

Research on the Theory of Distributive Juetice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

【作者】 邹琨

【导师】 邓淑华;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2014, 博士

【摘要】 马克思在经历了对思辨正义的诉求、困惑、拒斥和批判之后建立了历史唯物主义正义论。在此基础上,通过对资本主义分配正义的批判和共产主义分配正义的构建,形成了自己独特的分配正义理论。总体来看,马克思的分配正义理论具有实践性、辩证性、历史规定性和价值主体性。这些都构成了中国特色社会主义分配正义理论研究的理论基础和研究方法。无论是前苏联时期还是我国在社会主义过渡时期及曲折建设时期的分配正义思想和实践都证明了分配正义理论必须是科学性与价值性的辩证统一,必须立足于中国的具体实际去实现马克思分配正义理论的发展。这些都为中国特色社会主义分配正义理论的形成提供了历史借鉴。伴随着中国特色社会主义道路、制度和理论体系地不断发展和完善,中国特色社会主义分配正义理论也呈现出从萌芽——形成——丰富——深化的发展进程。中国目前在人类社会发展形态中所处的历史方位是中国特色社会主义分配正义理论产生的历史前提。社会主义市场经济体制是中国特色社会主义分配正义理论形成的最主要的现实基础。生产资料公有制与非公有制的结合与市场型按劳分配与按生产要素分配的结合则是中国特色社会主义分配正义理论的制度保障。中国特色社会主义分配正义理论的价值原则则经历了“效率优先、兼顾公平”到“效率与公平并重,更加注重公平”的发展。在中国特色社会主义的历史前提和现实基础上,中国特色社会主义分配正义理论实现了巨大的理论创新,同时亦存在一定的理论瓶颈。伴随着中国特色社会主义分配正义理论的创新和瓶颈,在初次分配领域和再分配领域都存在着相应的的实践困境。针对中国特色社会主义分配正义理论和实践中存在的困境,有必要对中国特色社会主义分配正义理论进行反思。中国特色社会分配正义理论应当确立以公平为取向的价值目标;应当确立权利平等、按贡献分配、包容性增长、共享式发展四大正义原则;应当健全劳动分享机制、土地收益的分类协调机制、劳动力市场的利益均衡机制、调高补低的再分配机制。

【Abstract】 Marx established historical materialism theory of justice after it experienced thedemands of justice for speculation, confusion, rejection and criticism. And then heformed its own unique theory of distributive justice through criticizing Distributivejustice, construct communism distributive justice. Overall, Marx’s theory of distributivejustice is practicality, dialectic, history respective and value of subjectivity. These arebasis for research and research methods for the theory of distributive justice socialismof Chinese characteristics theoretical.Whether the distributive justice tortuous thought and practice in former SovietUnion or the socialist transition period China have proved that theory of distributivejustice must be the unity of science. The development of distributive justice theory mustdepend on china’s specific constitution. These provide a historical reference for theformation of Chinese characteristic distributive justice.China’s historical position in development of human society is the history premiseof distributive justice theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Socialist marketeconomic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics theory of distributive justiceformed the main basis in reality. The combination with public ownership of productionand non-public ownership, the combination with market-based allocation of distributionand distribution according to factors are the protection of Chinese characteristics theoryof distributive justice system. Socialism with Chinese characteristics, the value theoryof distributive justice principles are experienced the development from "giving priorityto efficiency due consideration to fairness" to "both efficiency and fairness, greateremphasis on equitable".Socialism with Chinese characteristics distributive justice realizes tremendoustheoretical innovation depending on the history and the reality of socialism withChinese characteristics. But also there are some theoretical bottleneck.Along withChinese characteristic socialism theory of distributive justice innovation and bottlenecksin the initial distribution and redistribution areas there is a corresponding practicaldifficulty. Because theory of distributive justice of Socialism with Chinese characteristicsexist in dilemma in practice, so it is necessary to reflect on the theory of distributivejustice. It should establish a fair value-oriented goal; equality of rights should beestablished, according to the contribution allocation, inclusive growth, inclusivedevelopment of the four principles of justice; it should improve the labor-sharingmechanism, classification of land revenue coordination mechanism, and the interests ofthe labor market balancing mechanism to increase the complement of low redistributionmechanism.


