

Identity Construction and Masculinity

【作者】 浦立昕

【导师】 杨金才;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 英语语言文学, 2013, 博士


【摘要】 在美国文学史上,舍伍德·安德森(Sherwood Anderson,1876-1941)以《小城畸人》(Winesburg, Ohio,1919)一举成名,确立其经典作家的地位。近百年来的安德森研究大多围绕《小城畸人》展开,探究“畸人”(grotesque)身份与历史语境之间的关系。当时的美国经历由自耕农和手工匠人为主导的农业国向以机器化大生产为主的工业国的历史转型,转型时期的个人身份和社会变迁之间的矛盾是造成“畸人”的原因之一。在具体研究中,对于女性形象与性别身份着力较多,取得了丰硕的成果;相比之下,对于男性形象则关注不足,而男性形象是安德森小说中不可忽略的一面。美国社会转型时期的“拓疆运动”结束、流水线生产、消费文化盛行等对传统的男性气质观念带来一定的影响,这不仅在个体层面引发男性气质危机,也在社会层面引起美国文化“女性化”的焦虑。男性形象如何通过身份建构来应对转型时期的危机与焦虑就成为一个值得研究的问题。受到女性主义与性别研究的影响,男性气质研究兴起于上世纪后半期,渐渐成为研究热点之一。男性气质研究力图从理论上构建一个性别研究理论,从不同视角来探讨社会性别问题,关注并强调男性性属、性别关系和身份关系的社会文化分析。这为文学研究提供一个新的不同的路径,也为解读安德森作品,尤其是长篇小说中的男性形象提供一个新的视角。通过对美国男性气质演变历史的梳理,齐梅尔(Michael S. Kimmel)细查男性气质图谱与社会生产变迁之间的有机联系,他提出的“英雄工匠”(Heroic Artisan)男性气质的概念对展开安德森笔下的男性形象研究有着一定的启迪作用。安德森长篇小说中的父子关系和父亲形象都有一个衍变的过程,他对于“英雄工匠”男性气质的考量贯穿于整个过程之中。安德森重塑父亲形象,赋予其新的社会身份,使之变成一个具有“英雄工匠”男性气质的讲故事的人。这体现他对当时美国社会文化的思考,父子关系和父亲形象也成为一种隐喻。前者隐喻作者之于作品、国家之于个人的关系,后者则是安德森对于个人作者身份和美国国家身份的构想。这代表安德森对转型时期美国男性气质危机与美国文化“女性化”的焦虑的一种积极回应。这种回应从描述父子关系与重构父亲形象开始,并延伸到作者与作品的关系以及作者身份、最终扩大到其对国家身份问题思考。在《温迪·麦克弗逊的儿子》、《基特·布兰顿》、《一个讲故事人的故事》、《回忆录》等长篇小说中,安德森着力描写父子或父女关系,刻画不同父亲形象,调适父子关系,重构父亲身份,使之由失败的父亲形象成为一个集历险者、手工匠人、讲故事的人于一身(adventurer-craftsman-storyteller)的新的形象。这不仅表现作者对父亲渐生的同情和理解,还意味着对父亲身份的重新定位,其核心在于把父亲重构为一个具有“英雄工匠”男性气质的讲故事的人。这不仅可以在心理上应对由失败的父亲形象所引发的男性气质危机,还可以通过彰显“英雄工匠”男性气质,构成对于“自我形塑”男性气质的质疑和反思。此外,新的父亲身份还承担“父名”(the Name-of-the-Father)作用,帮助安德森获得主体位置,建构自我身份。安德森重构父亲身份也隐喻其重构作者身份的努力。针对当时评论界对其长篇小说创作的质疑,安德森努力在《多种婚姻》和《基特·布兰顿》等作品中不断实验和调整写作技艺,前者“抒情小说”的特点、以及后者双重叙事(者)和碎片化叙事都是这种努力的结果。安德森不仅以此批评当时出现的标准化写作的现象,而且还积极回应评论界对于其长篇小说创作的质疑,建构长篇小说家的作者身份。安德森认为标准化写作,犹如标准化的流水线生产会导致工人创造性下降而削弱男性气质,会也导致作者身份的男性气质不足。他积极调整和实验长篇小说创作,这不仅是他描绘自己的男性气质的手段,也是一种自我塑造(self-fashioning),目的在于重构作者身份。男性气质危机不仅是转型时期的个人问题,也是国家问题。在由农业的美国向工业的美国的转变中,国家身份中原有的男性气质有所削弱,也产生美国文化“女性化”的焦虑。《暗笑》等文本体现了安德森对此现象的深度思考,小说中斯庞齐·马丁的人物形象以及黑人描写,分别代表“英雄工匠”男性气质与原始主义思潮。原始主义思潮借助种族(黑人)文化弥补转型时期的男性气质不足,而“英雄工匠”通过“生产性劳动”可以重振和彰显男性气质。这两者不仅有助于重振美国男性气质,应对美国文化“女性化”焦虑,而且还可以缓解美国国家身份中男性气质不足的压力。同时,“英雄工匠”形象还体现出杰弗逊式的重农思想,与美国传统的、男性色彩浓厚的国家身份相连,这也表现安德森对转型时期国家身份的思索与构想。在父亲身份的重构过程中,原有的失败的男性气质转变为令人尊敬的“英雄工匠”男性气质。在个人层面上,安德森以此确立自身的讲故事的人的身份,并通过写作来承担“父名”的作用,确立自己的主体地位:重构父亲身份也暗示其重构作者身份的努力,并以此回应评论界对其长篇小说创作的消极看法,展示文学上的男性气质。在文化层面上,这也隐喻安德森对于转型时期美国国家身份问题的思考。“英雄工匠”男性气质和原始主义不仅可以缓解美国文化“女性化”的焦虑,还可以重振国家身份中的男性气质。

【Abstract】 Sherwood Anderson, as a major American writer, achieved his fame with the publication of Winesburg, Ohio in1919. Since then, most of the critical writings on the author have been concentrated upon the writing techniques and themes in Winesburg, Ohio, centering on the grotesque. It is generally acknowledged that the dramatic transformation of the United States from an agrarian country into an industrialized one led to the birth of the grotesque, which embodied the crisis of individual identity in that period. Experts have examined greatly the issue of individual identity, especially that of women. Undoubtedly, the academic work has significantly enhanced the value of Sherwood Anderson study. However, a multi-faceted and multi-layered study of the American novelist necessarily calls for an extension from women figures to men images in his fiction. At the turn of the20th century, social transformation went with Frontier closure, Streamline production and consumption culture, etc., which resulted in masculinity crisis and the anxiety over the feminization of American culture. Then, how men images in Sherwood Anderson’s fiction respond to such crisis and anxiety?Benefiting from feminism and gender studies, masculinity studies arose in the second half of the20th century. It visions on the relations between male identity and class, gender and race. This approach provides literature study with a new perspective, and, to some extent, it establishes a theoretic framework for the dissertation. This dissertation also uses Heroic Artisan as a core concept, a term put forward by Michael S. Kimmel in Manhood in America:A Cultural History. The dissertation examines the relationship between father and son and the fatherhood in Sherwood Anderson’s novels, explores the evolution and significance of the fatherhood, and argues that the reconstruction of fatherhood is a method to establish Sherwood Anderson’s identity as a storyteller and novelist. Metaphorically, the relation between father and son symbolizes that between the author and his works, nation and the individual, and the reconstruction of fatherhood implies the author’s thinking of the authorship and the nationality. This speculation is also a positive reaction to the American masculinity crisis and the feminization of American culture. The reaction begins with the description of the relationship between father and son and the reconstruction of fatherhood, which extends into the relationship between the authorship and his works, and finally to the nationality and its image.Chapter One examines the relations between father and son/daughter in Windy McPherson’s Son, A Story Teller’s Story, Kit Brandon, Sherwood Anderson’s Memoir and other novels by Sherwood Anderson. This chapter points out the author endeavors to reconstruct a deficient father into an adventurer-craftsman-storyteller, and argues that this reconstruction means the writer’s psychological reconciliation with his father, and indicates the imagination and projection of his own identity in the fiction, in other words, a storyteller. This chapter also employs the Name-of-the-Father, a term by Lacan, to analyze the significance of the reconstruction of fatherhood. The reconstruction of fatherhood as a storyteller characteristic of Heroic Artisan, not only releases the anxiety about the deficiency of manhood caused by the defeated paternal image, but also embodies Heroic Artisan manhood. It challenges the Self-Made Man in the history of American manhood, which was still dominant at the turn of the20th century.Chapter Two concentrates upon Many Marriages and Kit Brandon, and scrutinizes Sherwood Anderson’s various adjustments and experiments in his novels. The former makes a feature of "lyric novel", the latter double-narration and fragmentized narration. Both of them indicate the author’s attempts to pursue variations in the fiction, and to reconstruct his identity as novelist. Consequently, he hopes to respond to the query upon his competence of novel writing from the critics. The reconstruction of authorship positively reacts against the standardization of writing in the literary world at that time, which would deprive the writers of manhood. Therefore, the reconstruction of authorship as Heroic Artisan is not only a kind of self-fashioning but also a method to portray and manifest Sherwood Anderson’s literary manhood.Chapter Three discusses in detail the image of Sponge Martin and the description of African Americans in Dark Laugher, which respectively symbolize Heroic Artisan and primitivism. Both of them contribute greatly to rebuilding American manhood that went feminized because of dramatic social transformation. The restlessness and anxiety came up in the shift of the United States of America from an agricultural country to an industrialized society. The former puts itself upon the basis of Thomas Jefferson’s ideal of agrarian republic while the latter mass production and consumption. Social transformation led to American manhood crisis and the feminization of American culture, which also brought about the anxiety in nationality. Primitivism and Heroic Artisan are of great importance to respond to American manhood crisis and the feminization of American culture, and to reshape and restore manhood in American nationality.Sherwood Anderson’s fiction focuses upon the reconstruction of fatherhood from a deficient fatherhood to a respectable Heroic Artisan. Individually, the transformation of fatherhood provides Sherwood Anderson with an identity as a storyteller and novelist. In this process, writing shoulders the responsibility of Name-of-the-Father for him. The reconstruction of fatherhood implies his effort to re-establish his authorship as a novelist, and to rebut the critics’rebukes of his novel-writing competence. Furthermore, this authorship will exhibit his literature manhood as Heroic Artisan to fight against the standardization of writing in his time. Nationally, the reconstruction of fatherhood implies Sherwood Anderson’s meditation and reflection upon American nationhood in the period of social transformation. Heroic Artisan will relieve American manhood crisis, and eliminate the anxiety of the feminization of American culture. Heroic artisan, along with primitivism, is of great help to deal with American manhood crisis and the feminization of American culture, and to reconstruct masculinity in American nationality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【下载频次】1087

