

The Study on the Development of New-Type Urbanization in China

【作者】 岳文海

【导师】 张晓红;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 新型城镇化是我们党在我国社会主义事业深入发展过程中提出的一个新命题和新战略。党的十八大根据我国经济社会发展实际,进一步提出工业化、信息化、城镇化和农业现代化“四化同步”的新表述和新任务。特别是近期召开的中国共产党十八届三中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》,也再次阐释了新型城镇化的内涵。这就是:“坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,推进以人为核心的城镇化,推动大中小城市和小城镇协调发展、产业和城镇融合发展,促进城镇化和新农村建设协调推进。优化城市空间结构和管理格局,增强城市综合承载能力。”①这说明,城镇化将是中国未来5-10年综合发展结构的核心主题之一,是未来中国经济增长的重要的持久动力,是未来扩大内需的最大潜力所在。推进新型城镇化发展,无疑是我们党立足全局、着眼长远、与时俱进的重大战略决策,也是在中国现代化建设发展到一定阶段,对现阶段突出矛盾的一次求解。马克思主义的创始人马克思、恩格斯,十分关注在经济发展过程中出现的城市化现象,他们深刻阐述了城乡关系对社会快速、良性发展的全局性影响。马克思、恩格斯指出:“如果城乡关系改变,整个社会也会相应跟着改变。”②随着生产力的充分发展,城乡之间必定会走向一体化,实现融合发展,“人们只有在消除城乡对立后才能从他们以往历史所铸造的枷锁中完全解放出来”③。从而为我们展现出了城乡一体化在人类社会发展规律中的重要地位。列宁在领导俄国无产阶级革命和社会主义建设的伟大实践中,对俄国城乡关系如何解决的问题进行了详细的研究和考察。列宁认为,在资本主义制度下的俄国,要想从根本上消灭城乡对立是不可能的,因为这是一项与实现共产主义社会紧密联系在一起的伟大任务,必须“把消灭城乡差别作为我们的奋斗目标”④同时,“为了使发展成果惠及全体人民,还必须使千百万农村人口加强学习,改变乡村生活的愚昧状态”⑤。斯大林在社会主义建设过程中提出了城乡融合的思想。斯大林认为城乡对立的性质和根源在于资本主义制度,“城乡这种对立关系是利益上的对立,根本在于制度上的对立安排”①。斯大林强调,要消除城乡对立,实现城乡结合,必须在“城乡之间、工农之间、工业品和农产品之间进行经常交换”②。中国是世界上最早出现城镇的国家之一。中国的城市文明,源远流长,极具丰富的内涵,对当代中国城镇发展产生了广泛而深刻的影响。新中国成立后,我国社会生产力在新的社会制度下不断被解放出来,工业化取得了较大成绩,统筹城乡发展、推进城镇化的历史任务也被提到重要的位置,开始了我国城镇化发展的新征途。依托各地区位优势、主导产业、动力机制、空间范围等,我国城镇化进程展现出多种多样的发展模式。探索各种不同城镇化的模式,可以为当代中国新型城镇化发展道路积累丰富的经验。1978年改革开放以来,特别是近10年以来,我国城镇常住人口在2011年首次超过农村人口,城镇化率达到51.27%。这昭示着我国社会经济发展进入到由乡村中国向城市中国转变的城镇化发展的新阶段,中国的新型城镇化发展进入到发展的快车道。我国新型城镇化理论和实践的形成和发展,正是几代中国共产党人在艰苦卓绝的革命、建设和改革的不同历史时期,做出的卓越贡献。在实践中不断发展和完善起来的中国特色新型城镇化的理论,是中国特色社会主理论体系的理论构成之一。城市化是现代化的重要组成部分,是人类社会发展的必然趋势,是任何一个国家都不可能逾越的历史发展过程。但是由于经济发展水平的差异,以及社会、文化等发展因素、条件的不同,世界不同国家和地区城市化的过程和道路也往往存在很大的差异。当今受信息化、知识经济和经济全球化影响,世界城市化发展开始进入新的阶段,显现出信息化、生态化、国际化等后现代特征。通过分析欧美、东亚及拉丁美洲等一些典型国家城市化的道路,总结其发展经验和特点,剖析其教训和弊端,以避免类似问题的再现,将使我国新型城镇化道路走的更加健康。当代中国,把发生在中国的由农业为主的传统乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的现代城市社会逐渐转变的历史过程,强调为新型城镇化。这主要是因为新型城镇化与传统城镇化、西方城市化及一些第三世界发展中国家的城市化道路根本不同。新型城镇化的“新型”二字,既有性质和道路的“新”,也有具体方式和实现手段的“新”。性质的“新”表现为道路、制度和指导思想的独特性,凸显了我国新型城镇化是在中国共产党的领导下,坚持马克思主义指导,坚持社会主义制度和道路,是“中国特色社会主义”统领下的新型城镇化。具体内容和实现方式的“新”,除表现为大中小城市和小城镇“四城”并举之外,还体现为新型城镇化是强调以人为本、城乡统筹、城乡一体、产城互动、节约集约、生态宜居、和谐发展,是大中小城市、小城镇、新农村协调发展,互促共进的城镇化,是新型工业化道路带动城镇化,工业化和信息化并存的城镇化。构建中国特色的城镇化理论体系,应该着眼于“八大支柱”的建设和相互作用,即工业化是城镇化的基本动力,农业现代化是城镇化的内在动力,服务业是城镇化的后续动力,产业结构是城镇化的枢纽动力,统筹城乡经济社会发展,科学规划城镇化等级体系,“市场+政府”的宏观调控机制,因地制宜探索城镇化模式,走一条集约、智能、绿色、低碳的新型城镇化道路。我国是一个传统的农业大国,伴随着工业化进程的不断推进,以及改革开放的不断深入,我国城镇化无论是水平、速度、空间分布和城镇体系,都进入了一个崭新的发展阶段。迄今已经初步形成城市群、大中小城镇城镇等级体系和东、中、西不同的城镇化空间分布格局。但是总体上,我国的新型城镇化发展仍然处于加速发展阶段的前期。在我国农村人口向大中型城市和小城镇转移的浪潮当中,已经遇到了许多错综复杂的问题,这些难题或因利益攸关冲突产生,或因体制机制不适应出现,涉及到就业、融资、环境等多方面问题,使得当前新型城镇化发展面临着不小的困难和挑战。为了推进我国新型城镇化的健康发展,本文提出了直面难题的六个方面的政策建议,即:坚持正确思想的指导,加强对各种社会思潮的引领;制定新型城镇化发展总体规划和构建新型城镇化度量体系;加快城镇化产业支撑建设和因地制宜推进城镇化;加强新型城镇化的基础设施建设和探索融资体制机制:推进管理体制改革和转变地方政府职能;坚持民生型和环保型城镇化导向。

【Abstract】 To promote the new-type urbanization is a new strategic mission of our Party while advancing the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. According to the social and economic development of our country, the report to the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC requires to promote synchronized development of industrialization, information, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Particularly, the "Decision of the CPC Central Committee on major issues pertaining to deepening reform in all respects", recently passed at the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CPC Central Committee recently, elaborates the connotation of the new-type urbanization again. It states that "We should keep to the Chinese-style path of new-type urbanization, promote human-centered urbanization, promote coordinated development of large, medium-sized and small cities, and balance the development of urbanization and new socialist rural areas. We should optimize city spatial structure and city governance, and we should increase overall urban carrying capacity." It is clear that urbanization will be the core theme of China’s development in the next5-10years, the sustainable power for future economic growth and the key for expanding domestic demand.Marx and Engels, who are the founders of Marxism, paid close attention to urbanization, they elaborated the influence of town-country relationship on the quick and healthy social development. Marx and Engels pointed out:"if town-country relationship changes, the whole society changes accordingly". As the development of productive forces, integrated development of town and country will eventually be achieved."People can not be completely liberated from the shackles without the abolition of the antithesis between town and country". It reveals the importance of town-country integration in the development of human society.Lenin investigated Russian town-country relationship while leading Russian proletarian revolutionary and socialist construction. Lenin considered that it was impossible to abolish the antithesis between town and country in Capitalist Russia, because it was a great task closely related to the achievement of a communist society, therefore "we must set ourselves the aim of abolition of the antithesis between town and country"."In order to bring the benefit of development to the entire people, we must also enhance the learning of millions of rural population, and eliminate the ignorance of countryside".Stalin put forward the theory of town-country integration in the process of socialist construction. He considered that the origin of the antithesis between town and country was from Capitalism,"the antithesis between town and country under capitalism must be regarded as an antagonism of interests, which originates from the antithetical institution arrangement". Stalin stressed that, in order to abolish the antithesis between town and country and achieve town-country integration, regular relationships and exchange between town and country, between industry and agriculture, between industrial products and agricultural goods must be established".China is home to some of the earlies cities in the world, and she has long history of urban civilization with rich connotation, which has extensive and profound influence on China’s contemporary urbanization. After the founding of new China, productive forces were continuously liberated due to the establishment of Socialism, and tremendous progress was made in industrialization. The historical missions of balancing urban and rural development and promoting urbanization are highlighted, the process of urbanization therefore was reinitiated. Many urbanization modes appears in china because of the different location advantages, leading industries, dynamic mechanisms and spatial dimensions in different regions. Invaluable experience gained in the exploration of those urbanization modes paves the way for China’s contemporary new-type urbanization. Since the Reform and Opening-up in1978, particularly in2011, the urban population in china exceeded the rural population for the first time in history, and the urbanization rate reached51.27%. It indicates that China has transformed from a predominately rural society to a urbanized society. The development of the theory and practice of China’s new-type urbanization is the contribution of several generations of Chinese communists during China’s different historical periods of revolution, development and reform. Continuously developed and improved in practice, the theory of China’s urbanization is the important part of the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.Urbanization is an important part of modernization, and it is the trend of the human society development. It is an inevitable historical process for every country. Due to the difference in development level, as well as social and cultural factors, the urbanization processes in different countries vary greatly. Influenced by information, knowledge economy and globalization, world urbanization has been more human-centered with the characteristic of postmodernism-information, ecologization and internationalization. By analyzing the urbanization processes of typical countries in Europe, South Asia and Latin America, experience can be gained which can help us pursuit a more healthy road of urbanization.In contemporary China, New-type urbanization is defined as a historical process of the transformation from predominantly agricultural society to urbanized society predominated by secondary and tertiary-industry. New-type urbanization is different from traditional urbanization, the urbanization of western developed countries and the urbanization of third world countries."New-type" means not only new nature and new road of urbanization but also new methods and new ways to achieve urbanization. The new nature is embodied in the uniqueness of the road, institution and theoretical guidance. It shows that the new-type urbanization should be under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, should follow the guidance of Marxism and should adhere to socialist system and road. The new ways to achieve urbanization is embodied not only in the coordinated development of large cities, medium-sized cities, small cities and towns, but also in balanced development of urban and rural areas, integration of urban and rural areas, coordination between urbanization and industry development, resource efficiency, environmental friendliness and harmonious development. The New-type urbanization is supported by new-type industrialization and integrated with infomationization.The theory of urbanization with Chinese characteristics is built upon "eight supporting pillars", Industrialization is the basic driving force for urbanization; Agricultural modernization is the endogenous driving force for urbanization; Development of tertiary-industry is the subsequent driving force for urbanization; Evolution of industrial structures is the core driving force for urbanization; To coordinate social and economic development of urban and rural areas; To scientifically plan the hierarchical system of cities; To adhere to the "market plus government" macro-regulatory mechanism; To explore urbanization mode according to local conditions, and to pursue resource-efficient, smart, green and low-carbon urbanization.China is a traditional agricultural country. With the advancing of industrialization and the deepening of the reform and opening up, China’s urbanization has reached a new stage of development in terms of urbanization level, rate, spatial distribution and urban system. The hierarchical system of cities including city clusters, large cities, medium-sized cities, small cities and towns has been preliminarily formed. However, the overall urbanization rate is low, and the urbanization process of China is still in its early stage of rapid development. Problems of employment, environment and institution occur when the rural population move to cites, which may impede the progress of urbanization.In order to promote healthy development of the new-type urbanization in our country, this thesis puts forward policy suggestions on six aspects. Adhering to the correct ideological guidance, strengthening the guidance for the development of social ideologies; Formulating overall plan of new-type urbanization and constructing a new measurement system; Speeding up the industry development conditions; Strengthening the infrastructure development of new-type urbanization and exploring new financing mechanism; Promoting the reform of management system and the transformation of the governance of local governments;Adhering to the environment-friendly urbanization.

【关键词】 中国新型城镇化发展政策研究
【Key words】 ChineseNew-type UrbanizationDevelopmentPolicyResearch
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 12期

