

The Deep Analysis of Legitimacy of Citizen’s Rights

【作者】 张卨

【导师】 顾肃;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 外国哲学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 面对历史、现实和国内外的人权状况,发现不论是宪法上对权利的规定还是公民内心对自由和权利的渴望,都与实际相去甚远。尤其是公民在政治经济上应该享有的选举权、平等权、收入权、财产权以及最普遍的生存权等,常常被严酷的现实所否定。这就促动本文从理论和实践两个角度,对已有的权利理论,从自然性、人性、合理性、普遍性、特殊性、公正性和正当性等多个层面进行深入的分析论证。目的,既是旨在提升广大公民对权利的本质、内容、作用及其获得和维护的认识,也是旨在促动国家政权能够从政治经济、法律制度等层面为公民争取更多权利;保护和捍卫公民权利;杜绝对公民权利的践踏。具体内容包括:一、通过对公民权利的现实及权利概念演变历史的系统考证,深入阐释了公民权利的内涵、外延,以及公民权利、个人权利与社会权利之间的辩证关系。在综合前人对公民权利多元界定的基础上,多角度地陈述了已有的权利概念和理论。指出,一切合理的社会制度都应该保证广大公民必需享有自然权利、政治经济权利、文化权利、社会和法律权利等几种基本权利。二、针对数千年来,权力异化对公民权利的侵害、权力强势下的权利蜕变、符号化法权对权利的消解作用、权力对法权的支配地位,以及由此造成的官民之间权利的巨大差异等问题,展开全面批判。三、论证了公民权利的正当性以及判断公民权利正当性的原则和方法问题。主张:超越于政治权力的公民权利至少具有自然性、客观性、主体性,社会性,至上性,开放性、流动性、多元性和自在自为性等基本特征。其中,公民权利的人性化和个性化应是全部人权的最高本质,而且只有践行它,广大公民才会真正拥有人权。至于如何判断公民权利的正当性,至少应遵循四种相互关联的原则,即个人主义原则、先验主义原则、本质主义原则和对抗主义原则。至于评判公民权利正当性的途径和方法,非社会实践而莫属。因为只有通过广大公民的意志与行为,才能真正将自然的、肉体的人和精神的、道德的和法律的人有机地结合起来;并在这个结合点上,充分肯定人的自然权利、社会权利、个人权利、以及一切应该得到尊重的法定权利。四、由于公民权利总是内在地包含着微观权力的作用,因此要想确立公民权利与政治权力的正当关系,就需要强化微观权力,遏止滥用公权,增强斗争意识,捍卫公民的正当权利和权力。五、至于如何捍卫和维护公民权利的正当性,这需要遵循如下基本法则,即平等正义法则,自由快乐法则,责任义务法则,以及至真至善法则。在遵循上述法则的基础上,健全维护公民权利正当性的制度和法律保障;建立和完善民主政治,改变现代社会的权力形式,加强法制建设,树立法律理念,强化公民的主体人格和权利意识,保护多元文化和少数族群的公民权。六、在肯定公民的权利、义务和责任之间辩证关系的基础上,既要认清从个体权利到集体权利,从权利到责任的转变,以及权利与义务的疏离及统一,也要认清无论何时广大公民都不能使自己承担的责任和义务无条件地服从于权力。要确识:一切义务和责任行为都需要合乎道德要求、法律文本和权利规定,而且要与“可持续公民权”具有统一性。只有如此,广大公民才能真正做到:解放和主宰自身,不仅拥有自由的公民意识,也会日益拓展和突显自身的权利与个性。本文创新点:利用知识考古学和概念分析法阐释了公民及公民权利的内涵及历史变化。揭示了政治霸权和权力异化对公民权的侵害。论证公民权利的正当性主要在于公民权利的自在自为性、合人性及其至上性。由于公民权利内在地包含微观权力,因此通过强化公民权利,可以遏止滥用公权。通过坚持平等正义等基本原则可以维护公民权利的正当性。通过改变现代社会的权力形式和完善维护公民权利的法律保障,可以将可持续公民权变为现实。

【Abstract】 In the face of the situation of the historical, real, and domestic and foreign human rights, we found that both constitutional provisions of citizenship and the citizen’s inner desire for the freedom and rights, the citizen rights are far from actual situation. Especially the citizens’political rights to vote, the rights of equality, the rights of economic income and property, and the most common living rights nearly always are negated by the harsh reality. Thus, also actuates that writer of this paper analyses and argument in depth the existing theory of rights on account of the naturality, human nature, rationality, universality, particularity, fairness, justice and legitimacy, and other aspects of rights from two angles of theory and practice. Purpose, is designed to improve all citizens’awareness of the essence, content, role, gaining and maintaining of rights, and also is designed to actuate the state power can win over more rights for citizens in the multiple levels of the political and economic, legal system, and so on, protect and defend the citizens’rights, stopping for a violation of the rights of citizens. The concrete content includes:1. Through the system research to the reality of civil rights and the history of the evolution of rights concept, further illustrates the connotation and denotation of citizens’ rights, and the dialectical relationship between the citizens’ rights, personal rights and the social rights. On the basis of synthesizing predecessors’ multiple definitions of citizens’ rights, the concept and theory of existing rights are stated from a multitude of perspectives. To point out that all reasonable social system should ensure that the citizens have their natural rights, political rights, economic rights, cultural rights, social rights, legal rights, and the forms of several kinds of most basic rights.2. this paper gives a full critique to the disoperation of civil rights by alienation of power, the disintegration of rights under strong power, the resolution role of symbolizing legal rights to rights, the dominant position of power to legal rights, and the wide difference of rights between officer people generated from there for thousands of years.3. It arguments the legitimacy of citizens’rights and the principles and methods of judging civil rights’ legitimacy, argues that citizens’ rights beyond the political power have at least the basic characteristics of naturality, objectivity, subjectivity, sociality, orientation and mobility, openness, liquidity, pluralism, nature in self-for itself, and so on. Among them, the humanization and individuation of civil rights should be the supreme essence of all human rights, and only doing and practicing it, the all citizens will really have human rights. As to how to determine the justification of citizens’ rights, writer thinks that at least should follow four interconnected principles, namely individualism principle, a priori principles, essential principles and antagonism principles. As to judging the ways of civil rights’ justification, of course, should be the social practice. Because only through all citizens’ will and act, really realize the organic combination of the natural and carnal persons and the mental, moral and legal persons, and on this point, fully to affirm that people’s natural rights, social rights, individual rights, and all legal rights that should be respected.4. since civil rights always inherently contains the function of micro power, thus to establish the legitimate relationship of civil rights and political power, needs to strengthen the micro power, prevent abuse of public power, strengthen the consciousness of struggle and defend the legitimate rights and interests of citizens.5. As to how to defend and maintain the legitimacy of civil rights, which needs to follow these basic principles, namely the law of equality and justice, the law of freedom and happy, the law of responsibility and duty, as well as to the law of the most great truth and goodness, and strengthen and maintain the system and legal protection of the legitimacy of civil rights, establish and complete the democracy politics, change the form of power of modern society, strengthen the construction of legal system, set up the ideas of law, intensify the personality of the citizen’s main body and the consciousness of rights, protect the multi-culture and minorities’citizenship on the basis of following the above rules.6. It is need to identify the transformation from the individual rights to collective rights and from the rights to responsibility, as well as the alienation and the unification of rights and obligations, also need to see whenever the citizens can’t make the responsibility and obligation, which are bore by them, obey unconditionally the power on the basis of the affirming the dialectical relationship of the citizen’s rights, obligations and responsibilities. It is need to really know that all the behavior of obligations and responsibilities need to conform to certain moral demand, legal text and right rule, and need to possess the unity to the sustainable citizenship. Only so, all citizens really can achieve the liberating and dominating themselves, not only have the civil consciousness of freedom, also expand and highlight increasingly their rights and individuality.The innovation points in this paper:it illustrates the connotation of citizens and civil rights and the historical change, reveals the violations of the political hegemony and power dissimilation to civil rights using the concept of knowledge archaeology and the method of analysis. It demonstrates that the legitimacy of civil rights mainly lies in the nature in-itself and self-behavior, humanity and its orientation of citizens’ rights. Due to the civil rights inherently contains micro power, so the abuse of public power can be prevented through enhancing citizens’ rights. The legitimacy of citizens’ rights can be maintained by insisting on the basic principles such as equality and justice. The sustainable citizenship can become to reality by changing the power forms of modern society forms and perfecting the legal protection of maintaining civil rights maintenance.

【关键词】 公民权利法权正当性权力责任义务
【Key words】 citizenrightslegal rightslegitimacypowerresponsibilityobligation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】D621.5
  • 【下载频次】693

