

Foreign Bank Entry in China:Determining Factors, Developing Strategy and Influences on Local Banks

【作者】 郭颂

【导师】 吴先明;

【作者基本信息】 武汉大学 , 企业管理, 2013, 博士

【摘要】 20世纪90年代中期以来,外资银行明显加快了国际扩张的步伐,其扩张的规模之大、速度之快、影响之深,引起了各界的广泛关注。同时,无论从外资银行的角度,还是从东道国的角度看,外资银行扩张行为都出现了巨大转变,具体体现为:由以往只进入发达国家转变为大量进入发展中国家,在进入动因、相对效率、进入方式、战略规划、客户选择等方面外资银行也呈现截然不同的新特征。随着中国加入WTO,自2006年起,外资银行进入我国的法律框架基本形成。根据相关规定,外资银行可以享受国民待遇,办理人民币业务不再有地域和客户限制。同时,我国的本土银行及其监管也发生了重大变化,银行性质由传统的专业性银行逐步转变为现代商业银行;国内银行格局由大型国有银行独大转变为国有银行、中小股份制银行、外资银行群雄逐鹿;监管方面,也由过去的严格限制转变为逐步放松管制。在这种背景下,研究外资银行进入中国的决定因素、发展战略及对本土银行的影响,并据此探寻应对策略,对深化我国银行业改革、维护和促进我国金融机构健康发展具有的理论与现实意义。本文围绕外资银行进入的决定因素、发展战略以及对本土银行影响问题,遵循“文献回顾——现状描述——理论模型——实证研究——战略分析——案例研究——结论启示”的行文思路进行深入分析。第二章对外资银行进入动因、竞争战略以及对东道国银行体系影响等相关代表性文献进行梳理,分析现有的研究趋势和不足。第三章研究外资银行在我国的发展现状,分析了其在我国的主要形式、发展阶段以及发展的主要特征。第四章运用国际生产折衷理论,对外资银行进入中国的决定因素进行实证研究,并对相关理论进行验证,提出利润追逐是外资银行进入我国的主要动力,战略性投资将成为外资进入我国金融业的重要途径。第五章全面分析了外资银行在我国发展战略,主要研究了其定位战略、进入战略、竞争战略、本土化战略以及战略创新。第六章从当前主流银行发展规律及趋势出发,研究了外资银行进入的战略企图以及对我国本土银行重大影响,并对外资银行与我国本土银行的竞争优势进行了全面的比较分析。第七章分析了外资银行进入背景下我国本土银行战略举措,提出应从战略视角出发,推进本土银行的战略转型。第八章选择中国建设银行引进美洲银行的案例,探讨了美洲银行进入的动机、特点以及进入对建设银行的影响。通过研究本文得出以下结论:1.外资银行进入中国最主要的决定因素是利润导向,我国金融业的开放程度和金融政策对外资银行的进入有重大影响;2.短期来看,无论从资产规模还是市场占有率方面,外资银行对我国本土银行尚未构成实质性影响,但长期而言,外资银行的战略企图和经营模式将深刻影响我国本土银行的发展方向;3.以参股方式进入我国本土银行已成为外资银行进入中国金融业的重要途径,对于这种进入方式,需要区分外资银行是真正的战略投资者还是财务投资者,战略投资者对我国本土银行而言是长期稳定的战略伙伴,是合作和双赢的关系,财务投资者则仅以盈利为导向,单纯的财务投资者不仅不能对我国本土银行的发展起到促进作用,反而基于短期获利退出战略,他们往往缺乏进一步发展扩张的动力,并尽量减少资本性投入,进而产生负面影响。我国本土银行需要关注以参股方式进入的外资银行的长期价值取向,确保解决好利益冲突的平衡问题。本文创新之处体现在:1.分别从短期和长期两个视角来分析外资银行进入的影响。由于受到市场规模、业务领域以及客户资源限制,外资银行目前尚未具备与我国本土银行进行正面较量的实力,因此短期内外资银行主要采取与本土银行合作的方式进入中国市场;然而,长期来看,随着渐进性改革的不断深化,中国金融市场开放程度不断加强,国内金融市场竞争程度不断加剧,外资银行的战略举措以及盈利模式将逐渐而深刻地影响我国本土银行。2.弥补了企业竞争层面微观视角分析的不足,从金融产业系统的视角指出:外资银行进入对我国本土银行的影响研究,必须纳入我国金融业渐进性改革的框架。由于金融改革的渐进行,我国金融市场存在金融抑制的现象,而这种金融抑制有其历史渊源和内在逻辑。只有深入研究金融抑制对进入我国的外资银行的影响,才能全面把握外资银行进入对我国本土银行的影响。3.通过深入分析,明确了我国本土银行的发展趋势和发展战略。战略转型将是外资银行全面进入环境下我国本土商业银行的发展趋势。我国本土银行的战略转型主要体现在两个方面,一是盈利模式将发生重大变化。在客户获取方式上,传统的大客户导向将逐步转型为以核心企业为依托的全供应链客户导向;在盈利模式上,以传统的存贷利差为主要利润来源将逐渐转型为以中间业务和投行业务为主要利润来源;二是本土银行的拓展战略也将发生重大变化。在风险经营管理的能力不断加强以及综合经营能力不断提升的背景下,目前国内市场竞争更加激烈,我国本土银行将进一步加大国际化的步伐,而在这一进程中,创造性资产的获取将是本土银行国际化的重要理论基础。

【Abstract】 Since the middle of1990s, foreign banks have apparently sped up their pace of international expansion, the large scale, fast speed, and deep influence of which have caught wide attention from different sectors of our society. Meanwhile, either from the perspective of the foreign bank or the host country, the way in which the foreign banks expand has been greatly changed, which can be seen in the following aspects:a majority of foreign banks have began to enter developing countries while in the past they only enter developed countries. What is more, the reason, relative efficiency, way, strategic planning and customer selection of the entrance have showed distinctively new features.With china joining the WTO, since2006, the legal framework for foreign banks entering china has almost been accomplished. From then on, the foreign banks could enjoy all the interests the same as our native citizens, and there on longer existing area and customer restriction when going about RMB business. Meanwhile, our native banks have also been greatly changed, they have gradually changed from the traditional specialized banks into modern commercialized banks, from the large state-owned banks monopolizing the whole market into the competitive coexistence of state-owned banks, middle and small joint-stock banks and foreign banks. In the way of regulation, it has also been changed from the strict restriction in the past into gradual deregulation. Under such background, doing some research on the determining factors, strategic development and the influence foreign banks have on our local banks and thus coming up with some solving strategies respectively have some theoretical and factual significance in deepening the revolution of banks in China as well as preserving the healthy development of banks.In order to make thorough researches in the determining factors, development strategy of the entrance of foreign banks and the influence they have on local banks by following the structure practices in most of similar papers as "literature review-present situation-theoretical model-case study-empirical study-conclusions and implications". According to the above structure, we would finish our paper in eight chapters. In chapter two, we will comb the relevant and representative literature review about the reason, competitive strategy of the entrance of foreign banks and the influence the foreign banks had on host countries’banking system and thus analyze the disadvantages and tendency of the current research. In chapter three, we will do some research on the current developing situation of foreign banks in our country, during which we will analyze their main style, development stage and main features of their development. In chapter four, we will do an empirical study of the determining factors of why foreign banks enter china basing on the eclectic theory on international production. We will also testify some of the relevant theory through research and thus come up with the following two ideas, merely the pursuit of profit is the main force why foreign banks entering china and strategic investment will become the crucial way in which foreign bank enter the financial industry of china. In chapter five, we will do a general analysis of the developing strategy of the foreign banks in our country, we will mainly do researches on the foreign banks’orientation, entrance, competitive, and localization strategy as well as strategy innovation. In chapter six, we will do some research on the strategic aim of the foreign banks entering china and the influence they have on our local banks as well as do a thorough comparative analysis of the competitive advantages of foreign banks over local ones according to the mainstream banks’developing rules and trends. In chapter seven, we will analyze the strategic initiatives of our local banks with the background of foreign banks entering our market. We also come up with the idea that we will promote the strategic transformation of our local banks from the strategic perspective. In chapter eight, we will choose the construction bank of china bringing in bank from America as a case study and discuss the motivation. features of the entrance of America Bank and their influence on China Construction Bank.Finally, according to the above analysis, we have made the following conclusions.(1) The main determining factors of foreign banks entering China are profit-orientation. The degree of opening of our financial industry and the relevant financial policy has greatly influences the entrance of foreign banks.(2) In the short term, either from the scale of asset or the share of the market, foreign banks have not yet made substantial impact on our local banks. However, in the long term, the strategic aims and business models will greatly influence the developing trends of our local banks.(3) Jointing stock has become the important way in which the foreign banks entering the Chinese financial industry. As for this entrance method, we should distinguish whether the foreign banks are the real strategic investors or the financial investors. As for our local banks, the strategic investors are our stable strategic partners in a long time and we are in a cooperative and win-win relationship with them. However, as for the financial investors, they only take profits as orientation. Neither will the financial investors promote the development of our local banks, nor will they have the impetus for further expansion. What’s more, they will try their best to reduce the capital investment and thus have negative influence. Banks in china should pay attention to the long time value orientation of those banks which enter our market through stock joint and thus make sure solving the balance problem of profit conflicts.Then our paper could successfully reach the following points of innovation.(1) This paper has analyzed the influence of the foreign banks entrance from the long term and short term respectively. With the restriction of the market scale, the field of the business and the resource of the customer, the foreign banks have not owned the power to have face to face competition with our local banks; as a result, in the short term, the foreign banks will enter Chinese market by combining with the local banks of china. However, in the long term, with the deepening of gradual innovation, the opening degree of Chinese financial market has become deeper and deeper, the degree of the competence in local market has become fiercer and fiercer, and thus the strategic initiative and profit model will gradually and deeply make impact on our local banks.(2) The research on the influence of foreign banks’entrance on our local banks should be included in the framework of the progressive innovation of financial industry in our country. Because of the progressivity of the financial innovation, there exists the phenomenon of financial restriction in our financial market. What’s more, this financial restriction has its inner logic and historical origin. Only when we have thoroughly analyzed the influence of financial restriction on foreign banks in our country, can we have a comprehensive grasp of the impact of the foreign banks’entrance on our local banks.(3) Strategic transformation will be the state-owned commercial banks’developing tendency under the background that foreign banks have penetrated into china in large scale. The strategic transformation of our local banks mostly can be embodied into two aspects. The first one is the profit model will be greatly changed. In the way of customer acquisition, the traditional large customer-oriented banks will gradually been transformed into all supply customer oriented with key enterprises as their dependence. As for profit model, the traditional way of taking interest spreads of deposit and loan as the main profit source will be gradually transformed into taking intermediary business and investment bank business as the main profit source. The second aspect is the expansion strategy of the local banks will also be greatly changed. With the gradual enhancement of comprehensive management ability and risk management level, our local banks will further accelerate the pace of internationalization under the fierce domestic market competition. During this process, the acquisition will be the important theoretical basis for the internalization of our local banks.

【关键词】 外资银行决定因素战略中国市场
【Key words】 Foreign banksDetermining factorsStrategyInfluence
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 武汉大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2014年 05期
  • 【分类号】F831.2;F832.3
  • 【下载频次】2276

