案。研究内容包括基于CC2430的无线节点设计开发、基于CC2591功率放大模块的设计开发;无线网络实现技术和树形组网。最后,对设计的模块进行了性能测试,并给出了整体实验结果。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of large numbers of sensor nodesdistributed in a certain area, organizing themselves into a wireless Ad Hoc network. Thetask of WSNs is to collect physical information and transmit it to one or several users.Because a microsensor node must operate on a tiny battery with limited energy thatrecharge or replacement is not an option due to the complex environment it deployed, aparamount design consideration for WSNs is how to extend the system life time withoutsacrificing system reliability.In this dissertation, the following topics related with WSNs are investigated andsome methods are proposed to improve performance of the existing methods.(a) As a representative of hierarchy-based protocol in WSNs, LEACH is an elegantsolution for energy efficiency. However, LEACH still has some deficiencies such as thegreat cluster and small cluster coexist, unreasonable cluster head selection while thenodes have different energy, the node still consumes energy after the death of the clusterhead. A new energy-efficient LEACH-based protocol is proposed that employed clustermember threshold and merged the tiny cluster to avoid the great cluster and smallcluster existing at the same time, estimated cluster head’s energy to reduce unnecessaryenergy consumption. Analysis and simulation results show that our proposed algorithmprovides more uniform energy consumption among nodes and can prolong networklifetime compared to LEACH.(b) Based on cooperation model of game theory, an energy balancing cooperationmodel in wireless sensor networks is proposed in this dissertation, taking all thefollowing factors into consideration: the costs function and benefits function of node toforward data, the relationship between the number of forwarding data packets andenergy through the establishment of node’s payment function. Its objective is to balancethe energy consumption and maximize the network lifetime. An energy factor and thenumbers of data packets transmitted are presented to make the energy consumption ofthe network tend to equilibrium. Based on cooperation model, a distributed clusteringalgorithm with cooperation model (DCACM) is proposed. It reduces the energyconsumption of cluster head effectively by adding the cooperative node to forward data.(c) A distributed clustering algorithm with optimal search model for wireless sensor networks (DCOS) and a search model is proposed in which a node, according toits operation mode, initial probability and carrier sense multiple access. The searchmodel is to find a viable resource allocation method, so that the maximum probability ofsuccessful communication node with the resource restricted circumstances. The aim ofclustering algorithm is to balance the energy consumption of the network, and tomaximize the network lifetime. In the design of DCOS, taking all the following factorsinto consideration: the selection of cluster head rules related to the overlay networkneeds the least number of nodes, the residual energy of node and adjacent node number,set limit of cluster head waiting time to avoid the cluster head energy consumption, setthe node threshold to avoid unbalanced energy consumption in the clustering process.(d) A design greenhouse based on wireless sensor networks is proposed in thisdissertation through the study of the basic principles and structure of environmentalmonitoring and control system in greenhouse. The research content includes the designof wireless nodes based on CC2430, the design of power amplifier module based onCC2591, realization of tree network. At last, performance testing of the modulesdesigned is completed and the result of overall experimentation is given.

  • 【分类号】TP212.9;TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】710
  • 攻读期成果

