

A Study on the Effectiveness of Enterprise Leadership Development

【作者】 程云

【导师】 王林昌;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 面对复杂、多变的内外部环境,领导力开发成为各企业共同的选择。企业领导力开发实施中,有效性是各企业关注的核心问题。本研究分三个主题分别探讨了企业领导力开发的有效性:领导力开发对企业绩效的作用机制、企业领导力开发体系构建、领导力开发项目设计与实施。领导力开发对企业绩效的作用机制上,本研究在文献分析及理论研究的基础上提出了领导力开发与企业绩效关联机制的框架与研究假设。接着参考已有的研究成果,输出初始问卷,并获取81个有效样本进行了问卷信度、效度分析,对问卷进行完善形成最终问卷。然后以国内企业为对象,进行问卷调查,共获得233个有效样本进行数据分析,对相关假设进行验证。研究表明:领导力开发对企业的财务绩效、非财务绩效的影响都不显著;领导力开发的几个维度(个体层面的人力资本开发、实体关系层面的社会资本增进、组织情境层面的组织资本支持)对企业财务绩效、非财务绩效的影响也不显著;在领导力开发与绩效之间的中介变量是组织领导力、战略制定与执行、变革型领导行为、企业文化的适配及同化;企业领导力开发对组织领导力、战略制定与执行、企业文化同化与适配有正向影响;企业领导力开发通过战略制定与执行、企业文化的适配及同化影响间接企业绩效;企业领导力开发通过组织领导力影响变革型领导行为,进而影响企业绩效。企业领导力开发应与企业战略制定与执行、企业文化适配与同化有效结合,或致力于提升企业组织领导力,才能有效贡献绩效。在企业领导力开发体系上,首先,本研究基于如上研究结论,以及文献分析,提出企业领导力开发体系构建中应该包括这样一些关键要素:领导力的需求及差距、领导力开发策略、领导力开发框架及方案、领导力开发支撑系统。其次,本研究基于理论分析,提出了企业系统化实施领导力开发的相关假设,并通过对233个企业问卷调查的有效样本数据分析进行了验证。分析表明:领导力开发项目对组织领导力正向影响的程度低于个体层面的人力资本开发对组织领导力的影响;领导力开发项目对领导力正向影响的程度低于领导力开发对组织领导力的影响程度。同时领导力开发各维度对领导力的影响程度低于领导力开发对组织领导力的影响。领导力开发支撑体系对领导力开发有正向影响。这些数据分析表明:其一,企业领导力开发的框架与体系应包含个体层面的人力资本开发、实体关系层面的社会资本增进、组织情境层而的组织资本支持三个方面,企业有效的领导力开发不应只聚焦于其中某一个方面;其二,个体层而的人力资本开发,不应仅聚焦于领导力开发项目,而应与人力资源管理职能其他活动紧密结合,系统配套;其三,建立起支撑领导力开发的组织、流程、能力及IT平台,是企业领导力开发得以有效实施的基础。这些分析均体现了企业领导力开发活动的系统性,即企业有效的领导力开发应体现为一个整合各相关要素的系统。企业领导力开发实践,应从多个方面出发,系统推进。在企业领导力开发项目设计与实施上,本研究采用案例研究的方法,先基于前述研究结论通过理论分析提出企业领导力开发项目有效设计与实施有效途径的假设,接着通过对某企业研发基层管理者领导力开发实践约五年时间的观察、二手数据的分析,以及对另外6个欧美企业领导力开发的案例的文献分析,对假设进行验证。研究表明:其一,有效的领导力开发项目在目标设定上除个体层面的人力资本开发外,还应包含实体关系层面的社会资本增进、集体情境层面的组织资本发展,更多地面向组织,支撑企业战略执行,而不应局限于个体的发展;其二,企业出于对有限投入下效果最大化的追求,趋于在领导力开发项目上谨慎投入,只聚焦于战略执行的重点人群,在其工作的关键阶段施加必要的干预;其三,领导力开发项目在内容选择上应聚焦战略执行对于关键角色的期望和要求及角色实现所需的关键能力;其四,在开发方法的选择上,有效的领导力开发项目会综合采用多种方法,并让参与者尽可能获得直接经验,及与现实工作场景更紧密结合;最后,领导力开发项目设计与实施中,应由参与者承担起领导力提升的责任,自我设定目标,制定及执行计划,企业有计划的干预活动只是提供相应的支持和辅助。“领导力开发对企业绩效的作用机制”从理论角度分析了企业领导力开发如何有效的问题。“企业领导力开发体系构建”和“领导力开发项目设计与实施的有效途径”则从实践角度回答了领导力开发如何有效的问题。“企业领导力开发体系构建”从宏观层面回答了企业有效领导力开发所应关注的各要素及各要素的具体实施策略。“企业领导力开发项目的设计与实施”则从微观层面,提出了企业有效领导力开发项目在目标设定、受众确定、内容选择、方式方法上的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Leadership development has become a common choice for all enterprises to seek growth in the complicated and ever-changing internal and external environments. During the leadership development process, effectiveness is a core issue of common concern to enterprises. To this end, this study aims to explore the effectiveness of enterprise leadership development in three sections:the mechanism through which leadership development influences enterprise performance, enterprise leadership development system, and leadership development program design and implementation.Concerning the influence mechanism, this study builds a framework that demonstrates the relationship between leadership development and enterprise performance and proposes hypotheses based on the analysis of related theoretical research. By referring to the existing research results, the author designed a preliminary questionnaire and analyzed its reliability and validity through81valid samples, thereby finalizing the questionnaire. The finalized questionnaire was sent to enterprises in China and statistics about233valid samples were collected for analysis to prove the hypotheses proposed. By analyzing the survey results, the author has reached the following conclusions:Leadership development has no obvious influence on the financial or non-financial performance of the enterprises. None of the leadership development dimensions, including human capital preparation of individuals, social capital increase among entities, and organizational capital development in an organizational context, has obvious influence on the financial or non-financial performance of the enterprises. Enterprise leadership development has positive influence on organizational leadership, strategy development and execution, and corporate culture adaptation and assimilation, and shapes transformational leadership through organizational leadership. Indirect influence on enterprise performance is generated by enterprise leadership development through organizational leadership, strategy development and execution and corporate culture adaptation and assimilation. Enterprise leadership development should align with the strategy development and execution and corporate culture adaptation and assimilation.Regarding enterprise leadership development system, the study lists the key elements shall be involved in an enterprise leadership development system, including leadership needs and gaps, leadership development strategies, leadership development framework and solution, and leadership development support system. On the foundation of the aforesaid theoretical analysis, the author proposes the hypotheses on the systematic leadership development for enterprises and proves these hypotheses through statistical analysis of233valid samples from enterprises. The results show that leadership development programs have no obvious influence on leadership development or organizational leadership. The positive influence of leadership development programs on organizational leadership is less than that of human capital preparation of individuals or leadership development. In addition, influence of each dimension of leadership development on organizational leadership is smaller than that of leadership development. Besides, the leadership development support system has positive influence on leadership development. All the analyses lead to the following conclusions:1) The framework and system of enterprise leadership development shall cover all leadership development dimensions instead of one dimension only.2) Human capital preparation of individuals shall be closely related to and systematically aligned with activities of human resource management functions rather than only focusing on leadership development programs.3) The basis for effective enterprise leadership development is establishment of organizations, processes, capabilities, and IT platforms that support leadership development. To sum up, these analyses all highlight the importance of systematic enterprise leadership development activities. That is to say, effective enterprise leadership development requires a system that integrates all relevant elements. Enterprise leadership development practices shall cover all these elements and be implemented in a systematic manner. In terms of enterprise leadership development program design and implementation, this study employs a case study method to prove the proposed hypotheses. Specifically, the author observed the leadership development practices of junior-level R&D managers of an enterprise for about five years and analyzed second-hand data as well as articles on six leadership development cases of enterprises in Europe and the United States. According to the research results:1) An effective leadership development program should be aimed at social capital increase among entities and organizational capital development in an organizational context in addition to human capital preparation of individuals, so that the program focuses more on organizations rather than individual development and supports the strategy execution of the enterprise.2) To ensure optimal results with limited investment, enterprises tend to be cautious in investing in leadership development programs and only focus on key groups responsible for strategy execution. Even for these people, development interventions are only conducted during their key work stages.3) During content selection for leadership development programs, enterprises should stress the expectation and requirements for key roles in strategy execution and key capabilities required for role realization.4) In terms of development method selection, an effective leadership development program comprehensively employs multiple methods that enable participants to acquire direct experience and is well integrated with real work scenarios.5) During the implementation of leadership development programs, the participants should be responsible for leadership improvement, set their own goals, and develop and implement the plans, while the planned interventional activities of enterprises only provide support and assistance.To wrap up, the "the mechanism through which leadership development influences enterprise performance" section theoretically analyzes how leadership development influences enterprise performance, while the "enterprise leadership development system building" and "effective methods to design and implement a leadership development program" sections answer this what kind of leadership development can influence enterprise performance. In addition, the "enterprise leadership development system building" section covers all elements and specific implementation strategy for each element of effective enterprise leadership development from a macro perspective, whereas the "design and implementation of leadership development programs for enterprises" section lists effective ways to set goals, determine target audience, select content, and employ methods for an effective enterprise leadership development program from a micro perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期

